I feel it is particularly unethical the way the FERPA Law, which is designed to protect the confidential information of students in universities and colleges, is being used by colleges to firewall off parents from their children so that Financial Aid officers at colleges can direct market financial products to kids in high school without parental oversight. Gin the college applicants, in some cases minors, up on the College, set them up with loans that will keep them in debt for decades, and dump the whole mess in the laps of the kids parents down the road.
"... but Mom, and Dad, the people at the college showed me how I can afford to go to their school. They explained how I can pay the $40,000 a year, out of State tuition. If you loved me you'd let me go!"
"I'm sorry sir, I can't tell you whether or not your child applied to our college. The FERPA Law is very strict about what information we can release about students. Even if they are minors."
In theory the FERPA Law makes sense, it practice it is a devious trick to empower student loan sales, and remove parents from the discussion ... and not only For Profit colleges are using this ploy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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