Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mitt Romney Booed At NAACP Convention For Saying He'd Repeal Obamacare (VIDEO)

"Let'em-Eat-Cakers", like Mitt Romney, and the Range Rover Posse that flooded the Hamptons the other day, live in a craven bubble of selfishness, and believe their acts of social cruelty are enlightened, and perfectly acceptable ... when they aren't.

Ending Obamacare will send millions of Americans into bankruptcy over health issues, and even cause the death of many. These attendees at the NAACP meeting are REAL AMERICANS, not Aristocratic Jet-setters, like Mitt Romney for whom the United States of America isn't really their nation, but just an opportunity for them to further aggregate wealth and power. No one in Mitt Romney's family, or in the families of his Aristocratic Internationalist Billionaire friends will ever face the crisis that getting sick in America, and being at the mercy of the For Profit Health Care Industry resolves to being. The people at this NAACP meeting, like millions of other true Americans, know the importance of the protections written into Obamacare.

For Aristocrats like Romney, repealing Obamacare is just a cute political device, for millions and millions of real Americans such a move equals poverty and death.

Enjoy the boos, Mitt, you've earned them.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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