Thursday, January 31, 2013

Debt Limit Increase Approved In Senate Vote

Someone evidently explained to the Republicans what a Credit Event was.
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Chuck Hagel, John McCain Clash Over Iraq Surge (VIDEO)

I would have loved to see Hagel say,

"Well I'm certainly not an expert on crashing five planes, knocking an aircraft carrier out of service, and being captured by the North Vietnamese in terms of Military service, so, please, Senator McCain feel free to expound on your expertise."

I'm guessing Senator McCain is a Gold Star Member of the MICs "Bang For Your Buck" club.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Boomers: Let's Give Up Our Senior Discounts

You can't be serious. Seniors who are barely making it on retirement income should give up discounts that are more necessity than perk? You need to recalibrate your thinking on what America is like for seniors.

Furthermore, the only reason Social Security is at risk of collapse is because certain political factions want it to collapse and have since it was signed into law. There are very easy fixes for Social Security, like eliminating the cap on contribution, that would make it solvent to the horizon. Social Security, like the Postal Service, is in trouble because it is being sabotaged, not because it is a failed system by any stretch of the imagination.
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U.S. Economy Shrinks For The First Time Since The Recession Ended

If we are unwilling to honestly diagnose the problem it is impossible to adequately address the problem. The crash of 2008 put the United States and the world into a global Depression. You can see it in the aggressive ways Central Banks and Finance Ministers are going after the economic issues their nations are confronting with no lasting positive results. War, and the business that supports it, is a core piece of the US Economy now, so as the wars continue to wind down more economic slowdown is going to aggregate with the current economic crisis in the US and prolong it. The United States needs to take a hard look at its economic system, for if our nation requires a war to power the economy in absence of other economic motivators we are a danger to ourselves and the rest of the world. So too, we can not rely on deregulation of the financial sector to continue the falsification of prosperity as a replacement for true economic activity. The stock markets are soaring ... great ... why?

I don't think an economy that relies on war and fraud to power it is sustainable. We should treat our Depression as a Depression and stop protecting a failed system simply because it serves to empower a small group of extremely rich people. That's not rational.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Neil Heslin, Father Of Newtown Victim, Heckled By Pro-Gun Activists (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

These Gun Zealots are lost in a tormented world of violent fantasy ... even humanity is beyond them it seems.
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Fox News Ratings Hit 12-Year Demo Lows In January Cable News Figures

Interesting bit of trivia, Fox "News" (2.3 mil) has less Twitter followers than Huffington Post (2.5 mil) ... that may hint at the demo problem Ailes has.
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The Non Zero-Sum Society

Unions are okay, but a Labor Party would be better at this point. We need to elect worker representatives directly to office, rather than have Unions begging for scraps from the major Parties that are conflicted by campaign contributions from Business.

I know this is an American impossibility. I understand our nation has arrived at a cul-de-sac of perfection where no other option is considered viable beyond what we have arrived at.

That said ...

Unions are okay, but a Labor Party would be better at this point.
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Marsha Blackburn Challenges Obama To Skeet-Shooting Contest (VIDEO)

Some hunt with their guns, others shoot skeet ... most keep guns in case a chance to commit "justifiable" homicide arrives.
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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Aaron Swartz, Financial Fraud and the Justice Department

The responsibility of the Justice Department, it seems, is to prosecute whistle-blowers, and let high profile criminals slide.
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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ted Cruz: John Kerry, Chuck Hagel 'Less Than Ardent Fans' Of Military

Unlike Senator Cruz, Senators Kerry and Hagel were members of the US Military and put their lives on the line in war.
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Bill Maher & Howard Dean Defend Obama Inauguration From GOP Panelists (VIDEO)

Everything must be in pretty, little boxes.

With all due respect to Governor Dean, it is possible to both reject the official story of the September 11th attacks as offered by the same Bush Administration that lied the United States into war in Iraq, and, at the same time, reject the idea that the US Government was behind the September 11th attacks.

And, frankly, the choice of either a radical Islamist Organization from the oil rich Middle East attacking the US, requiring invasion of said oil rich countries as a response ... or the evil, over-reaching, United States Government being behind the attacks ... sounds more like the choices someone on the Right would offer, than someone on the Left.
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Obama's Drug War: After Medical Marijuana Mess, Feds Face Big Decision On Pot

If Marijuana was legal, and widely available, there would be dozens of big ticket pharmaceuticals ... including ED medications ... that would be rendered obsolete. The War on Marijuana is a war for the benefit of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Don't get lost in the weeds on this issue ... so to speak.

And remember, the war on Marijuana (hemp) started because it was a threat to the paper pulp industry. Marijuana has always been a target due to the greater economics of the crop.
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Tom Harkin Retiring, Won't Seek Reelection In 2014

The message I take from this is that there is no place in the Corporate Conservative Democratic Party for Progressives. If Progressives want to influence America they need their own party so their ideas can be used to benefit the country, not just leveraged to get Corporate Conservative Democrats elected. The United States should have a two-party system, it has one, and this fact has been leading the United States down a very bad path for decades.
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Friday, January 25, 2013

From Fiscal Cliff To Debt Ceiling, Congress Governs From Crisis To Crisis

This is a traditional approach for Fascists that want to dismantle a free society. You make conditions in a society so stressful and chaotic in a multiphasic way so the population becomes so distraught they are willing to trade rights for stability ... all the while, of course, the Fascists will claim they are defending Liberty and Freedom as they actually dismantle it.
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Sarah Palin Out At Fox News

As soon as her alleged relationship with Glen Rice was exposed, Palin's Right Wing star power diminished. Surprised?
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John Boehner: Ending Abortion Is 'One Of Our Most Fundamental Goals This Year'

This proclamation underscores the fact the Republican Party has abandoned any pretense of engaging in actual responsible governance. Furthermore, Abortion is a critical wedge issue for Republicans, they can't afford to end Abortion, even if they really wanted to.
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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Whole Foods CEO On Climate Change: John Mackey Says Warming Is 'Not Necessarily Bad'

Making money, and success in business in general, is a skill ... just like solving a Rubik's Cube. We don't hang on every word spoken by a person simply because he can solve a Rubik's Cube. America's real problem is it is a Wealth Cult. In America many come to believe that the successful are anointed from on high with their position. In America attainment of wealth, by a businessman, artist, athlete, or even through inheritance imbues an individual with qualities of holistic excellence that aren't deserved.

Mackey is successful and obviously knowledgeable about his business (except, perhaps, in the area of PR), but that doesn't mean he has anything but causal understanding about topics beyond his business ... including Climate Change.

In America, we happily put the microphone before those deemed "achievers", that doesn't mean anything they have to say has value.
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Obama Reagan Comparison: The End Of One Era And The Issuing Of Another? (VIDEO)

We have to wait until President Obama's second term concludes until we canonize him as the "Liberal Reagan" or, even Liberal/Progressive for that matter. Many viewed President Clinton as a "Liberal", due to the trappings, but a review of the major legislation passed during his administration in no way reflects that.

Ask me again about President Obama in 2020, by then we will have a clearer picture of his legacy and true political alignment.
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Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell Reach Filibuster Reform Deal [UPDATE]

The Progressives tried. If Reid's agreement with McConnell results in more obstruction via the filibuster the next two years then the Democrats, not the Republicans, own it.
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Soledad O'Brien Grills Ron Johnson Over Reaction To Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony (VIDEO)

The four dead in Begazi are political props for Republicans, just like the border guard during "Fast and Furious" brouhaha.
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon At Davos: 'We're Doing The Right Thing'

In general, no State or aggregate of States, should allow an industry, any industry, power enough to collapse said State or States. The Financial Sector must be made subordinate to the nations it works within. There is no benefit to Man in a Financial Sector overlord, nor will a Financial Sector Overlord survive its own hubris in the long run, if it claims the Golden Bough for its own.
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Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO)

This hearing is obligatory for the Right Wing Republicans who felt that grave robbing Bengazi for political advantage would benefit them in the Presidential Campaign ... it didn't ... but you get Rand Paul hopping up and down one foot pretending to be somebody relevant, and John McCain can try to look something more than antiquated. Perhaps the Republicans can prompt Clinton into some video moments that can be used against her should she run in 2016.

What this hearing is not about is getting to the bottom of what happened in Bengazi, or making the families of those lost whole.

I think anyone rational recognizes the risks involved in working in the foreign service, intelligence community, or military. To think that any of these fields are a walk in the park is naive. Ambassador Stevens isn't the first lost to the maelstrom of an unsettled humanity and will not be the last. Bengazi was a tragedy, that is the only thing that truly matters. All the rest of the breast-beating, finger pointing, and righteous indignation on display by Republicans is base politics at its worst.

And I am certain that the families of those lost at Bengazi have more facts of what happened to their loved ones than the families of the thousands of military personnel lost in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ever had. Let's not kid ourselves.
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Hillary Clinton, Ron Johnson Engage In Heated Exchange At Benghazi Hearing (VIDEO)

The Right Wing degraded the loss of American lives in Bengazi when they turned the tragedy into a misrepresented, political chew toy. The Right only valued the lives of those lost in terms of the political ammunition their deaths provided ... the Right wanted their "CONSPIRACY WORSE THAN WATERGATE!!!!" dog-and-pony show ... and so here we are.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mitch McConnell On Obama Inauguration Speech: 'The Era Of Liberalism Is Back'

Perish the thought ... "The Era Of Liberalism is Back"?

You mean the era of prosperity and opportunity? The era of a secure and generous social safety net? The era of fully funded public schools and affordable colleges? The era of abundant, well paying American jobs? The era of strong unions, and products made with pride in America? The era of robust Arts funding, and scientific discovery that made the United States the envy of the world?

The Era of the American Dream within reach?

THAT Era of Liberalism?

We're doomed!!!!!
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PBS Frontline's 'The Untouchables' Investigates Lack Of Wall Street Prosecutions After Mortgage Crisis (VIDEO)

Here is my theory why no one big on Wall Street has been prosecuted for crashing the economy.

First, as we know, the GLBA and Commodities Modernization Act of 2000 pretty much eliminated all meaningful regulation of the Financial Sector and Markets ... with derivatives being unleashed from oversight. In 2003. Warren Buffett issued his derivatives are "Weapons of Financial Mass Destruction" warning ... at that point there were about 200 trillion in Derivatives in circulation in markets worldwide. Around the same time Wall Street thought it had discovered a surefire way to distribute risk in such a way that the markets were protected from a crash. This gave Wall Street new confidence to whip up derivative/CDS deals to the tune of 1.2 quadrillion dollars globally by 2008.

Then the crash happened in 2008 ... Bear Sterns and Lehman collapsed ... and Wall Street discovered that their distributed risk model was a failure.

In the hours ticking down to the TARP bailout Wall Street shares with the government how the derivative/CDS con was so Immense that if it were to unravel it would collapse the global economy ... all regions.

At this point the Government recognizes that the criminals that caused the mess were the only ones capable of preventing collapse.

At this point, the Criminals of Wall Street and the Financial Sector became indispensable.

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Mitch McConnell On Obama Inauguration Speech: 'The Era Of Liberalism Is Back'

Hmm, if the "transcendent issues of our era", are spending and debt then why did a Republican controlled government ... House, Senate, and Presidency ... from 1/2001 to 1/2007 put two unfunded wars, tax cuts for the rich, and Medicare Part D on the United State's credit card, driving up the debt and deficits?

Add to that, Republican fiscal policies crashing the economy in 2008, requiring TARP and Stimulus programs to combat the damage.

Seems McConnell is confused as to the origins of the United States debt crisis, and which party is responsible for it.
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Mitch McConnell On Obama Inauguration Speech: 'The Era Of Liberalism Is Back'

If the Republicans would stop sabotaging the economy and the legislative process then the deficits and debt, which are more a petty nuisance than a "transcendent issue of our era", would evaporate as the economy improved. The Right uses the "transcendent issue of our era" being debt and deficits as a weapon of ideology against Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid ... programs the Right has detested since they were signed into law.

Let us be clear, the American economy is in tatters due to the self defeating "Free Market" economic policies of Conservative Republicans and Corporatist Democrats, not because of the American People's Earned Benefit Programs.

The "Free Market" system is a farce and a failure ... it has never existed in the United States to begin with, and to truly attempt to implement it would result in complete economic collapse that a weakened US Government would be incapable of preventing, or aggressively recovering from.

A truly "Free Market" United States of America would be little more than a banana republic, of diminished wealth, and promise ... unworthy of global respect, or international leadership role.
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Paul Ryan: Obama Inauguration Speech Used 'Straw Man' Argument

I actually enjoyed the anticipatory "Hi Beyoncé, I'm here!" look on Ryan's face as he shuffled behind her at the inauguration. He looked like a goof. I wonder if Beyoncé ever acknowledged him?
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Filibuster Reform Is Top Item On 2013 Senate Agenda, Pledges Harry Reid

If the argument from the Democrats against Filibuster reform is:

"What if we become the minority ... then what will the Republicans do to us?"

I urge them to consider what Republicans just did in Virginia. Pushing through a pro GOP Redistricting Measure while a Democratic member of the legislature was in Washington DC for the inauguration.

Let us be clear, if the Republicans retake the Senate Majority, the very first thing they will do is modify the Filibuster so the Democrat Senate minority is unable to do to the Republicans what the Republicans have done to the Democrats via Filibuster abuse.

Sincerely, if the Democrats don't see that coming they are truly Pollyannas.

Reform the Filibuster Now!!! Dump the "Gentleman's Agreements" because the Senate isn't populated with Republicans who can be considered "Gentlemen".
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Monday, January 21, 2013

Phil Mickelson Taxes: Golfer Plans 'Drastic Changes' Over California, Federal Tax Increases

Mickelson's a Golfer, right? I prefer real sports, not games designed to make over-the-hill businessmen feel virile.
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As Washington Draws Inaugural Crowds, Republicans Leave

I found this interesting tidbit on a Red State blog from Daniel Horowitz:

"We can talk from now until tomorrow about unilaterally passing a good budget in the House, but if we are not going to use one of the points of leverage (debt ceiling/CR) to enforce it, the promise is worthless. Even if conservatives sign onto this deal, it’s about time they force leadership to grow out of their “fear of the dark” with brinkmanship. They must pass the Full Faith and Credit Act, which will force the Treasury to prioritize debt payments in the event that an agreement is not reached, as part of the bill this week."

So the Conservatives want a "Full Faith and Credit Act" to insure the Treasury will prioritize payments in order to limit blow back the the GOP caucus when they default or shutdown the government. Funny. How about the Treasury cut off all Federal payments and services to the districts that sent these Republican saboteurs to Washington in the first place? That way the voters who caused this mess pays for it first. That type of prioritizing works for me.
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Obama Takes Aim At Paul Ryan In Inaugural Address

Conservatives always attack "Tax and Spend Liberals", when the Conservative demonstrated approach since Reagan took office has been "Borrow and Spend".

To be accurate, what the Government does is "Tax and Provide".

The Government Taxes and Provides roads, and bridges; Hospitals; Airports, and the human infrastructure to support them and keep air travel safe; Public Schools, and Universities; Research into technological and medical advances ... and many, many more things I left out here, but would make American life far more harsh were the Government not to provide them on a non-profit basis.

There are no "Makers and Takers" in the US. There are citizens that pay taxes for critical services and infrastructure they take for granted everyday.

So "Tax and Spend" and "Makers and Takers" is nothing but ideological nonsense.

The United States has a "Tax and Provide" Government that benefits every rung of the economic ladder by doing so.
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Pundits 'Surprised' By Obama's Second Inaugural; Charles Krauthammer Calls It 'Amazing' (VIDEO)

Okay, once again, the minute a pundit compares the US Economy to the Greek situation they have destroyed their credibility on the topic. Anyone who understands the Greek Economic situation with anything more than an elementary school level background recognizes it is asinine to compare its situation to that of the US.

Furthermore, the job and economic situation in the United States has been damaged by the calculated political strategy by the Republicans in the House and Senate to sabotage the economic recovery in order to ensure that President Obama was a one term President ... a decision the harmed the lives and livelihoods of millions of American families, including their own constituents, but failed in denying President Obama a second term.

If Fox "News" wants to continue pushing false narratives their ratings will continue to crater, for playing their viewers for fools has already shown to decimate their standing as a "Fair and Balanced" source of news, even for conservatives.
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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Super Bowl XLVII: 49ers, Ravens Reach New Orleans Set Up Matchup Of Harbaugh Brothers

I wish Coach Walsh were here to enjoy this. GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!! (Or, should I say ... "The Forty F*ckin' Niners"?)
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Friday, January 18, 2013

Eric Cantor Makes Debt Ceiling Offer

There is a nifty little Ace the President has up his sleeve that guarantees Republican capitulation on the Debt Ceiling, and endless embarrassment for them if they continue to use this ploy. It's called a "Credit Event". A default on the US Debt would cause a Credit Event which would rip thorough the global economy like a McCullough Chainsaw, causing massive loss of wealth and cascading bank and business failures.

If the Republicans cause a Credit Event none of the current GOP Congresspersons and Senators will ever be allowed on a ballot again ... it doesn't matter how popular they are in their districts, they will be done in politics, and probably business as well.

The Republicans causing a Credit Event would be an unforgivable act beyond redemption.

The wise thing would be for the Republicans to do is just raise the debt limit and find another, lest dangerous, field of battle for the budget fight. There is no win for Republicans here.
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Eric Cantor Makes Debt Ceiling Offer

The United States is neither a Business, nor akin to an American Household ... the United States of America is a Sovereign State that coins its own money and imbues said money with value by doing so. To be clear, without the Sovereign Power, and Full Faith and Credit of the US Government greenbacks would be worthless.

That said, the Sovereign, United States of America needs neither a Debt Limit, nor an Operating Budget to function. In fact, both are impediments to taking the types of bold actions that only the US Government can engage in to move our nation beyond the current crisis. It is a myth to believe that "Free Market" Capitalism has been a savior for any but the few, who crave wealth and power at the expense of the rest of the society they rely on.

Though many try, it is impossible to monetize the power of the United States of America, for our nation exists above the petty and base rules of economics, always has, and as long as it is truly free ... always will.
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Paul Ryan: GOP Leaders Managing Expectations In Debt Ceiling Fight

There are some really wonderful ways to make the Republicans to pay a huge political price with their own constituents for these brinksmanship games. There are ways to make the constituents of these Red State Republicans feel an inordinate amount of discomfort in terms of the Debt Ceiling, Sequester, and Obstruction on the Continuing Resolution.

If I were in these Red State Republican's position, I'd get ready to crawl.
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Philippines: U.S. Navy Ship Stuck On Coral Reef

"It had just completed a port call in Subic Bay, a former American naval base west of the Philippine capital, when it hit the reef Thursday in the Tubbataha National Marine Park, a World Heritage Site in the Sulu Sea, 640 kilometers (400 miles) southwest of Manila."

Subic Bay is north of Manila not 640 kilometers south of it.

If the ship stranded on a coral reef in the Sulu Sea it is likely providing security for Exxon-Mobile's oil drilling there. The Sulu Sea is nowhere near Subic Bay.
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Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Says He Regrets Comparing Obamacare To 'Fascism'

I believe "Free Market" Capitalism should have free reign over the most irrelevant areas of society. I don't want Private Investors addicted to the Opium of Profit to degrade the infrastructure of the nation, and I view that as a National Security risk. If business wants to get into vigorous competition over Pizza Delivery, or Bowling Alleys, or Lawn Chairs, or even beer ... I'm cool with that. Infrastructure, Health Care, Prisons, Education, Energy, even Banking, no, that is self defeating for a nation and ultimately destabilizing to society.
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Will What Happens in Japan Stay in Japan?

As other people have mentioned, you can't separate the economics of Japan from its ongoing nuclear disaster. To say the crisis is behind Japan is not a statement of reality. Japan has to do something to get it out of its economic doldrums to satisfy the needs of international investors, even more than its own people, but to say Japan has turned a corner in terms of very real societal concerns arising from the meltdowns is to miss the big picture of where Japan actually is. Regardless, of what new steps are taken, Japan is in a very challenging period.
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Anderson Cooper Rips James Tracey For Newtown Conspiracy Theories (VIDEO)

Westworld Style Gun Rights Defenders have to attack any real world event that threatens their gun fetishism.
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Obama Gun Control Proposals Unveiled, Marking Biggest Legislative Effort In A Generation

I think hunters, target shooters, and collectors can be reasoned with ... but those who hoard guns and ammo in case an opportunity to commit an act of "justifiable" homicide arises?

Good luck.

Oh, and to those who think that gun show purchased arms will put them on equal footing with the US Military wielded by a Tyrant ... I'm laughing.
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George Burnett's I Love Drilling Smoothie & Juice Bar Adds $1 Surcharge For Liberal Customers

I'm sure a scoop from a local Utah cesspool would be just as appetizing as anything this "Entrepreneur" squirts out.
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Monday, January 14, 2013

Justice Clarence Thomas Speaks After Almost 7 Years Of Silence

Justice Thomas broke his seven year silence to say "Wait, where's my maple old fashioned? I don't see it."
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RNC 'Ballot Security' Restrictions Continue As Supreme Court Refuses To Lift Consent Decree

The GOP needs to understand that all American Citizens of voting age have the right to vote unimpeded not just White Republican Voters. I know that is a tough pill for some to swallow, but that's the way it goes.
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Behind The Curtain: House GOP Eyes Default, Shutdown -

The greatest problem the United States has is it's Elite. It is the Elite that is the only group in the United States that is allowed access to the exotic financial products which are basically just massive amounts of fraud. So, if the Elite pressures the GOP to default, and the ensuing market crash evaporates a large portion of the Elite's wealth as the various derivative Ponzis unravel ... it's all good from my perspective.

Please, GOP, crash the US economy ... in the long run it would be an unwitting patriotic action on your part.
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Colin Powell: GOP Holds 'Dark Vein Of Intolerance' (VIDEO)

White Racism in the United States is built on a false premise ... that the United States of America was once white, and then outsiders invaded and changed that. That is a lie. There is no time in American History that the country was a White Country. America has always been an aggregate of peoples. The United States would not have been able to proceed on a productive, evolutionary path without its diversity. The unspoken falsehood of White Racism is that, somehow, a birthright was stolen, That is false. The United States has always been an aggregate of peoples relying and building a future with each other. As soon as that true reality of the United States is embraced, racism of all stripes will melt away ... in some places, and in some ways, this is already happening, slowly.
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MIT Investigating School's Role In Aaron Swartz Suicide

"The final count alleges that Swartz caused "reckless damage" to computer systems owned by JSTOR and MIT. While both JSTOR and MIT suffered interrupted service to JSTOR's archive as a result of Swartz's downloads, there was no permanent technical dysfunction."

So MIT and JSTOR aided the prosecutor in driving Aaron Swartz to commit suicide for abusing their bandwidth? That's really something.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Obama Administration Rejects Platinum Coin Debt-Ceiling Solution

So the New Democrat Obama Administration takes the 14th Amendment and the Platinum Coin off the table an an act of unilateral disarmament that will corner it into cuts of the American People's Earned Benefits Programs. Nice.

The best way to win at a cockfight is to own both roosters. That's the way Wall Street plays it here, and the names of its roosters are The Republican Party and The Democratic Party.
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Assassination Of JFK: Robert F. Kennedy's Children Speak About Incident In Dallas

Many Americans mistakenly believe that John Wilkes Booth was a lone nut, when he was part of a greater conspiracy.

Political assassination has occurred with frequency in the US. US Labor Leaders were routinely assassinated during the 19th and 20th Century. Civil Rights leaders, likewise, were murdered. Political Assassinations have changed the course of American History. The assassination of William McKinley resulted in the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

Let's be clear, had RFK not been assassinated he would likely have become President of the United States of America. There would have been no Nixon, no elongation of the Vietnam War, no Watergate, No Ford, no Conservative resurgence that put Reagan in office.

I think it is safe to say the "Lone Nut" theory in JFK, MLK, and RFK's assassination is pretty weak.

Consider this as well, if RFK had become President he would have had the power to flip over many rocks to get to the bottom of his brother's assassination.
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Friday, January 11, 2013

Melissa Harris-Perry Defends Her Clarence Thomas Comments (VIDEO)

Maybe the clearest way to approach what MHP is saying is that no ethnic or racial group is monolithic in its ideological outlook. Based on the immediate manifestation of culture a person is brought up in they could find themselves on any point of the political spectrum. All Whites aren't Conservative or Liberal, so why would someone expect that to be the case in the African American community either? I may disagree with Herman Cain, or Alan Keyes, or Justice Thomas, or Ron Christie on their political ideology, but they are perfectly welcome to it.

As a San Franciscan, raised in a very diverse and culturally rich community, my perspective of what constitutes an American is very different from someone raised in other parts of the US. All of our viewpoints are valid within the context of American, whether we can relate to them, agree with them or not. Same with subgroups. There might be a commonality of History for African Americans, but it doesn't resolve to a uniform viewpoint.

People forget that even during the American Revolution only about 16% of the colonists participated. The majority of Americans sat on the sidelines and waited to see what happened. "Under the King? Okay. Independent Country? Okay."

Clarence Thomas represents Clarence Thomas. MHP represents MHP ... and so it goes.
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Joe Biden Talks Violent Video Games With Industry Reps In Wake Of Newtown Shooting

Say what you want about video game enthusiasts, but they also do some really cool things. Players of Blizzard's World of Warcraft raised over $2.3 million dollars for Sandy Relief through the sale of a "Cinder Kitten" in-game pet.
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