Robin William's looks great as Ike.
I always think about how the US lucked out with Eisenhower, because he easily could have spent WWII as a POW in Japanese Prisoner Camp in the Philippines or Japan. Ike was part of MacArthur's staff in the Philippines when he was appointed Field Martial by Philippine Commonwealth President Manuel Quezon. Ike was tasked with making the antiquated War Plans Orange and Rainbow feasible if war should erupt in the Pacific. MacArthur was more interested in playing Shogun in his Penthouse at the Manila Hotel, then actually doing his job as Field Martial by building a functional Philippine Army, and preparing for war.
Eisenhower, and his partner Ord, were keeping each other sane under MacArthur's command. Unfortunately Ord was killed in a plane crash, and Ike, not wanting to deal with MacArthur anymore, requested a transfer back to Washington.
If it weren't for Ord dying, and Ike being fed up with MacArthur, Eisenhower may have been captured by the Japanese when Bataan fell ... then who knows how the war in Europe would have turned out.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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