Sunday, July 08, 2012

Latest Jobs Report Underscores Unemployment Crisis

The United States has been in an undeclared Depression since the crash of 2008. Undeclared because those in American society that have the most to lose by there being a declaration of Depression, the Rich, Wall Street, and Bankers, have a bottomless pit of money at their disposal to influence both political parties as well as the Corporate Media. The problem is, controlling politics and perception will not cause the Depression to go away, only decisive action on fiscal and monetary policy will. We are currently in a state of suspended animation with the economic crisis, but looking around the world we see a slow motion disintegration of the Global Economic System. There is no good news from China, India, Japan, Brazil, the EU ... it's all a downward spiral. And since the United States has been the dominant global economy in the post WWII world, the other nation's economies are frozen in place due to the United States unwillingness to treat a Depression as a Depression. Faith Based economics will not win the day here, we need direct, heavy handed, government intervention to put the nation back on track, and all the hubris, and arrogance of wealth and power will not will a Depression to end.

If the goal is loss of stature, and social instability for the United States, we are well on the way ... this prolonged epidemic of unemployment, both here and abroad, is ample kindling to stoke a flame of global upheaval.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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