Friday, July 13, 2012

Mitt Romney Sitting Down With 5 Networks In Friday Interview Blitz

Oh what fun, where to start?

1) The irresponsible Fiscal Policies of Republicans, instituted from January 1995 until January 2007, when they controlled Congress, caused the Economy to Crash in 2008, under Republican President George W Bush, and put the nation into the Depression we are currently in. Translation: Not Obama's fault.

2) Since the swearing in of Ronald Reagan, in 1981, the direction of the United States was determined by Right Wing Republicans and Corporate Democrats ... the deterioration of the quality of life, economy, and infrastructure in the United States (i.e. Public School System) is their responsibility. Translation: Not Liberals or Progressives fault.

3) The Corporate Media is not Liberal. Translation: The Corporate Media is not Liberal.

4) Wealthy Right Wing Billionaires are happy to take a financial loss to get propaganda supporting their positions on the public airwaves. Translation: Success or Failure of AM Talk Radio is NOT Market Driven.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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