With the signing of EO12333 in 1981, President Reagan outsourced clandestine services of the CIA to the Private Sector in order the circumvent the Church Committee's prohibitions on the CIA's activities as revealed in the CIA's "Family Jewels" reports. Ostensibly, EO12333 was advertised as reining in the CIA's more controversial activities, but the Contracting Clause loophole allowed the CIA to retain off book, third party contractors to provide goods and services that the Agency wasn't required to officially account for, creating plausible deniability for the Agency if any untoward actions were to come to light,
So what has this to do with White House leaks?
Since EO12333 was put into effect 70% of CIA clandestine services has been outsourced to the Private Sector, meaning that leaks, even involving POTUS, could easily come from anywhere in the US Intelligence Apparatus depending on the political agenda of the leaker or the contractor he/she works for.
In other words, not even the White House can be completely sure where intelligence leaks are coming from anymore.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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