Monday, April 07, 2008

Rest in Peace Mr. Heston ...

Planet of the Apes (Franklin J. Schaffner, 1968)

Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'm Fucking Obama - Hillary Clinton feat. Sarah Silverman

Well ... I guess it was only a matter of time.

It's on Hillary's Supporters Now

Okay ... now everyone with half a brain recognizes that Hillary lies as a strategy. We have enough examples of Hillary remaking History to benefit her self serving goal of being President. Not only are the examples available but they are documented in logs, in video, in her own books ... the jury has all the information they need to know that Hillary is an unabashed, unscrupulous, self-motivated, lier ... the debate is over on this fact.

It is time now for Hillary's rabid supports to step back from the fray of political competition ... take a deep breath ... look at Hillary for what she is ... ask themselves is this really the type of candidate they thought they were supporting way back at the beginning of the race? Is this a candidate that can actually win in November with everything that has been exposed?

"But what about Reverend Wright?", I hear as a defense of Hillary. The words of Reverend Wright's are Reverend Wright's, not Obama's words. Obama didn't offer up the political concepts, or speak about them in support ... he sat in the pew of Trinity United Church of Christ, a church of 10,000 members, the largest United Church of Christ congregation ... United Church of Christ being 5,518 local congregations and 1.2 million members strong ... and listened to his preacher tell sermons. I don't see the United Church of Christ rushing to disenfranchise Trinity United Church of Christ because of the revealed words of Reverend Wright. I don't think the 9,999 other members of Trinity United Church of Christ bear responsibility for a handful of controversial comments of their Reverend ... nor do I believe the 1.2 million members of United Church of Christ fellowship feel responsible for the Reverend's words ... so why is Obama the sin eater?

On the other hand ... Hillary spoke of the Bosnia snipers, then made a joke of it on Leno when she was caught in a lie ... Hillary spoke of being the voice within the White House that was against NAFTA, when her own schedules showed her working for passage of NAFTA ... it was Hillary who remanufactured an already tragic story of an Ohio woman and her baby's death related to childbirth to emphasize her Universal Health Care plan, a lie ... None of these comments came from her pastor that she is being blamed for, they came from Hillary herself. I'm certain the GOP is as well aware of Hillary's lying problem as they are of Obama's Reverend problem ... which will ultimately have more traction against a Democratic Candidate running against McCain's "Straight Talk Express"?

I would also mention that the change of heart Hillary has made in terms of wanting the Delegates of the Michigan and Florida unsanctioned votes seated after agreeing to the DNC terms to punish the states for moving up their primaries against DNC rules should be seen as problematic to anyone who expects Hillary Clinton to keep the pledges and promises she has made throughout the campaign. This particular issue of her flip flopping on the status of the Michigan and Florida election votes legitimacy is a concrete example of her going back on her word when it suits her.

I think Hillary supporters need to make the determination of their candidates viability in November ... it should be Hillary's supports who tell her ... enough. Otherwise the message to her will be fight until the Convention, fight in the Courts, and destroy the Democratic Party's short term goals for November, and the Democratic Party's long term unity as well.

Hillary Supporters ... you've been loyal to her ... you have fought hard for her ... but you have to think rationally about this now ... you are the ones who have to end this ... it's all on you.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Helter Skelter X

You can't keep a good man down ... Right on Mike!

Right on!