Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Joe Arpaio Birther Probe Reveals Findings On Obama's 'Fraudulent' Birth Certificate (VIDEO)

This circus act is getting stale.

I have yet to see anyone produce the visa that President Obama's mother would have had to have to enter Kenya to give birth. No visa, no Obama's mother in Kenya. No Obama's mother in Kenya at the time Obama was born and the crazy old, Right Wing Sheriff is just wasting the entire nation's time with these Paranoid Right Wing Delusions.

The issue I raised above is so incredibly simple that even a Arizona Sheriff, from the middle of nowhere, should be able to figure it out.

(Oh, and in 1961 the visa would have been issued by the British since at that time we are talking the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, since Kenya didn't get its independence until December 12, 1963, and President Obama was born in Hawaii in August, 1961.)
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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