Friday, November 30, 2012

Christian Slater's Vote Rejected In Florida (PHOTO)

I think that State Governments should have the right to screw up their State and Local Elections all they like, but I think that Federal Elections should be run by the Federal Government. The IT voting platform for Federal Elections should be uniform. The Voting machines should be uniform. The ballots should be uniform. The maintenance of the Federal Voter Rolls should be handled by the Secret Service or Treasury. In short, Federal Elections should be the responsibility of and monitored by the Federal Government. If you walk into a poll in Idaho, California, Mississippi, New York, Florida, etc, the experience for the voter should be identical, and their right to vote, and ease of voting uniformly ensured.

Again, this has nothing to do with "States Rights", let the States do what they will with their own elections, but the Federal Government should have complete, unimpeded domain over Federal Elections.

Then the games stop.
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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Charles Krauthammer Fiscal Cliff Analogy: Obama Offer Worse Than Appomattox

The Republicans see the writing on the wall, and despite Krauthammer's analysis, will cave ... because the House Republicans know if they don't cave they will be raising taxes on all Americans on 01/01/2013 and, even with safely gerrymandered districts, will be wiped out for the tax increase on their own constituents in the 2014 midterms. Krauthammer knows the Republicans have to take the deal, and like it.
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Obama Romney Lunch Photo: President, Former Challenger Dine At White House

"So ... Mitt ... care to test drive ... the chair"

"The chair?"

"uh huh."

"Oh THE chair."


"May I?'

"I offered."

"Indeed you did."

"I'd hurry."

"Oh, hurry ... sure."

Mitt sits in THE chair.

"Thank you ... why the hurry, if I may ask?"

"Well, Clint Eastwood is in the nest room and would like to have a word with it."

"I see."

"A joke."

"Ha ha."

"Proceed with your sitting, Governor."

"Good one too ..."
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Despite Evidence From Discredited Medical Examiner, Mississippi's Jeffrey Havard Nears Execution

If we were to make it a Capital Crime to execute the wrong man, with the Judge, Persecuting and Defense Lawyers all getting a shot at the lethal injection, something tells me there would be a lot more life sentences and far fewer executions of any sort. It might just take that to prevent travesties like this from happening.
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The Politics of Fear

My heart breaks for Greece and its people. The proper approach to the economic crisis was adopted by Iceland. A Courageous Approach. Iceland put the "Banker's Deal" to The People in a referendum and The People said "NO!" The Icelandic Government then applied accountability to the Bankers and Politicians that caused their crisis, through corrupt acts, by prosecuting them. The People of Iceland then rewrote their Constitution to eliminate any repeat of malevolent International Bankers crashing Iceland's economy. Instead of inflicting vicious levels of austerity on the Icelandic people, their debts were written off. With all these positive, people centric moves, the economy of Iceland is recovering, not desiccating in the horse latitudes like Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy ... etc.

The unambiguous truth is ... and I think privately Papandreou, the leaders of Greece, and the other afflicted nation's leaders would agree ... none of the Eurozone nations in toil today could afford being tied to a currency shared by an economic powerhouse like Germany. They were ALWAYS going to be reduced to a neocolonial relationship in the end, they would NEVER be equals. Now we see the truth baring its sinister smile.

I still believe the Iceland template was the best choice, who knows how this current misery ultimately plays out. Sadly.
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Vatican Hails UN Palestinian State Vote, Calls For Special Status For Jerusalem

Here, I agree with the Vatican. If a two-state solution allots Jerusalem to either Israel or Palestine, or worse, divides the city between the two ... there will never be peace.

As an Apathetic Agnostic with no horse in the Religion Race, having Jerusalem as a City State administered by the International Community would save gallons of blood and tears in the future.
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Louie Gohmert Jumps Into Tax Fight, Trashes GOP Leaders For 'Not Leading'

If "The American Rich" are driven from the country by tax increases then they are no longer "The American Rich" and we can deal with them as we like ... for the record.
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Debt Ceiling Showdown: Obama, Boehner Diverge On Demands

14th Amendment:

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

The debt ceiling is unconstitutional, and should be ignored. The United States must pay its debts authorized by law. Defaulting on the public debt would be unconstitutional.
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Trace Adkins Confederate Flag: Country Singer's Rockefeller Center Tree Lighting Performance Features Stars-And-Bars Earpiece (VIDEO)

Over 600,000 Americans died because a bunch of traitors, under that rag Adkins is promoting, broke with the United States and attacked it. There is nothing more American about the Confederate Flag than there was the Swastika. What the Confederate Flag represents is a defeated enemy of the United States of America, and nothing more.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tom Ricks: Fox News Statement About My Apology Is 'Horseshit' (VIDEO)

What is odd is that Clemente, as a Fox "News" EVP, would think that dissing Mr Ricks via an official statement would end the issue. Maybe 20 years ago, but not with the Internet. Clemente is actually bringing MORE attention to Rick's comment about Fox "News" basically being an appendage of the GOP. The smart thing to do would have been allow the issue to pass, as opposed to pulling a Winston Smith on a faux Ricks' apology, assuming Ricks wouldn't have another public platform where he could flesh out his position on the issue, Sloppy and sophomoric handling of an otherwise easy PR issue.
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John Boehner Signals No Softening On Taxes In Fiscal Cliff Standoff

Here's a fun idea ... jump the Fiscal Cliff, and let the Republicans try to claw back the tax cuts for the Rich as all the American people enjoy a uniform Republican Tax Hike in the New Year!

The Republicans OWN THIS if they don't extend the Middle Class rates ... and America understands that.

I think the 2014 Midterms are going to be REAL pleasant for the Republicans .... gerrymandered districts or not ... if they blow this and hit their constituents in their pocketbooks. The political ads write themselves.
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Grover Norquist: GOP Can't 'Have Their Fingerprints On The Murder Weapon' Of Tax Increases

What Grover misses is that on 01/01/2013 taxes go up for ALL Americans if the Republican House doesn't agree to extend the Middle Class Tax Cuts. So, at the stroke of midnight on New Years if the Republicans don't act the lights come up on them with a body at their feet and a smoking gun in their hand.
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Tom Cole, GOP Congressman, Urges Republicans To Agree To Obama Tax Plan

If the House Republicans don't extend the Middle Class tax cuts, then on 01/01/2013 all Americans get a big, fat Republican Tax Increase. This is what Congressman Cole recognizes that his peers don't. This is a fight the GOP only can lose if they are obstinate.
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Erskine Bowles Predicts 'We're Going Over The Cliff'

Great! Shock Doctrine be damned! Hit the gas, and jump that Fiscal Cliff "Thelma and Louise" style! Boom!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mitch McConnell: Filibuster Fight Is An Unnecessary 'Bomb' In The Senate

Harry, just steamroll the SOB.
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Fox Business Contributor: Factory Fire Victims Appreciated Those Jobs (VIDEO)

Anyone would love to be burned to death in a slave wage factory that supplies product to Walmart. Get with the program, Morlocks.
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Tom Ricks Denies Fox News Claims He Apologized For Testy Interview

Fox "News" required an apology from Tom Ricks for his on air breaching of the fourth wall by telling the truth ... so they manufactured one back in some forgotten room of the Fox "News" hive where Winston Smith toils.
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Lamar Smith, Global Warming Skeptic, Set To Chair House Science Committee

Shouldn't the Chair of the House Science committee be someone who actually believes in science? I prefer someone in the role who comprehends Darwin's Theory ... not someone who could have been one of Darwin's subjects for study.
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For Fiscal Cliff Talks, Medicare Reform Still On Table For Senate Democrats

The answer to the problem with Medicare is to give all Americans Medicare and eliminate the For Profit health care system that drives up costs. Investors are the reason for the high cost of medical care in the US and they should be excised from the system with a Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care system like Medicare For All.
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Dick Durbin: Social Security Should Be Off The Fiscal Cliff Table [UPDATE]

The Democrats should not expect Progressive support in 2014 if they cave on protecting the American People's Earned Benefits: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The goal for the Democrats should be to keep 2010 Midterm Election Outcome an ugly memory receding in the past, not a time they are itching to recreate.
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Monday, November 26, 2012

Jim Greer, Ex-Florida GOP Chair, Claims Republican Voting Laws Focused On Suppression, Racism

The Federal Government should takeover administration of all Federal Elections nationwide ... from managing the voter rolls, providing a uniform balloting process for Federal Elections, providing an adequate number of properly operating voting machines to precincts to avoid long lines, and ensuring that no one is barred from voting who has the lawful right to do so.

We have a problem when the regional biases and proclivities interfere with the Democratic process. If the States want to mangle State and Local Elections with behavior destructive to democracy then that would be up to the voters of the State to apply corrective actions, but I see no reason that Federal Elections can't be handled by the Federal Government, and if you turn the responsibility over to the Secret Service or US Treasury to manage then you could make the punishment for tampering with the process so severe it would prevent political operatives to risk time in a Federal Penitentiary for foolish, unethical and immoral behavior.
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Filibuster Reform Opposed By Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader

McConnell has hogtied the Senate via the filibuster for four years by using it as a political rather than legislative tool. McConnell and the current Republicans of the Senate have harmed the American People for fuor years via filibuster abuse and it is time to end Republican free play at the American people's expense.

I understand why McConnell is screaming about this, but I also think it is time for his petulance to be ignored.
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Joe Scarborough: It Is 'Immoral' For Richest Americans To Pay 15% Tax Rate (VIDEO)

There is nothing wrong with redistributing wealth to provide Americans with the best infrastructure, medical care, education, wages, and retirement opportunities on Earth and taxation is the method of that redistribution. The problem is that people have decided that there is something to "Win" in amassing wealth and power, and that's a falsehood. Nobody wins, ever, We are all mortal and no amount of gold will change that fact.

I'm not saying taking away all of people's money is the thing to do, but, lets be clear, two geriatric men don't have time left on the clock to spend 42 billion dollars, for instance, and ... don't kid yourself ... people who are fixated on acquiring wealth and power are doing it for themselves not their heirs.

The taxation that is being discussed now is insignificant compared to the tax rates the rich have paid at other times in the nation's history. The Rich should be happy with what they have.

And to all of these Ayn Randians who threaten to leave the United States if they aren't genuflected to, I say .... GO!
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Mary Schapiro Resigning: SEC Head To Step Down

Schapiro's legacy is yet to be framed. It will be when Wall Street crashes the economy once more and people say "If only Schapiro was tougher on Wall Street when she was in charge of the SEC."
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Ehud Barak, Israel Defense Minister, Quits Politics

I think this is a signal to the world that Netanyahu plans on unilaterally attacking Iran, and, because of the senseless mutual aggression pact the US has with Israel, intends on dragging the US into the conflict.

If I were the Obama Administration I would tell Netanyahu through back channels that the US won't necessarily honor the mutual aggression pact in the event of a unilateral Israeli attack on Iran. I have yet to hear any credible Military expert say that such an attack on Iran would be anything but disastrous. I'm certain with his background Ehud Barak understands this as well.

In Netanyahu we have yet another Right Wing headcase with a Messianic complex addicted to nonsensical, self-defeating acts in pursuit of his cause. This exit by Barak may signal that, yet again, Bibi is queued up to do something incomprehensibly dumb, and if he does, he should be left out on a limb alone.

The people of Israel need to wise up and elect someone responsible to lead their country before they find themselves way over their heads. Also, it may be helpful to the people of Israel to remember that Masada didn't have a happy ending.
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Sunday, November 25, 2012

CEO Council Demands Cuts To Poor, Elderly While Reaping Billions In Government Contracts, Tax Breaks

Wall Street is what crashed the US Economy not Medicare, Medicaid of Social Security ... all of the people pushing for the assault on the Social Safety Net would be rotting in prison if the US Judicial System wasn't completely corrupted by money.
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Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Thanksgiving: A Turkey Sandwich at Walmart

"Who will win? I don't know. But I do know whose side I'm on. And I know that I'm not alone."

There are millions of Americans pulling for these folks at Walmart, for they deserve better treatment than they are getting ... as are many across our country.

I want to make one point though. For these Walmart workers what occurred on Black Friday was a definite victory, for it all started with one store ... expanded across the country ... and the Walmart Workers had the guts to participate and make a stand. That is victory. Forming a picket and pushing back sends a powerful message to Walmart Management:

"We aren't just FTEs in a SAP generated report. We are human beings and expect to treated with dignity and respect."

History shows that sometimes it simply takes the principled stand of a single person ... like Rosa Parks refusing to move to the back of the bus ... or a humble Tunisian fruit vender, Mohamed Bouazizi, setting himself on fire in protest of unfair treatment ... to change the world.

The Walmart employees who walked out on Black Friday just started a process that will change the world.

Power to the People!

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Friday, November 23, 2012

Grand Old Planet

The Contemporary "Conservative" Movement that has commandeered the Republican Party is an Elitist Sociopathic Reactionary Right Wing Cult in the John Birch Society mold ... as divorced from reason as reality.
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Texas Highway Pileup: Massive Car Crash Shuts I-10 In Texas; At Least 2 Dead

The speed limit is now 85 miles per hour in Texas, isn't it? Not much time to deal with a sudden decrease in visibility.
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Media Thanksgiving 2012: What Media Personalities Are Thankful For (PHOTOS)

I'm Thankful that with effort, dedication, and love for each other it's still possible to make the world a better place.
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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Paul Krugman: CNBC Is 'Bad For Your Financial And Intellectual Health'

Anyone who counts on sound financial analysis from CNBC in managing their investments should be absolutely terrified with the confidence with which Larry Kudlow predicts a 330 Electoral vote landslide in the election for Mitt Romney:

Watch this clip and then overlay it with the enthusiasm CNBC talent pushes everyday on any number of investment ideas promoted on the network.
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Walmart Strikes: Lone Worker Walks Out, Receives Trespass Warning Ahead Of Black Friday

Bottom line, unless you have close friends in the Communist Chinese Politburo you shouldn't be patronizing Walmart as long as they treat their employees so deplorably.
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White House To Boehner: Obamacare Not Part Of Fiscal Cliff Deal

How the President and the New Democrats treat Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid will determine whether 2014 puts the Democrats in the driver seat for the remainder of President Obama's second term, or whether the President spends the last two years twiddling his thumbs waiting for the moving vans to arrive.

The Democrats need to come out and be vocal about protecting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

The American people must hear from the elected officials that it is hands off these programs.

It must be ENUNCIATED publicly.
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White House To Boehner: Obamacare Not Part Of Fiscal Cliff Deal

The cynic in me thinks that this is a misdirection play. Get people focusing on Obamacare, and then surreptitiously gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

That would be unwise.

Both the New Democrats and the Republicans have a lot on the line in 2014 ... and we, the friendly neighborhood political proctologists of the Internet have our rubber gloves on and our examination light lit.

No false moves on Entitlements (aka Earned Benefits), folks. We got you where we want you.

Say "ahhhhh"
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Won Direction

Right on, Bill.

Here's another New Rule for the President:

When you've won ... ACT LIKE IT!
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Two Thoughts on Navigating the "Fiscal Cliff"

I don't think there is any value in having discussions on CSPAN, that's just more theater, and opportunity for Republicans to engage in Performance Art rather than legislating.

I must also say that since Bernanke is an appendage of Wall Street then the fear stoked by the 'Fiscal Cliff" emanates from Wall Street.

Therefore, I'm all for going over the "Fiscal Cliff" and sorting out the winners and losers later.
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White House To Boehner: Obamacare Not Part Of Fiscal Cliff Deal

The Republicans are still flailing ... I'm convinced they thought the election would be a big win for them. Oops.
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Dan Senor, Mitt Romney Adviser, Blasts Republicans For Deserting Candidate After Loss

The Republicans really didn't want Romney, or for that matter McCain in 2008, as their candidate. Romney was a default candidate that satisfied few in the Republican Party. Party loyalty deemed they rally around him in the General Election, but I believe the post election sniping at Romney was the more honest appraisal of him the Republican rank and file offered from their perspective.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Israel Gaza Attacks Intensify Despite Truce Talks

I'm beginning to think the Israelis and Palestinians deserve each other.
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Allen West, Republican Congressman From Florida, Concedes 2 Weeks After The Election

Allen West was a good gimmick for the Republicans when the Tea Party Tantrum was occurring in 2010. An African American foil for President Obama was a good device for the Tea Party Congress, but as the Tea Party fell out of favor, in Republican terms, West's usefulness expired. My guess is that West has found himself pretty much alone over the last two weeks, for, from the Republican perspective, he is little more than chewing gum that's lost its flavor, stuck to the bottom of a diner's table as you walk out the door.
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Kevin Clash Resigns: Sesame Street Elmo Puppeteer Steps Down Amid Underage Sex Allegations

All we know is the allegations have caused Kevin Clash to resign. We have no way of knowing the validity of the claims against him, nor the reason for the revelation occurring now. In some situations accusations such as these are valid, in others they are opportunism. I know nothing of Kevin Clash's personal life, but I do know that accusations like this against an individual who is in a business that caters to children is toxic, and in many cases the target of such allegations is guilty until proven innocent in the court of public opinion ... and maybe even beyond being proven innocent. Sesame Workshop could not afford this issue to damage their mission, and that is understandable.

What is also understandable is that Sesame Street and its beloved characters have been the salvation of PBS, on the many occasions the Right Wing has wanted to defund and eliminate it. So we are clear, the Right Wing knows that in order to destroy PBS they need to destroy Sesame Street ... and the best way to destroy Sesame Street is to tie one of its most beloved characters to child molestation.

I don't know if Kevin Clash is guilty or innocent of these accusations, but I do recognize the world we live in.
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John Metz Denny's Obamacare Surcharge Stirs Big Mess For Restaurant Chain

-"Customers have two choices: They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server," Metz told HuffPost in an interview last week.-

Actually customers have three choices, the third being not patronizing Denny's. Metz missed that one, but, evidently Denny's chief executive John Miller didn't.
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Monday, November 19, 2012

AP Reporter Matthew Lee Hammers State Department Press Secretary Over Gaza Crisis (VIDEO)

There are obviously some people within the establishment that are apoplectic that President Obama didn't take the bait and allow this latest incident become a politically paralyzing crisis for him. When the President didn't sideline his SEA trip I am sure there were some ... including Netanyahu, and American NeoCons ... who were quite distraught about that.

One more thing in passing, this isn't about supporting or not supporting Israel, this is about letting Netanyahu walk the political plank for a foolhardy act, likely inspired by the outcome of the US Election not breaking his way.
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AC/DC On iTunes: Band Releases Its Entire Catalogue

"She had the face of an Angel

Smiling with sin,

the body of Venus

with arms ..."

Shear freaking genius.

Hopefully a whole new generation of fans can now experience AC/DC's tunes.
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Hostess, Union Agree To Mediate, Likely Helping Twinkie-Maker Avoid Shutdown

My take is that as soon as focus went from the Union Employees to Corporate Management and the VC being behind the shutdown some folks, looking at a DoJ investigation coming their way, got cold feet about going the full "Chainsaw Al" on Hostess.

Whatever it takes to save the jobs of the Hostess employees ... oh ... and the Twinkies.

(Side note, without a liberal binges of Ho Hos, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Cupcakes, and Jolt during the 70's, 80's and 90's Silicon Valley would still be nothing but orchards.)
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Israel Airstrike Hits Al Aqsa, Hamas TV Station, In High-Rise In Downtown Gaza City

Here's the only path to sustainable peace, I see.

Get the two-state solution drawn up based on 1967 borders with land swaps, as President Obama cited.

Tie participation to manifesting the two state solution to continued US aid to both Israelis and Palestinians, if either walks away from the table the aid spigot from the US is immediately turned off.

Jerusalem is declared a United Nations Protectorate and is part of neither Palestine nor Israel. Jerusalem has too much meaning to the world's three Judeo-Christian Religions to be relegated to the position of contested prize for warring factions.

The result of establishing an independent Palestine will choke off the appeal of extremists once the economy of the new nation comes online and the Palestinians feel improvement in their daily lives. This will make the situation for Israel safer as well. The extremists of both societies need to be marginalized for the benefit of the Israelis, Palestinians, and their neighbors. The longer this situation is allowed to fester without resolution the more blood will be spilled.

Now is the time to put this Israeli/Palestinian blood feud behind us so the world can move on to more pressing matters. The novelty of this mayhem has worn off.

For the children of Israel and Palestine let's get this Two State Solution installed.
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Sunday, November 18, 2012

World Bank Climate Change Report Says 'Turn Down The Heat' On Warming Planet

If Man only came to recognize he isn't a universal necessity then perhaps we wouldn't be dealing with issues like Climate Change.
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Gilad Sharon, Son Of Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Writes Op-Ed: 'We Need To Flatten Entire Neighborhoods In Gaza'

So things have come full circle ... the children of the Holocaust now propose a Final Solution for the Palestinians, as rationally as the Germans came up with the original.
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Netanyahu: Israel Ready To Widen Offensive

Romney loses election. Gaza blows up. I'd say there is a connection.

Bibi and Mitt are friends from way back. My guess is that promises were made about the US supporting a military strike on Iran by Israel should Romney win. Well, that deal fell apart with Romney's loss, and now Gaza boils over. I think this is all about getting Iran to make a false move in Gaza's defense and force the US into armed conflict with Iran ... in part to divest Obama of his domestic mandate and get him locked into armed conflict with Iran for the duration of his second term. This scenario both benefits Netanyahu, as well as the Right Wing NeoCons in the US.

I believe that the Obama Administration recognizes this and that is why it went forward with its SEA trip despite the Gaza conflagration.

Nothing like this blow up happens by accident, and hopefully the Obama Administration and Iran doesn't fall into Netanyahu's trap.

As it is, with direct feeds of the Gaza devastation going out globally via social media, this whole affair will degrade into a PR nightmare for Israel in time, if the US and Iran just keep their cool the issue will resolve itself.
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Friday, November 16, 2012

John McCain's Benghazi Committee Plan Would Give Senator New Relevance

McCain hates Rice because she was integral to Obama's defeat of him in 2008. The dead of Benghazi are little more than a opportunity to the Senator. No on on the Right could case less about those lost in the attack, but they have political value.
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