Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cheney May Have Mole In Obama Government: Sy Hersh

Just one? And what's all the focus on Cheney? He's been nothing but a henchman for the Bush family his whole career. I'm sure the Bushes have no interest in reliquishing power even if they are out of the White House. Russ Baker's "Family of Secrets" is worth a read on how Poppy Bush surrounded Nixon in the White House with henchmen loyal to him (I wonder if the New York Times will ever review the book? Doubtful ... no spine in that organization any longer)

If I were President Obama I would be very cautious with Secretary Gates (A Poppy Bush choice for his son) and that guy, Austan Goolsbee, that Chris Matthews likes, who is on Obama's Council of Economic Advisers. Goolsbee was the member of the Obama Campaign Team during the primary that allegedly claimed at the Canadian Consulate in Chicago that Obama's comments on renegotiating NAFTA was just political rhetoric not meant to be taken seriously and gave Hillary's campaign life in Ohio. Goolsbee is also a member of Skull and Bones ... at least according to his Wiki page : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austan_Goolsbee

Anyway, President Obama should be wise in terms of whom he trusts even in his inner circle ... to be prudent.
About Dick Cheney
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Friday, March 27, 2009

The Real Crime in the Bailout -- Naked CDS Deals

Cenk, what we are watching is a Shadow Play that is covering for a good, old-fashioned Mexican Standoff.

The Banks say they are fine, showing profit ... doing better all the time, but, the thing is, under late 90's deregulation, the banks are allowed to hold their CDS exposure off the books. So the semi-miserable state the Banks are in is what is being portrayed, while the bank's catastrophic levels of exposure are out of sight. Basically, we are looking at two sets of books that tell different tales.

Why not just dump the Naked CDS Deals and call it a day? That's the 64 trillion dollar question. I believe there is a tremendous amount of fake wealth, supported by a pittance of actual wealth. This actual wealth is from the four corners of the world, and should the fake wealth collapse it would evaporate the real wealth with it ... the effect would be a level of ugly beyond belief with not just the little folks being devastated.

So in the small circle the Banks are looking at Wall Street, which is looking at the Fed, which is looking at the President, which is looking at the Treasury, etc ... while in the Great Circle the US is looking at England, looking at Japan, looking at the EU, looking at China ... each are waiting to see who will pull the trigger first.

We are living in interesting times.
About The Bailouts
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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Krugman On Geithner's Toxic Asset Plan: "The Zombie Ideas Have Won"

There is no way the US can cover all the bad bets of Wall Street, and I'm certain that is exactly what Wall Street has in mind. We must not forget that these companies we are emptying our Treasury for are Multi-National Companies, not American Companies.

The way this game goes is these mega corporations play the "How Dare You, Sir!" card when the US Government wants to regulate them in good times ... using their Multi-National status as a tool of blackmail, but when they screw the entire World Economy up they crawl like beggars back to the US Treasury and defiantly state "You HAVE to help us ... if you DON'T help us we will BLOW UP THE WORLD ECONOMY!!!"

Multi-National business can't have it both ways. The Taxpayers of the United States can't be rendered serfs to the World due to the irresponsible antics of some bad actors of the corporate world.

I think the Administration actually gets it. It's subtle, but I like what I am seeing from the Administration in terms of directly backing SBA loans that have been frozen and the recent trillion dollar allocation that bypasses the bankers entirely.

About Barack Obama
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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Feingold To Death Penalty: Drop Dead

Right on, Senator Finegold!!

The Death Penalty is a primitive ritual that legitimizes vengeance in the guise of Justice. With a Justice System as flawed and corrupt as we have in the United States, where Judges, DAs and Cops have all been found wanting of ethics and morality at one time or another, in a Nation where some States are willing to execute minorities or the retarded for the sheer pagentry of it ... there needs to be another way to punish the guilty besides a system where the accidental execution of an innocent is an acceptable byproduct.

Barry Sheck's "The Innocence Project" has already rescued 234 wrongfully convicted citizens from Prison, including a good percentage from Death Row. (www.innocenceproject.org/) so wrongfully convicted citizens on Death Row isn't a myth, and the bottom line is that the United States cannot murder the innocent due to Judicial incompetence or malfeasance.

Good for you, Senator Finegold.
About Bill Richardson
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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Heartbreaking Footage: Dateline Follows Police Evicting Families From Their Homes

There was a judge in Ohio that prevented the foreclosure of some properties by a Bank because the Bank couldn't furnish the paperwork for the properties in question because of the way they were sliced up for investment purposes. The Bank was shocked that the judge wanted to see the paperwork before allowing the foreclosure ... seems the Bank never had a judge ask for the paperwork before.

Maybe more people should demand to see the paperwork the Bank has for the property they are foreclosing on before they submit to leaving. And maybe Judges that are allowing Banks to foreclose on properties without the proper documentation should be removed from the bench.

Just a thought.
About Housing Crisis
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Kathleen Parker: Limbaugh "Dittoheads" Killing Newspapers

I think Parker misses the point. Newpapers have lost their aura because of media consolidation. It's not like you are going to find an inherently different message in one Newspaper over another, and the Newspaper message overlaps with the message on cable or network news. It is all homogenized and staid. and frankly, limited in relevant scope. With the Internet, only the grasp of language limits the capacity to obtain other views of what is happening in the World. American News covers an American view of the World, which is tightly regulated by the interests of the corporate owners. My supporting example of this is how Al Jazeera became the mortal enemy of the Bush Administration because it was broadcasting an alternative view of the Iraq war from the ground which didn't support the American narrative, When Newspapers all fall under the same corporate umbrella, parallel the same narrative, and begin to appear as little more than social engineering tools their necessity is diminished.

If Newspapers want to avoid extinction they simply need to rediscover their core principles and reason for being ... then circulation won't be a problem.
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Rush Limbaugh Answers Me As Other Republicans Email Calling for Civil War

Frank. we live in a Nation of idiots ... that is our Achilles' heel. You. sir, fall in the category of individuals described by Plato in "The Allegory of the Cave". You have escaped the cave and seen the light of day, but when you return to the cave and try to describe what you have seen to the cave-dwellers, who are mesmerized by the dancing shadows on the cave wall which form their comprehension of reality, you are met with hate, scorn and ridicule. I don't envy your position, but I appreciate you for making a difficult stand. Thank you.
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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Obama's New Strategy: Blaming Bush For Financial Mess

Of course the Republicans (and that Blue Dog/DLC Clinton) own this economy. It's not President Obama ... it's not the Liberals, or Progressives, or others on the Left who are responsible for what occurred in the United States since 1980.

The Republicans and Vichy Democrats own our economic predicament and are the reason for the low standing the United States has in the world today.

And the Vichy Democrats are still acting as obstructionists, putting their closet Republican ideology ahead of what is the best for the country.

A person would have to have a pretty low IQ (or be a Republican which is about equivalent) to blame President Obama for the dire economic crisis we are in.
About Barack Obama
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Majority of Voters View Limbaugh Negatively, 45 Percent "Very, Very Negatively": Study

I don't see how this can be accurate, I mean the Republicans made Rush the ideological leader of their party. Rush stands for what the GOP stands for.

This idea that Rush is unpopular strikes me as just some kind of tree-hugging Liberal plot to undermine him. I know that Rush is the man the GOP crawl to everyday and beg for direction. Rush is the GOP present and Rush is the GOP future.

I'm sure I am not alone when I say that I am very happy with Rush in his current role and I hope he is the leader of the GOP for decades to come.

I wouldn't take this poll too seriously. Rush is loved by the GOP ... he completes them.
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Christina Romer: Obama Not Overwhelmed By Bad Economy

The Right is used to a Democratic President picking one high-profile issue they could focus on and attack. The Obama Administration's inundation of ideas and initiatives makes it nearly impossible for the GOP and their fellow travelers in the MSM and Chamber of Commerce to mount an effective counter attack on the Obama Administration's agenda.

In short Obama Administration .... POUR IT ON!!!! MORE!!! MORE!!! MORE!!! FASTER!!! FASTER!!!FASTER!!! ... do not let up!

The Obama Administration has succeeded in reducing the opposition to Lucy and Ethel racing the conveyor belt in the chocolate factory.

SPEED IT UP ... we need more Nuts and Chews!!!!
About Barack Obama
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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alan Greenspan: The Fed Didn't Cause The Housing Bubble

The toothpaste is out of the tube, Mr. Greenspan, and you smell like Fresh Mint.
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Sunday, March 08, 2009

McCaskill: I'm Not Sure We Have Votes On Employee Free Choice Act

American workers have been more than patient in terms of expanding and solidifying worker's rights. If the Democrats can't get the EFCA passed then it is time to work for the creation an activist Labor Party whose membership uses financial boycott as well as walkouts and strikes to get business to sing the proper tune.

Of course that would kill the Democratic Party, but if they aren't willing to get the job done, so be it.

And Mr Donohue knows that there has never been an easier time in the history of the Republic to organize people quickly ... and times they are a-changing.

I say the Chamber should wise up, expansion of the Unions is the least of their worries.
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Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Igor Panarin: U.S. Will Collapse By Next Year

If the United States were to collapse why would Panarin assume that whomever was controlling the US at the time (likely a Military/Industrial Politburo, that would have vanquished American Civil Authority and imposed martial law by Military Contractor) would allow any world economic competitor to survive unscathed if their own dreams of being rulers of the New World Order were destroyed? If I were China, Russia, India, the EU or any other competitor nation to the US I would be doing all I can to preserve US stability and cohesion, for there will be no winners should the US collapse. I am positive of that.

Remember the way messianic megalomaniacs and their brainwashed minions operate ... Hitler supposedly was constructing a "Doomsday Device" to shoot a warhead into the center of the earth in an attempt to destroy the earth should his plans fail, obviously it didn't work. Panarin should pray for the stability of the United States rather than muse over the fanciful beneficial outcomes for his country should American collapse come to pass.
About Barack Obama
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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Obama Touts Main Street Success As Wall Street Plunges

"I'm not saying, 'Mr. President, go stare at the Bloomberg quote machine and come to your senses,'" said CNBC's Jim Kramer. "I just want some sign that Obama realizes the market is totally falling apart. And that his agenda has a big hand in that happening."

I call BULLSH*T!!!!

Cramer, President Obama is not responsible for the Securities Kiting/Ponzi Scheme that is now collapsing ... Wall Street is. There is nothing that this President ... or any President ... could do at this point to prevent this scam from collapsing and rescue investors from losing their shirts. The die is cast, Cramer, and it was you and your Wall Street buddies who were running the forge.

CNBC has no credibility. Nobody on CNBC warned their investor Viewers they were about to lose 40-60% of their wealth last year. The talking heads on CNBC with their faux bluster acted like carnival barkers getting the Savvy PC Investor Set into the big tent to see the bearded lady and the cat with two heads.

I know Cramer has a job to do ... and it isn't an easy one ... but you would think at some point conscience would come into play for some of these CNBC Corporate Breast-beaters and they would recognized they have far more to do with the people who have been financially wiped out than the President has.

Cramer, CNBC deal in reality once in a while, huh?
About Barack Obama
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Monday, March 02, 2009

Liberal Groups Pressure Congress On Foreclosure Bill (VIDEO)

To paraphrase John McCain ... take the names of the lawmakers, Democrat or Republican, that stand in the way of this and make them famous in their home districts through ads. Then start canvassing for challengers to these lawmakers in their next elections. Time to get as punitive with the Lawmakers as the Banks are with the mortgage holder's in default.
About Video On HuffPost
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Sunday, March 01, 2009

"Slumdog" Kids Back To School, One Taken Ill, Father Demands More Cash (PHOTOS)

Is this a case of the "Butterfly Effect" or "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"?

I once saw a great Tagalog film by Kidlat Tahimik called "Turumba" of how the life in a Philippine Village is turned upside down when their local paper mache crafts are noticed by a German Tourist who hires the villagers to create souvenirs of the mascot of 1972 Munich games. It is really worth seeing the damage outsiders can cause when they interrupt the traditional dynamic of a people's culture. This is really the case with these slum kids, for life will never be the same for them again now that they have lived in another world.
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