Thursday, July 26, 2012

James Holmes, Suspected Aurora Shooter, May Have Described Killings In Package: Report (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Here's a question ... how was this maniac not on Homeland Security's radar? I mean, forget the guns, this guy booby trapped his apartment with enough IEDs to take down his building, if not his whole neighborhood.

Here we are, nearly eleven years after the September 11th attacks ... we have this bloated Homeland Security apparatus that George W Bush implemented ... we have to take off our shoes at the airport, and allow TSA to fondle us, or view our nakedness on an X-Ray Spec screen ... the NSA is monitoring our communications ... AND STILL. STILL. This maniac, with his actions, did not trip any Homeland Security alarms.

Let's take a deep breath and say this all together:

"Homeland Security is a complete and utter failure, if not an outright fraud, and we are no safer today than we were on September 10, 2001"
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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