Thursday, May 31, 2012

Super PAC Donors Complain About Attention

Please ... altruists do not become Billionaires. The purpose of these rich old white men is to use their wealth to commandeer the US Political System to serve their own myopic needs. They are narcissistic predators who are completely motivated by self interest. To ascribe any virtue to their involvement in this Super PAC scheme is farcical.
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Things That Are Better Than Having Dinner With Donald Trump And Mitt Romney, According To Twitter

Being skinned alive and thrown on a pile of rock salt.
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DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Appeals Court

In a secular country by design, like the United States of America, any legislation that represents the ideological interests of a specific religion and promotes religious dogma of that group in the commons is by definition unconstitutional. As an Apathetic Agnostic American, I am only expected to tolerate the practice of religion by my fellow citizens, I am not obligated to allow their religious dogma to pollute my American experience. So, in short, of course DOMA is unconstitutional, as is DADT, and anti-abortion and anti-contraception legislation, for it is all driven by religious dogma, and the Constitution protects both the right to practice religion and the right not to.

It took a while, but this ruling on DOMA is just and in line with the Constitutional Design of the Founding Fathers. The place that religion belongs is in the hearts of the practitioners, and it should not infringe on the rights of other Americans who are non-affiliated with their belief system.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

GOP Outside Groups Plan $1 Billion Blitz

If we didn't permit American Citizens to become Billionaires we wouldn't have these problems. This issue can be easily corrected through taxation. Furthermore, the notion of geriatric billionaires is basically the punchline of a joke. Who are they kidding?
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Greece Euro Exit Would Prompt Greeks To More Than Half Their Income: Report

Nonsense, would the Drachma be worth less than the Euro? Absolutely, but regaining control of their own monetary policies would allow them to get the nation back on track. In the short run it will be harsh, to be sure, but the long term benefit of the Greeks being able to chart their own economic destiny will offset any initial pain.

And I see another opportunity for Greece, for when it exits the Euro Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and perhaps even France will follow their lead. All of these nations are way over their head and would benefit from regaining control of their individual monetary policies. I can see how a bloc of "EU Pariah States" could form a trading bloc amongst themselves to provide economic activity for one another.

These are just scare tactics directed at Greece, better short term pain than long term status as indentured servant to the ECB.
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Monday, May 28, 2012

Obama Memorial Day Ceremony: President Honors Fallen Troops

Had we taught the lessons of the Philippine American War and the failed American Colonial/Commonwealth relationship with that country, rather than suppressing it, there would never have been a war in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan.

Soldiers don't choose their mission, civilian politicians do and we have lost many soldiers, and killed many civilians who never were a threat, simply because we allowed the frivolity of politics and commerce to lead our nation to war.

Our soldiers in Vietnam were sent their for no good purpose. To denigrate them is to blame the victim. Those who should be denigrated are the politicians and business men who viewed unnecessary wars, and the squandering of innocent lives as a positive for them. And the American people are worthy of scorn, as well, because even with the life and death consequences of war, they can't be bothered to interrupt their busy schedules of nothingness to consider whether or not war is the proper path. As they say, the banality of evil.
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As Goes Greece

The EU tried to make an example of Greece, and The People of Greece are about to make an example of the EU. Tyranny Always Fails.
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Richard Leakey: Evolution Debate Soon Will Be History

Science builds its argument by methodically, acquiring and analyzing hard evidence to reach a conclusion. Religion presents mythological fables and demands they be accepted as fact without supporting evidence presented. I'll stick with Science.
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Chris Hayes: I Feel 'Uncomfortable' Using 'Heroes' To Describe Soldiers Killed In Action (VIDEO)

An example of a hero from WWII in Bataan, Philippines.

Congressional Medal of Honor

Awarded Posthumously


Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, 45th Infantry, Philippine Scouts.

Place and date: Near Bagac, Bataan Province, Philippine Islands, 3 February 1942.

Entered service at: New Ulm, Minnesota.

Born: New Ulm, Minnesota.

G.O. No.: 11, 5 March 1942.

When the rifle platoon of another company was ordered to wipe out two strong enemy machinegun nests, 1st Lt. Bianchi voluntarily and of his own initiative, advanced with the platoon leading part of the men.

When wounded early in the action by two bullets through the left hand, he did not stop for first aid but discarded his rifle and began firing a pistol. He located a machinegun nest and personally silenced it with grenades.

When wounded the second time by two machinegun bullets through the chest muscles, 1st Lt. Bianchi climbed to the top of an American tank, manned its antiaircraft machinegun, and fired into strongly held enemy position until knocked completely off the tank by a third severe wound.

Here is a link to Medal of Honor citations, where examples of acts of heroism are defined:
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'Star Wars' v. 'Lord Of The Rings': What's The Best Movie Franchise Of All Time? (VOTE)

I'm going with LOTR for a reason that maybe only George Lucas can confirm. I believe that, in ways, LOTR inspired Star Wars to begin with. For its era nothing surpassed Star Wars, but I would also say that the original Planet of the Apes, in 1968, was a tremendous feat in its own right ... even when compared with 2001:A Space Odyssey.

When I pick LOTR, I weight heavily the fact that Peter Jackson, with a few glaring exceptions (like the excising of Tom Bombadil) stayed true to Tolkien's works and really brought the trilogy to life within the confines of the film, which is generally stifling to works of literature when translated to the screen. Peter Jackson's bravery in translating a beloved work of fiction to the screen in a well received way was a tremendous feat. That is why, I favor LOTR over Star Wars.
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Christine Lagarde On Greece: IMF Chief Has More Sympathy For Poor African Children

The Greeks are the victims in this situation not the villains ... the IMF on the other hand.

Remember, DSK was removed from office because his approach to the economic crisis in the PIIGS was too humane from the perspective of the Bankers. Legarde's a leg-breaker in comparison.
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Christine Lagarde On Greece: IMF Chief Has More Sympathy For Poor African Children

I think the IMF only cares about Poor African Children when they are located in areas where resources need to be exploited and they have to be removed.
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Friday, May 25, 2012

Wisconsin Recall Debate: Tom Barrett Aggressively Goes After Scott Walker In First Face-Off

Walker's done. He could bankrupt the Koch Brothers trying to convince the people of Wisconsin he deserves to remain as Governor after what he has done to the state of Wisconsin. It's over.
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The Church of Satan Interviewed by Televangelist Bob Larson: Not the Conversation You Think It Is (VIDEO)

I remember Zeena from High School in San Francisco. I think she was a couple of years behind me. I remember her dad, Anton LaVey, pulling up to the post office in his DeLorean. I also recall seeing LaVey at the Mystic Eye Bookstore on Broadway a few times when I was there. Zeena wasn't any different than any other kid at George Washington High School, she seemed quite normal for the heir apparent to the Church of Satan.
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Facebook IPO Mess: Blame Falls On High-Frequency Trading

Flash Trading? Um, no. Insider Trading? Yes. I was listening to Mike Papantonio filling in for Ed Schultz today and heard him talking about the Morgan Stanley Tech Analyst reconfiguring his valuation of Facebook prior to the IPO, but that only Hedge Funds were alerted to the information.

High-Frequency Trading is a Problem, but this was about insider trading.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Elizabeth Warren-Scott Brown Poll: Still Deadlocked

All that unlimited money from Right Wing Billionaires and Wall Street and Scott Brown, an incumbent United States Senator, is only tied with his opponent? Brown should be worried.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

George Zimmerman's 'Cozy' Relationship With Sanford Police Questioned (WATCH)

Can you guess the casual conversation in the Sanford Police Station the night Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin and was brought in? Something like:

"Hey, what's George doing here?"

"He killed a black kid, I think the Chief is giving the Magistrate a call."

"Ah, okay. Say, do you know if they are going to get more of those hot pretzels for the vending machine?"

"Your guess is good as mine."
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Trans-Pacific Partnership: Key Senate Democrat Joins Bipartisan Trade Revolt Against Obama

The current Globalism Model is designed to only benefit the 1% of the various nations involved and should be rejected.
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Chris Matthews Argues With John King, Rips 'Jackasses' At Cable Conference (VIDEO)

There is no such thing as unbiased news, for someone decides:

1) Which story to cover.

2)Which story not to cover.

3)How to cover the story chosen to cover.

4)For how long to cover the story to be covered.

There are choices made every step of the way in the process, be it on Network News, Cable News, AM Radio News, or Print Journalism, and that, at its heart, is bias.
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Greece Eurozone Exit: Countries Preparing For Scenario

The question of Greece really has nothing to do with its debt ... Money is money, who cares, things work out in the end ... what is at stake is Greek sovereignty. If The People of Greece cave to the demands of International Bankers, who basically set their nation up for collapse, Greece will carved up like a goat and its historical assets and heritage spread around to the wealthy vultures of earth. The Greeks have an obligation to protect their country, for those who fought for Greece for thousands of years before them and for those Greeks yet to be born.

The People of Greece should take the economic pain now, exit the EURO and they will be viewed as heroes by future generations. Forget about the money, and debt, it is ultimately a petty concern considering.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cory Booker: GOP 'Manipulating' His Criticism Of Obama's Bain Capital Attacks

Aha ... seek and ye shall find:

DLC | The New Democrat | August 1, 2000

100 To Watch: Cory A. Booker

City Councilman, Newark, N.J.

Another Faux DLC Progressive ... we should have known.

Reminder ... DLC was backed by Koch:

I'm sure Cory Booker is as true a Progressive Populist as Bill Clinton was.
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Facebook Share Price Plunges Again: Valuation Doubts Rise As Social Network's Stock Takes Big Hit

Facebook was a sucker bet. What are its intrinsic revenue streams? It's a free product. Can we please move away from the notion there is financial upside to online ads? Personally, I can't remember the last time I felt confident an online ad wouldn't infect my computer with spyware or a virus. Maybe back in the Webcrawler era.

Sincerely, how does Facebook make money?

Oh, and Happy Slip needs to be commended on nailing it:

Facebook Fever!
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Newt Gingrich Warns Team Obama Against Attacking Mitt Romney's Bain Capital Record

The more the mantra is "Back Off Bain" the more you know it's a big, fat, juicy target. What don't we know? Can it be infiltrated? Is there an ex-Bain-er that is disgruntled and willing to kiss and tell? Something good must be waiting to be found ... something REAL good.

I find the untapped opportunities with Bain almost arousing ... Someone really wants it off limits ... someone is really uncomfortable with the attention, and I don't think it's just Mitt Romney. Thank you Mr Tiffanys for lighting another flare!
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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker John Boehner 'Wants To Go Over The Edge'

Sincerely, with the history as Speaker of the House John Boehner has accumulated in his short tenure, wouldn't you consider becoming a Kamikaze?
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Geraldo Rivera: Trayvon Martin Surveillance Tape Shows 'He's Dressed In Thug Wear'

The two words that most concisely describe Geraldo Rivera's career: "Capone's Vault".
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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cameron Todd Willingham Exoneration Was Written But Never Filed By Texas Judge

It seems in Texas there are Prosecutors, Judges, members of Law Enforcement, and even Texas Governors, that should be on Death Row for premeditated murder. For putting down the innocent, when they are known to be innocent, is murder.
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Friday, May 18, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Defends Facebook Co-Founder Eduardo Saverin Over Tax Allegations

I always laugh at Rush and his ditto-heads, who have been living vicariously through Rush's success as their own ways of life disintegrate. Has listening to Rush for 20 years made you rich and powerful, ditto-heads? Have your ways of life improved in any measurable way by supporting Rush's positions? Of course not, because Rush never intended to improve your lives. Rush intended on improving his life at your expense. Rush has a lot in common with Saverin, a lot more than he has in common with his ditto-heads.
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The Commencement Address That Won't Be Given

Ultimately the Student Loan crisis will remedy itself with a coordinated global default, of course it won't be pretty on Wall Street for all the leveraged, securitized paper built off of "Secure College Loans" ... it will be like the mortgage collapse all over again, but if you can't pay ... walk away.
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WATCH: Paul Krugman Wonders If Boehner, Other Republicans Are 'Manchurian Candidates'

It's obvious that the Republicans have been engaging in Sabotage against the United States of America since President Obama was elected. It seems to me the Republicans want to punish the American People for electing Obama President. The Republicans of the House and Senate are employees of the American People, they have no standing to "punish" the American People for rejecting their reactionary Right Wing UnAmerican ideology.

Republicans, don't tell me what to do in my house. Maybe you should follow that ass-hat from Facebook to Singapore if you think you have the right to punish the American people. We'll even help you pack, and believe you me, you folks won't be missed.
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Congressmen Seek To Lift Propaganda Ban

I think the horse has been out of the barn for a few decades on this one. Anyone who thinks the Corporate Media doesn't engage in propaganda against the American People is a Pollyanna.
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Jon Lovitz To Hannity: Obama 'Hypocritical' For George Clooney Fundraiser (VIDEO)

It's nice that Lovitz has found a way to get back on TV. Maybe he has been consulting with Victoria Jackson.
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Koch Brothers Lawyer Mark Holden To Martin Bashir: MSNBC's Coverage Has Led To 'Death Threats' Against My Clients (VIDEO)

This Lawyer's job is to obfuscate. No sale.
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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Senators Go After Eduardo Saverin, Facebook Co-Founder, For Dumping U.S. Passport, Avoiding Taxes (UPDATE)

I agree in principle with barring Saverin from returning to the US in light of this action, but I also wonder why we can't strip billionaires of their citizenship and deport them for secreting money in offshore bank accounts. It's basically the same crime.
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Senators Go After Eduardo Saverin, Facebook Co-Founder, For Dumping U.S. Passport, Avoiding Taxes

The entirety of Corporate America renounced its US Citizenship, so what's this guys crime? It's his money, right? If he wants to blow off the US, what's the crime? Saverin used the US like a strung-out crack-whore, zipped up his pants, and moved on ... shouldn't he be considered an Ayn Randian role model? Isn't he John Galt ... or not Aryan enough?
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GOP Super PAC Weighs Jeremiah Wright Attack Against Obama

Nothing surprising in this. In the aftermath of the 2008 election America removed her mask and revealed her soul. The entire world learned after the 2008 election that despite the joyous "We Are the World" propaganda we force feed the planet a large segment of the US population are white, ignorant, low-brow, racists. That is America's Global Image Now. As Walter Cronkite would say "And that's the way it is."

I was once speaking with an Indian at a call center and she put aside her script for a moment and asked me: "Is America really that bad?" She sounded sad. She didn't want to believe it.

The upside to this from the nonwhite world's perspective is that when they have an American Businessman or Businesswoman smiling at them in China, or India, or Brazil, etc, the now know what that seemingly "genuine" smile actually hides.

When this rich miscreant's vile propaganda hits the airwaves there is a large swath of American's who will joyously lap it up like milk from their mother's nipple ... because that is exactly who they are ... that is the United States of America.
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Mike Coffman Apologizes For Claiming Obama Is 'Just Not An American'

-"I misspoke and I apologize,” Coffman said in the statement. "I have confidence in President Obama’s citizenship and legitimacy as President of the United States."-

Coffman didn't misspeak, he lied, got caught, and tried to weasel his way out of it. What else is Mike Coffman lying to his constituents about? The voters of his district can't trust a single thing that comes out of his mouth. Let's watch the fools vote for him anyway.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ECB Cuts Off Operations With Some Greek Banks

The ECB has shown its hand. The People of Greece have to decide if they are to be a free independent people or diminished slaves of the EU.

Stand your ground, People of Greece, stand your ground. The screws will turn, but it is time to make "Greece for Greeks" your mantra.

And Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland ... France ... you are next in line. Fight for Greece. Stand with Greece. End this immoral onslaught on your countries by International Bankers and the quisling politicians they own.
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Alan Simpson: Paul Krugman's Work 'Borders On Hysteria' (VIDEO)

There are lot of False Profit Economists, Paul Krugman isn't one of them. My only knock on Krugman is that it was obvious the United States was heading into a Depression when the global economy turned turtle on 2008, so he's a wee bit late to the revelation. All measures taken across the world have been delaying tactics for the main event ... a global capitulation. The Austerity/Privatizing madness occurring around the world is an example of the 1% trying to get their hands on as many hard assets as they can before the bottom falls out. The 1% already realize it's game over, they just want to be in the best shape, holding the most important assets, on the other side of the crisis. How ever many decades down the road that might be.

Krugman is correct. Simpson is protecting the status quo that has already collapsed, and is one of the legislators that brought us to this place to start with. Simpson is no wise, detached sage.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Senate Republicans Gird For Fresh Debt Ceiling Fight

Excellent. This is perfect. The Tea Party Republicans are making the right choice.

When Greece exits the Euro the entire world economy will start unraveling, and if the Republicans are in the middle of sabotaging the US Economy with this nonsense at the time they will own the attending US economic disaster, lock, stock and barrel.

Perfect timing, Tea Party Republicans, perfect timing.

Right on!
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Mitt Romney Suggests There's 'Personal Beef' Between Barack Obama And Bill Clinton

The Republican Party's "Love Child" is accusing the Clintons and Obama of what?
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Pat Buchanan Rails Against Gay Marriage, Obama: 'The Heart Of The Cultural War' (VIDEO)

Whenever a pundit says "the American People think this, or the American People think that" you know that determination is based on what the pundit's steamy bathroom mirror told them as they were getting ready for work.
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Obama On 'The View:' President Corrects Elisabeth Hasselbeck On Gay Marriage Position (VIDEO)

Republicans are very fuzzy on the State's Rights stance. At the same time they defend the State's being able to make decisions for themselves, they also want to impose mandates on the American people at the Federal Level, like Romney's call for a Constitutional Amendment barring same sex marriage. Let's be clear here, if Republicans are willing to use the Federal Government to mandate outcomes at the State Level in one area, say Same Sex Marriage, they are saying that using Federal Mandates on States are perfectly acceptable to them.

So Republicans and Tea Party members aren't the defenders of State's Rights they pretend to be.
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Scott Keadle Admits Birther Mistake

There are some low-brow American Whites who simply can't accept an African American President, that is what gives political dumpster divers like Keadle oxygen to feed this Birther nonsense. Keadle's retraction is meaningless. He got caught with his fly open on this one, and is in zip-and-run mode, but if the opportunity arises again he will whip that Birther prong out and wave it at the crowd once more.
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Monday, May 14, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Inducted Into The Hall Of Famous Missourians

We've got sick seagulls out here in San Francisco who'd love to paint the Rush Bust. Give it some "class". How about a loan?
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Greek Austerity Measures: Euro Minsters Plead With Greece Not To Renege On Bailout Terms

The hard assets of Greece will be slowing drained away, and re-distributed by International Bankers and the ECB, if the Greeks stay with the Euro, and the people of Greece will live in financial torment. The Troika deal is untenable. The People of Greece need to think of protecting their sovereignty and national heritage, not what is good for the Eurozone, at this point. Once the Greeks leave the Eurozone and re-instate the Drachma they must embark on the same path as Iceland in addressing this crisis. Identify and prosecute domestic politicians and domestic/foreign bankers responsible for the economies collapse, and rewrite their constitution so that government officials no longer have the right to engage in corrupt, closed door financial dealings that result in damaging the Greek society and economy.
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Howard Kurtz: Tamron Hall Was Wrong To Cut Tim Carney's Mic During On Air Clash (VIDEO)

The corporate media is the way falsehoods are injected into the body politic of America. Tamron Hall prevented the spread of infection. Howard Kurtz is a spokesman for the needle manufacturer.
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Sunday, May 13, 2012

JPMorgan Resignations: Three Executives At Bank Reportedly Will Resign Following $2 Billion Loss

It is impossible to believe that Wall Street is in anyway capable or willing to police itself. We need tough regulations in place to prevent unwarranted trust in Transnational Banks and Multinational Institutional Investors from crippling our economy and society.

Trust, but verify? No. Regulate with a vengeance.
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Scott Fitzgerald, Wisconsin Senate Leader, Says Female Challenger's Campaign Driven By Her Husband

Once Fitz is dumped by the voters he should sign up for a class in Civics and Democracy at a local college ... if they haven't all been padlocked.
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Russia Opposition Protests: Anti-Putin Demonstrators March In Moscow

Some folks were saying that Putin blowing off the G-8 meeting was a snub of Obama. Um, no.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts on the Big JP Loss

I see it like this. I believe in the freedom of investors to lose their shirts in the markets ... I have no problem with that at all. Where I have a problem is where Investors create a blackmail scenario like we have now. Where the deposits of bystanders to the markets, parked in commercial banks, are at risk of being wiped out by investor's hubris, irresponsibility, and greed.

We need to drop the Glass-Stegall firewall between Commercial Banks, Investment Banks, and Insurance Companies. We need to protect the deposits and savings of hundreds of millions of Americans who would rather not revert to their mattresses to insure a modicum of safety for their hard earned money. Americans who have no understanding of markets, desire to be a part of them, and simply want their hard earned money safe.

I have no problem with a heroin addict ODing, just as I have no problem with investors losing their shirt and diving off the roof of a building. That's the choice they made, so be it. I just feel that it is unconscionable that the entirety of America is along for the ride with Wall Street's self destructive foolishness.

Drop the Glass-Steagall firewall, protect the people's money and let the chips fall where they may for an investor class who would no longer expect the government to play wet-nurse by providing bailouts to cover losses incurred by their egregious mistakes.
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Seller Offers Gun Range Targets Meant to Resemble Trayvon Martin

The thing that is really nuts is the idea that since Trayvon was wearing a hoodie the night of his murder indicates he was a thug up to no good, but even Zimmerman, the murderer, states in his phone call to the 911 operator that it was raining. Isn't it reasonable to assume that if it was raining and you had a hoodie you would use it to cover your head from the rain?

Some folks, like the animals promoting this offensive target, have the IQ of bread mold.
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