Monday, April 30, 2012

RFK Assassination Witness Nina Rhodes-Hughes Says Sirhan Sirhan Didn't Act Alone

Had RFK won the Democratic Nomination for President in 1968 it is hard to believe that Richard Nixon would have been President of the United States. The entire course of United States history changed due to the assassination of RFK, You don't have to be Hercule Poirot or Miss Jane Marple to recognize there were many powerful people in politics and business who benefited from the assassination of RFK far more than Sirhan Sirhan did.
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John Brennan, White House Counterterrorism Chief, Defends Drone Strikes [UPDATE]

Our drone strikes have killed more civilians than AQ, therefore their use falls into the area of war crime. You just can't murder anyone and justify it as acceptable within the context of an open ended war against non state actors. Such an argument would justify the United States murdering anyone on earth on a whim ... doubtful the rest of the civilized world, if that is what the United States still belongs to ... would view such an affront to their sovereignty as "moral" or "ethical".
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

John Brennan: Civilian Deaths During War Inevitable

-On Sunday Brennan said there had been a period of time where the U.S. "had no information about a single civilian being killed." But, he added, "unfortunately in war there are casualties, including among the civilian population." He said "sometimes you have to take life to save lives."-

"sometimes you have to take life to save lives."

Can't you just imagine Osama Bin Laden saying the same thing on the morning of September 11th, 2001 as the towers fell?

If you find justification for the killing of any civilians then you can justify the killing of all civilians. Something to ponder.
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Friday, April 27, 2012

Bank Of America, Goldman And Others' Insanely Large Derivative Holdings Visualized [INFOGRAPHIC]

The mother of all bubbles ... imagine tulips and you're getting warm.
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Paul Ryan Suddenly Does Not Embrace Ayn Rand's Teachings

'So, Congressmen Ryan, you would consider yourself an acolyte of Ayn Rand?'

'Not sure what acolyte means, but yeah ... she's kind of the foundation of my worldview.'

'Ayn Rand, the Atheist, forms the foundation of your worldview?'

'Who? Ann Ran .. kin? Um. never heard of her.'

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Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: Little Evidence That Harsh Treatment Used By CIA Produced Any Counter-Terrorism Breakthroughs

Well, when you decide to torture Afghan goat herders for the macho fun of it you probably shouldn't expect much vital information about anything other than goat herding.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

'Agent Orange Corn' Debate Rages As Dow Seeks Approval Of New Genetically Modified Seed

These transnational agribusinesses are pure evil. The recent story about Monsanto buying out Beelogics is another case in point. Beelogics focused on the study of the collapse of bee colonies, and found a relationship between the colony collapse and that Monsantos' genetically modified corn may be a culprit. On the face of it a company like Monsanto buying out a company whose research links one of its products to the collapse of bee colonies should be considered disturbing. I guess we just have to watch the work of Beelogics in the future to see if it starts singing the benefits of Monsantos' modified corn to bee populations.

Pure evil.
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John McCain: 'War On Women' Is 'Imaginary,' 'Conjured' By Democrats

When John Derbyshire, until recently a darling of the Right, writing on National Review and National Review Online, in an interview with Alan Colmes says that women voting is bad for the Conservative Movement, and that the United States would be better off if woman couldn't vote, that is not an imaginary conjuration by Democrats. That is an unadulterated, conservative admission of their war on women.
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Timothy Geithner: 'You Can't Legislate Away Stupidity And Risk-Taking And Greed'

It's nice to see so many commenters invoking Glass Steagall as an example of legislating away stupidity, risk-taking, and greed, for that is exactly what it did. When the firewall between commercial and investment banks dropped via Glass Steagall in 1933 the greedy, stupid risk-takers on Wall Street were told:

"If you want to go out on the tightrope and do a silly, immoral, and unethical dance with your investor's money there will be no safety net for you. There will be no allowing you to blackmail the government to bail you out by you being able to hold the entire financial system hostage. If you slip on the tightrope we will let you splat on the pavement, but we won't allow you to take everyone else's financial well being with you when you go."

Glass Steagall kept the greedy, stupid, risk takers from crashing the US Economy for 60 years. So Geithner is wrong, you CAN legislate away Stupidity, Risk-Taking and Greed, and history shows we have done it before successfully.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

G-Spot Exists? Researcher Says He Has Evidence, But Skeptics Dispute Finding

Remarkably it was found on the same aisle as Fruit Roll-ups and Pop Tarts ...
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Todd Akin: Federal Student Loans Have Given America 'Stage Three Cancer Of Socialism' (VIDEO)

There are some folk in this country who believe that the United State's position in the world is an untouchable entitlement. We educate our children so they can compete in a global market place we so greedily advocated for. These Republicans had better find Jesus real soon on fully funding the education of American children whether that constitutes Socialism or not for the rest of the world recognizes the importance of educating its citizens and the woefully undereducated children of America will be buried by them.

There is nothing mystical, magical, or superior about simply being born American. If you want an end to prosperity and the American Dream, then barring the citizens of America from affordable education is the way to go.

If I were Akin, I would drop the fiery rhetoric, see the world as it actually is, and reconsider his opposition to an educated American populace.
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Darrell Issa: Obama's Government Most Corrupt In History

If the idea of Darrell Issa accusing anyone of corruption doesn't immediately bring a smile to your face you lack a sense of irony.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Jose Rodriguez, Ex-CIA Officer, Defends Destroying Waterboarding Videos In 'Hard Measures' Book

Oh, is "just getting rid of some ugly visuals" the new euphemism for destroying evidence? And if Rodriguez and his colleagues don't like being called torturers for engaging in torture ... would they prefer being labeled "sadistic sociopaths"?
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Mélenchony Blues: Strong Left Party No Dutch Treat for Hollande

For the record, President Obama is also a centrist in the New Democrat vain not a Leftist. The Occupy Movement is not affiliate with the Democratic Party for the DLC brand of Democrats, as opposed to the FDR brand, are not seen as anything but superficial allies. When DLC President Clinton became President of the United States there was a strong desire to cast him as a Leftist or a Liberal, though all of his major legislative achievements had a distinct center-right flavor to them when honestly reviewed.

If France and the United States among other places around the globe are seeing a reawakening of The Left that is because there is a need for The Left that Centrists and Rightists don't fill. I view the return of The Left as a reason for hope, and a return to common people focused sense.

It's all good.
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Social Security Trust Fund Exhaustion: A Moving Target

We are living in a period of suspension of disbelief in terms of the US Economy. The fraud based US economy that created false prosperity through the 80's, 90's, and early 00's died in 2008. It completely collapsed. If it was a patient in a Hospital a Doctor would be disusing with the next of kin when to turn off the machines an let it go. It's over. The rush to privatize everything not nailed down, and roll the assets of Social Security into the moribund economy is simply an attempt to get a few more heartbeats out of an economic system that is clinically dead. Gone forever. Never coming back.

If the United States of America is to survive, and I am not over dramatizing here, we need to expand the social safety net not slash it. There are many simple ways to save Social Security ... eliminating the contribution cap is but one, slightly upping the contribution by a percentage point or two is another ... but the issue isn't really the health of Social Security. The issue is for Wall Street to confiscate the wealth of Social Security, that we have all contributed into, in order to keep the Terry Schaivo Economy they love alive. An impossibility.

In order to save Social Security, we need to come to terms with the true state of our economy.
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Fox News' Steve Doocy Draws Criticism For Misquoting Obama 'Silver Spoon' Remark

Doocy is an entertainer not a newsman ... if asked he would probably even fart the Star Spangled Banner if it resulted in better ratings.
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John Boehner: '1 In 3 Chance' Republicans Lose Control Of House

The Republicans have stonewalled and abandoned democracy since this President was inaugurated. What the Republicans have been saying to the American People is simply this:

"You elected a black man President of the United States against our wishes and we are going to punish you by doing all we can to sabotage the government, rights and economy you rely on."

That's the Republicans in a nutshell. Blame the President for the damage they themselves have caused to the reputation of the United States and the lives and,livelihoods of the American people. If the American people allow this manifestation of the Republican Party to retain its power then they simply deserve their misery and torment.
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Jon Huntsman Criticizes Republican Party, Compares Actions To Communist China

First off, "Right on!" to Huntsman's wife about her husband not pandering to the Right Wing ... just because you see a cookie in the flow from a broken sewer pipe doesn't mean you have to eat it.

Secondly, there is really no difference between Totalitarian Communists and Totalitarian Capitalists so it is not surprising the GOP is exhibiting similar behavior as their Red Chinese kin.
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The Beginning of the End

I think Sarkozy has done enough damage to the people of France, who deserve a leader that represents them not Washington DC and International Bankers.
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How Europe Could Sink Obama

The EU's fatal mistake was to think that US Based economists and businessmen had a clue how to run an economy. Play a passable golf game ... maintain trophy wives, mistresses, and a stable of trained up hookers ... develop a trendy form of alcoholism or drug addiction ... perhaps ... develop a responsible approach to global economics? No way.

The thing is that the economy of the EU is heading for the abyss, It isn't the current President's fault on his own. He is just the caboose of a very deceitful economy train, engineered by the post WWII generations hubris, and heading off the trestle into the ravine. If Obama is lucky the train wreck in Europe will wait until after the November election, if not it is going to be rough for him no doubt. In the back of my mind I wonder if the opponents of President Obama in the American Right Wing would try to speed up the collapse of the European economy for political reasons, forgetting that, like it or not, they are riding the same train as the rest of us.

I'm confident that if the EU collapses before the November election that the American Right Wing will have its fingerprints all over that event, and Europeans should remember that fact in the future should any Right Wing American Economists come to the Old World with offers of economic advice.
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

France Election Results 2012: Hollande, Sarkozy Advance To French President Runoff

Hopefully the people of France pink-slip George W Bush's poodle.
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Christian Conservatives At Florida Revival Are Lukewarm For Mitt Romney

No, in Mitt Romney the Republican Base is being asked to vote for a candidate who has proudly taken every side of every major issue. So, in ways, the Republican base IS being asked to vote for Obama. Oh, and the Mormon thing is kind of a heavy lift as well.
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ALEC, A Tax-Exempt Group, Mixes Legislators And Lobbyists

As they say "Sunshine is the best disinfectant." I'm confident if voters across America find out that their elected officials are putting representing the needs of ALEC before their own needs that these elected officials will need to find another line of work.

It is quite easy to cross-reference a legislator's voting record with ALEC composed bills, and share that information with their constituents.
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Joe Lieberman Won't Endorse Anyone In Presidential Race

So Joe "Gollum" Lieberman slinks into his cave to mutter to himself and plot future villainy.
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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sarah Palin Weighs In On Secret Service Scandal With Obama Dog Meat Joke

Until you consider what Sarah has likely eaten, dog meat does sound kind of scary.
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Ted Nugent: Obama Comments Were Metaphors, Not Threats

"The meeting could not have gone better," he said. "I thanked them for their service, we shook hands and went about our business. Godbless the good federal agents wherever they may be."

Holy Moly, this incident seems to have scared the Ruby Ridge right out of old Ted.
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Brian Schweitzer, Montana Governor, Says Mitt Romney's Family 'Came From A Polygamy Commune In Mexico'

It's not an issue of religion as much as an issue of loyalty frankly. Mitt Romney's grand-father chose polygamy over the United States of America when he bugged out for Mexico.
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Senate Races 2012: Republican Establishment Tries To Tamp Down Tea Party Insurgency

This is a long term battle within the Republican Party coming to a head over the last couple of election cycles. This is not a new fight. it even existed back in 1964. What we are seeing is the John Birch Society wing of the GOP, as characterized by the Tea Party, getting the upper hand over the what remains of the Establishment GOP. The Birchers have carefully eliminated the Liberal Republicans in the 70's and entrenched themselves around Reagan in the 80's, ever moving the Republican Party to the Right. Now the Birchers are purging the Moderate Republicans, like Olympia Snow, and going after Establishment GOP like Lugar and Hatch, who though Conservative, aren't ideologically pure. The John Birch Tea Party Society is an ideological movement that doesn't believe in compromise, and like its key backers the Koch Brothers, want it all.
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First Photos Of Colombia Escort In Explosive Secret Service Hooker Scandal

Beautiful girl, difficult life.

"Starvation is a great aphrodisiac."

Billy Kwan - "The Year of Living Dangerously".
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Pat Toomey: Americans Who 'Really Need Help' Are A 'Small Segment'

Seems like Senator Pat Toomey doesn't know many Americans ... odd.
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Marco Rubio Says He'd Say No To VP, Even If Romney Said He Needed Him

Yeah, parents fleeing Cuba under Batista isn't as sexy as parents fleeing Cuba under Castro.
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Iraq: Explosions In Baghdad, Kirkuk Claim Dozen Of Lives

Have we reached the point where we can honestly say that the Iraqis were better off under Saddam before the Americans came to "help"? I think so.
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Anders Breivik Trial: Norway Massacre Suspect Originally Planned To Bomb 3 Targets

I suppose a mass murderer could say he or she was inspired by watching hour after hour of the Food Network as well. I think WoW has 15 million players worldwide ... I don't think they spend their time between Raids plotting a massacre at a Norwegian youth camp.

Breivik is a broken toy that needs to be permanently removed from the playroom.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ALEC's Strategy Shift May Yet Bring Corporate Gains

I look at it like this, I don't believe ALEC's statement, nor should any Progressive. ALEC is an amoral and unethical organization as the legislation it crafts indicates. Progressives should not allow association with ALEC to be acceptable ... period. It is an organization beyond redemption and Corporations that associate with it should be on permanent notice that they are tainted with toxic soup by affiliation with ALEC.

Nothing has changed in terms of ALEC despite their statements on abandoning social issue legislation. ALEC is a corrupting force in our democracy and any company affiliated with it should be seen as a collaborator. There is no acceptable apology from ALEC beyond a sign reading.

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Republican Budget: John Boehner Says Bishops Miss Big Picture In Protesting GOP's Proposed Cuts

Republicans to the Clergy "When we need you we'll let you know, otherwise pipe down"
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Secret Service Prostitute Scandal: Alleged Colombia Escort Speaks Out

Americans exploiting poor women in the third world who have to resort to prostitution to survive is bad enough ... some men fly half way around the world just for that activity ... but to use these woman and then not pay them is horrible. Notice how the lady was willing to negotiate down from $800 to $250 just to pay her Papasan his cut. That's the reason the woman kicked up a fuss. If she doesn't get paid, she still owes the pimp. This is how prostitution in the third world morphs into slavery ... with every added debt accruing interest that puts the woman into a situation she can't get out of.

Don't hire the girls if you aren't willing to pay them ... resort to having sex with your wife if need be instead.
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Thomas Friedman Spoofs Himself In What I'm Guessing Is An Epic Work Of Adventurous Satire

Perhaps Thomas Friedman is capable of whipping up a fine plate of scrambled eggs, but beyond that I've never noted an upside.
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Ted Nugent: 'I'm A Non-Violent Guy, I Don't Threaten' [UPDATED]

Could it be that Ted Nugent simply doesn't possess the mental capacity to understand what constitutes a threat? Will that be Ted's defense?
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Cybersecurity Warning: Several Nations Trying To Penetrate U.S. Networks, Ex-FBI Official Says

When US Corporations set up Data Centers all around the world to cut down the costs of hiring American IT Personnel these corporations provided both the tools and know-how to foreign nationals to not only understand American IT systems, their functionality and methodology, but access into these systems from afar. We talk about hackers in China, India, Russia, etc as threats to our cyber security, while at the same time we allow US Corporations to retain IT personnel in this nations that allows development of expertise TO hack our systems.

Folks, get a clue.
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Dog Wars Escalate: Barack Obama Ate Dog Meat

So the Romney Camp really wants to keep the dog issue alive? What are they, masochists?
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Dog Wars Escalate: Barack Obama Ate Dog Meat

Okay ... nine year old child eats dog meat prepared in a foreign country ... grown man in America straps family pet dog to roof of car and for hours traumatizes it until it loses control of its bowels all over the back window, is hosed down, and eventually runs away.

I think I can spot the more heinous infraction ... and it doesn't involve a child.
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Dog Wars Escalate: Barack Obama Ate Dog Meat

There are a lot of unusual foods to the American palate in South East Asia, but still tasty.

Say, do you know where the term "Hot Dog" originated? At the St Louis Worlds Fair in 1904 wieners were introduced to the American public at large. At the same Worlds Fair French's Mustard was introduced. At the St Louis World's Fair of 1904 the United States also introduced Americans to people from their new spoil from the Spanish American War, the Philippines. Now, instead of introducing some of the highly educated Filipinos from Manila, many educated in Europe, the US Government decided to portray Filipinos as primitive, and set up an exhibit of Ifugao, from the mountainous region of northern Luzon. Part of the Ifugao diet consisted of native dog. Americans watching Ifugao eating dog at the fair became a big attraction. Visitors to the fair would steal dogs from the surrounding area to offer the Ifugao.

Visitors were also suspect of the meat that was in the wieners, and started calling them "Hot Dogs" conflating the new food with the diet of the Ifugao in the exhibit.
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Outside Lands Lineup 2012: Old School Favorites To Descend On Golden Gate Park (VIDEOS)

Papa, huh? Nice music, first time I heard them.

When I was a a little boy my Papa would wake up way early in the morning on my birthday and secure a picnic table for my party in the meadow across from the 30th Avenue entrance to Golden Gate Park where Outside Lands Concert is now held.

I say this concert will enjoy good Papa Mojo. Enjoy!

(PS this concert takes place in the environs of the FogBelters)
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Allen West On Communist Comment: 'I Don't Regret It Whatsoever'

"He (West) added, "I'm not going to back down. I'm not going to be afraid about the fact that I called a spade 'a spade.'""

No he didn't, he merely regurgitated nonsense he received on his Blackberry from a Right Wing Think Tank.
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SEC Fails To Monitor More Than Half Of Stock Trading, Former Agency Lawyers Say

""It's inconceivable that they can regulate [high-frequency trading]," said Ralph Ferrara, a former SEC general counsel. "There are too many [high-frequency trading] systems; they're all idiosyncratic; they're all different. The SEC is starved for cash, starved for talent. A small-sized hedge fund can outperform the SEC," added Ferrara, who left the commission in 1982 and is now a vice chairman of Dewey & LeBoeuf who specializes in securities law."

To understand why high speed trading will never be regulated you have to understand the check kiting con. As long as the fraudulent instruments are in motion they retain their fictitious worth. Once the motion is halted the true value of the instrument catches up with it and the con collapses. In the old days a Bank Teller could crash a check kiting con by simply putting a two day hold on a check in the fraud cycle.

Impossible to regulate a fraud estimated at a quadrillion dollars, it would be an economic cataclysm.
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Spanish Bond Yields Top 6 Percent As Bond Markets Enter 'Crisis Mode'

All the EU is doing is bailing water from the bow of the sinking European Economy, pouring it back into the stern, and vice versa.
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Argentine President Cristina Fernandez Pushes To Nationalize Oil Company YPF

Right on! I'd like to see the mineral rights in the United States Nationalized so the American people get a cut out of every resource pulled from the ground by whatever industry.
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Ted Nugent Remarks On Obama Draw Secret Service Scrutiny

Keep on digging, Ted, you need to fit that cosmetic butt enhancement into the hole too.
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Secret Service Bragged About Obama: Report

That's what always makes me laugh, how guys who fraternize with bargirls think the girls want to be impressed. The girls want to be picked, have the guy do his business ... quickly, get their tip, and move to the next butterfly ... they don't give a crap about how important you are.
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Shalom Eisner, Israeli Defense Force Officer, Hits Denmark Protester In Face With M16 Rifle, Is Suspended

"JERUSALEM — A senior Israeli military officer's seemingly unprovoked assault against an unarmed pro-Palestinian activist drew sharp condemnations Monday, raising questions in Israel over whether the country's heavy-handed approach to nonviolent protesters was exaggerated and causing damage to Israel's image."

Sincerely, Israel is concerned about it's image as a fascistic theocracy with a strong Apartied streak masquerading as an advanced democracy? You've gotta be kidding me.
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Ted Nugent For Mitt Romney: Rocker Stumps For GOP Candidate At NRA Convention

Ted Nugent's last decent album came out in 1977 ... why is he still afforded a platform today?
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