The reason Americans don't like ACA is because hundreds of millions of dollars have gone into a propaganda campaign framing ACA as a bad program. The AstroTurf Tea Party was even created by AHIP to attack ACA on a demented definition of Liberty and Freedom. Americans react to the information readily available to them, they don't reason things out by themselves. It is obvious that Americans don't understand ACA because of the propaganda campaign, because when polled on aspects of ACA independently they actually like the program. So the foundation of the American People disliking ACA was built on a contrived propaganda campaign by AHIP that inundated the mass media that Americans consume. That's it.
That said, Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care is still vastly superior to ACA.
Additionally, if George Will is right about the Brave New World of Libertarianism that the Roberts Court will deliver to America in the coming decades, then the United States of America will no longer be a country worth fighting, and dying for.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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