Saturday, October 31, 2009

"TARP on Steroids"

David, Wall Street and the US Government are responsible for a fraud cloud of 500 trillion plus dollars in derivatives infecting the Global Economy ... a bubble that they can't afford to allow to pop because it would indiscriminately wipe out fortunes and Government treasuries around the world. Even in a best case scenario where they could deflate that cloud in a controlled fashion ... with the help of US Taxpayer dollars ... there will be some huge losers. Currently the situation is like having ten thousand people thinking they have the same right to bite of a ham sandwich.

The cynic in me thinks that Wall Street, the Fed, and the Treasury know that there will be some monumental losers, but they want to use Taxpayer dollars as a sort of throttle in order to insure that payouts are made to a chosen few before the whole Ponzi Scheme collapses.

A scary thought, but then this is Halloween ... Trick or Treat?
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Ed Schultz: Obama Would "Sell His Soul" For GOP Support On Health Care (VIDEO)

How President Obama handles this will determine whether or not he will be a one or two term President. I see Rahm has got him moving into full DLC Triangulation mode and that is not what won the White House for Obama. I don't recall the campaign slogan being:

"The Audacity of Capitulation".

And before the Democrats think they can win in 2010 and 2012 without the Left, which is what the situation will be if the President caves on the Public Option, the White House better remember that in terms of grass root participation and energy "Moderate Activism" is an oxymoron.
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Dierdre Scozzafava Drops Out Of NY House Race

The Cockfight is over? Too bad. Now the Republicans of NY-23 have to decide if they want a Right-Wing Carpetbagger, with his Conservative Clown Cortege, who doesn't understand their District, representing them.

Do the Republicans of Upstate New York really have the mindset of those from South Carolina?
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A Sad Day for Californians: Gavin Newsom's Withdrawl from the Race for Governor

I think California really needs Jerry Brown at this point, primarily because having been Governor before he understands how to work with the unique challenges of the State's political process. We don't need a novice who is going to spend their whole term complaining about the system, we need a Governor who understands how to make the system work.
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Brian Williams From Afghanistan: How Kabul Changed Overnight, What The Troops Think, & Why He Had To Go

Excellent interview. I'm glad Huffpo was able to score it.

My instinct is that the United States would like to get to a state similar to South Korea, Japan or the Philippines in terms of occupying Afghanistan an Iraq. That would be that you keep troops in the countries for decades so that both the citizens in the occupied countries can't remember a time when they weren't occupied by the United States and the people of the United States forget they are occupying the country. Occupation becomes status quo for both sides. The US has an occupation force of 47000 in Japan. and 25000 in South Korea. There are only a few hundred stationed in the Philippines now, but from 1898 until 1992 the United States occupied the Philippines with multiple bases and tens of thousands of troops.

I'm sure the US Government wants to just create a situation in Afghanistan that isn't perfect, but is tolerable enough so the American people to put much thought into the situation any longer, and they can settle in for a decades long stay.
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Dennis Kucinich Wants His Single-Payer Provision Reinstated In Health Bill

The States should have the right to decide the best approach for their citizens, put Kucinich's Single-Payer provision back in ... why are the Democrats having such a hard time meeting the needs of the citizens who elected them to office?

If our elected officials would rather be Prostitutes than Public Servants let them move to Nevada and set up shop ... but if you are talking Evan Bayh, Ben Nelson, Max Baucus, or Joe Lieberman in fishnets, don't expect me buzzing the Cathouse doorbell anytime soon.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fox News Ratings Undamaged By White House War

Let me get this straight here.

The millions of viewers of Fox "News", who hate the President of the United States to start with and likely represent the voters who didn't vote for him last November, are suddenly going to stop watching Fox "News" when the White House of the President they hate suddenly calls them on their Right Wing Propaganda? I mean, Fox "News" viewers are watching BECAUSE of the Right Wing propaganda. I doubt the opinion of the White House is going to change their viewing habits.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pelosi To Dems: Time To Take A Stand On Public Option

As far as the Public Option is concerned we simply can't accept "No" for an answer ... We should be fighting for Single Payer right now, but the President and the Democrats already ceded that ground to the opposition. Also, the Democrats have do understand that the excuse "We did the best we could" holds no water. If the Democrats cave on the Public Option the party becomes no more relevant than the Republicans.

And I am pretty sure I won't be the only Progressive taking note of Democrats that vote against the Publc Option. I will support any candidate from either party that delivers the "Vichy Dem" backstabbers their Pink Slips their next election cycle..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Senate Finance Committee Health Care Vote Today

I think Senator Snowe did herself a favor. Even if she votes against the final bill she can say to her constituents that are pro Health Care Reform that it was her support that got the Bill out of committee (for how long do you think Baucus would have stalled the process trying to get a Republican to vote with him so he could claim it was a bi-partisan effort?).

And when she votes against the final Bill she can tell her constituents that are anti-reform that she just couldn't go through with supporting a Final Bill she couldn't believe in.

I don't think Senator Snowe is going to be much of a story on this going forward ... she already covered all her bases.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost