Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Joe Biden Torches Mitt Romney For 'Flagrantly Dishonest' Jeep Ad

What does it say about the American voter who supports Mitt Romney, that they are willing to disavow the importance of honestly, integrity, and, frankly, cognitive reasoning for an elitist candidate who, in his heart, despises them?
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Monday, October 29, 2012

Romney Jeep Ad Continues To Provoke Controversy

Without voters accepting Mitt Romney's lies he has no chance of winning this election. Romney has no firm policy positions, and purposefully makes statements all over the map in a "throwing up flack" strategy designed to confuse as many voters into voting for him as possible.

This Chrysler/Jeep ad is just another example of Romney's moral bankruptcy. In fact, I think it is safe to say that Richard Nixon was a more ethical, and honorable man than Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney relies on lies to carry the day for him, what does that tell you about the nature of a Romney/Ryan Administration? Beware.
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NYSE To Close Tuesday Due To Hurricane Sandy

It really comes down to what damage the fiber optic infrastructure sustains as to when the stock exchange reopens, so I'd say Wednesday is iffy.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Barbara Walters To Donald Trump: 'You're Making A Fool Of Yourself' (VIDEO)

What this is all about is that Donald Trump hates President Obama to the core of his being, because when Trump was flying high as a potential Republican Presidential candidate, President Obama successfully publicly humiliated Trump at the Correspondents Dinner in a way Trump is not accustomed too. Trump has notoriously thin skin, as many insecure elitists do, and he will hold a grudge against President Obama for that public affront until the end of his days.
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John Sununu, Top Romney Surrogate, Suggests Colin Powell Obama Endorsement Motivated By Race

Race? No, Mr Sununu,

... former Secretary of State, former Chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, former National Security Adviser to President Ronald Reagan ... Colin Powell ... is simply terrified of the lack of foreign policy experience exhibited by Mitt Romney, and the fact he plans to make up for that glaring deficiency by turning over US Foreign policy to the same coven of Right Wing PNAC loons that cratered the United States' foreign policy during the Bush Administration.

If there is any racial aspect to this discussion, Mr Sununu, it has been introduced by you.
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Richard Mourdock Backed By GOP Leaders Mitch McConnell, John McCain After Rape Remarks [UPDATE]

What kind of demented monsters would look at Mourdock's comments on rape pregnancies being "blessed" as a reason to vote for him?
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Richard Mourdock Backed By GOP Leaders Mitch McConnell, John McCain After Rape Remarks [UPDATE]

This is despicable to be sure, but I want to point out something that may have been missed as we focus on this latest regressive outrage from Mourdock.

This rogue's gallery of Republicans reminded me.

Since the Republicans abdicated their responsibility as a party in terms of governance, by political design, through stonewalling via filibuster abuse, and other acts of sabotage on the legislationve process that has earned the Republicans the lowest Congressional rating in the history of polling on that sentiment ...

Since destroying the Presidency of President Obama has been the sole goal since the President was sworn in ...

Then we need to remind ourselves of the fact that any improvement we are seeing in the economy, stock market, with housing starts, dropping unemployment rate ... general economic improvement ...


The Republicans can do rhetorical cartwheels all they like, but the only functioning part of the US Government, thanks to Republican sabotage, has been the Executive Branch.

President Obama deserves all the credit for making the situation better for the American people ... the Republicans?

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Joe Klein To 'Morning Joe' On Drones: 'The Bottom Line Is, Whose Four-Year-Old Gets Killed?' (VIDEO)

Joe Scarborough has a point, and Joe Klein is kind of whistling past the graveyard with his four year-olds comment. Let's be clear. The only reason the United States hasn't been hit since 9/11 is because terrorists aren't trying to hit us. We all focus on big ticket attacks like occurred with the WTC attacks, but there has been tremendous loss of life across the middle east via small market terrorism that only takes an individual willing to commit the heinous act and sacrifice their life in the process. Let's be perfectly clear, every drone attack has the potential to create a future assassin of Americans at home or abroad. There is nothing to prevent terrorists from sneaking into our country via our northern or southern border. There is nothing to prevent them, once here, to aggregate the materials they need to create mayhem.

So, I would say, there is a time bomb ticking amongst the collateral damage of drone strikes, and the sad thing is I'm 100% certain they weren't our enemies to start with.
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Monday, October 22, 2012

Presidential Debate 2012: Obama, Mitt Romney Spar On Foreign Policy

So, Mitt Romney's message to voters is basically "Vote for me because my foreign policy is EXACTLY the same as President Obama's."

Good luck with that.
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Giants Defeat Cardinals, 9-0, In NLCS Game 7 To Clinch NL Pennant, Reach 2012 World Series

What an amazing comeback .... facing elimination TWICE.

What blissful TORTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The San Francisco Giants are the real, freaking, deal!!!!!!!
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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Michael Bloomberg Invokes 'Socialism' In Criticism Of Elizabeth Warren

How about this. How about if after what American Taxpayers, through their government, did for Wall Street and the Banks in 2008, individuals like Michael Bloomberg can stop attacking Socialism? The Free Market didn't save the financial sector in 2008 ... Socialism did.
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Friday, October 19, 2012

Libya Raid: Republicans Pounce After News Of CIA Cable

This is just like Darrell Issa's Fast and Furious nonsense ... the Right is just trying to make political hay off another tragedy. It is all part of the Republican strategy of desperately reaching into their diaper and throwing whatever they find there.

Adults are investigating the issue and will get to the bottom of things, the Right should go back to concentrating on its teething ring.
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49ers Safety Decision: Jim Harbaugh's Strategy vs. Seahawks Costs Bettors Point Spread Cover

Harbaugh did the correct thing. The Seahawks have been extremely lucky with final plays this year. It was best for the 49ers to bank the win with a western division opponent.
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Pat Smith, Mother Of Diplomat Slain In Libya: 'My Son Is Not Very Optimal -- He Is Also Very Dead'

Condolences to Mrs Smith, but her son knew the job was dangerous when he took it. The minute you fall under the "GI" classification you do become a pawn in an optimal/suboptimal outcome framework. You do cease to be someone's father, son, brother etc. and you become an asset. That's the real world folks, and it's always been the same.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Virginia Voter Registration Destruction Leads To Arrest

Is anyone looking into the story that Tagg Romney is an investor in an Ohio voting machine company? That seems to be an important thing to look into considering the situation.
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Why Do The Gallup Poll's Likely Voter Results Differ From The Rest?

Polling is an art not a science. It has no common standards. A poll can be used for many different purposes, one can be to reflect an actual trend, another to further a meme to influence a trend ... the lemming factor.

It is counter intuitive to believe the American population would vote out a President who turned around the nation from a near catastrophic economic crisis, ended the war in Iraq, prevented the collapse of the auto industry, saving millions of jobs in the process, and killing the ring leader of terrorists that brazenly murdered nearly 3000 Americans on 09/11/2001 ... but, and this is crucial, we have learned over the last four years the tremendous racial bias that exists among million of Americans, and also that perception of reality for them is "challenged".

So, let's see what happens. If the election comes down to "Let's kick the Black Guy out", then Romney will be the next President, if people cast their votes on rewarding a President for good works on their behalf, then President Obama will serve four more years.

Of course, the poll that trumps them all occurs on Tuesday, November 6th.
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Italian Jobless Man Sets Self On Fire Outside Presidential Palace

Two things will happen in 2013. The EU will fracture, and the bottom will fall out of the Chinese Economy. These two issues will capture the next Presidency, whomever wins.
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Progressives: In Swing States, Vote for Obama

Anyone who is against turning the United States Government over to the Right Wing Reactionaries and the John Birch Society must vote for President Obama. End of story.
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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Presidential Debate Fight For 'Binders Of Women' Voters: Countdown Day 20

Any American Woman who votes for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are voting against their own interests as equal American citizens to American Men. Bottom line. No Frills.
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Presidential Debate Fight For 'Binders Of Women' Voters: Countdown Day 20

All of the job losses Romney likes to attribute to President Obama are due to the 2008 crash caused by Republican fiscal policies. The jobs haven't returned as quickly as they could have because the Republicans in Congress made a cynical choice to sabotage any jobs legislation coming their way to hamper economic recovery while President Obama was in office.

If the Woman of America want to know where their jobs are they need to ask Speaker Boehner and Senator McConnell ... not President Obama.

If you notice .... Speaker Boehner and Senator McConnell have been in hiding for weeks ... not an accident.
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Okinawa Rape Arrests: U.S. Servicemen Detained For Allegedly Sexually Assaulting Japanese Woman

I remember the Subic Bay Rape Case in 2006, when a Filipina was raped by a US Marine. The victim in the case was publicly humiliated in an attempt to make her recant. The United States threatened to withhold humanitarian aid to the Philippines if the Marine we tried. When the Marine was found guilty of the rape in Philippine court, US authorities seized the Marine from Philippine Authorities and held him at the Embassy, enraging the Filipino people at the way the US trampled on their country's sovereignty, and scoffed at their Justice system.

Finally, in 2009, the victim "recanted" and the Marine was allowed to leave the Philippine Embassy, AFTER the victim was granted US Citizenship. The uproar in the Philippines associated with that resulted in Philippine Senator Loren Legarda saying:

"America’s act of buying Nicole’s silence is a precedent. They are bound to do this every time. While America keeps its processes intact and its soldiers protected, our morality as a nation is trampled upon, our justice system spat on.”

In the past the United States has been far more willing to throw US Servicemen under the bus when they rape women in Japan. There is a double standard here. I will be following this case to see how the US deals with this.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romney Surrogates Lash Out At Candy Crowley

I think we need to coin a new phrase for the Right Wing:

"Jumping the Orwell"

Because that is what they are doing tonight.

The President clearly indicated in his Rose Garden speech that Benghazi was an act of terrorism.
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Presidential Debate 2012: Live Updates From Barack Obama-Mitt Romney Showdown

Hannity is apoplectic on Fox "News" saying that Candy Crowley "recanted" in backing up the President having indicated that the attack in Benghazi was a terrorist act in the Rose Garden speech on the Sunday after the incident ... unfortunately for Sean there is a video of the President's speech available, and indeed, the incident was referred to as a terrorist act by the President the day after the incident.

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for," Obama said

Hang it up Hannity, you lose.
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Candy Crowley Fact Checks Mitt Romney On Libya

From Romney's perspective being caught in a lie was bad enough, but for the audience to applaud him being called out on the lie the way they did was telling, and devastating.
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2012 Presidential Debate: What To Watch For At Hofstra

Here is something to consider for all those who have been contributing to Social Security, and Medicare via their paychecks for decades, like me. These are benefits we earned. These are benefits we paid for out of our hard earned money. Take a look at the deductions in your paycheck and do the simple calculation of how much per year you have contributed to these programs. It's a lot of money.

Now we have shysters in the Republican party saying those programs are going away and we have to accept the alternatives of privatization and vouchers they are offering us as a replacement.

Wait a minute folks ... we are being robbed. These Republican politicians have taken our money for decades and now they say "sorry sucker"? I don't think so.

If there is any reason not to vote for Romney/Ryan it is because their intention is to rob us of Medicare and Social Security ... two programs that aren't "entitlements" .... no ... what they are are Earned Benefits ... we paid for them, they're ours. The Republicans need to back off, and Romney/Ryan need to lose.
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Monday, October 15, 2012

Westboro Baptist Church Protester Bull-Rushed At Military Funeral Protest (VIDEO)

This is the thing folks need to understand ... you are playing into Westboro Baptist Church's hands if you attack them. They want to be attacked so they can litigate. Wait and see, they will file a lawsuit against everyone involved with the funeral.
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Mexico Drug War 'Systematically Weakening' Cartels, Says Interior Minister

Hard to see how the Drug War isn't working for the American and Mexican elite that are making money from trafficking drugs and the guns associated with the Drug War.
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Presidential Debate Contract, 'Memorandum Of Understanding,' Released

They left off that both participants will have a complementary Fred Flintstone Chia Pet in their dressing rooms.
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Republicans Compare Obama's Response To Libya Attacks With George Bush's Handling Of Iraq

Saying Obama is as bad as Bush, is like standing in the ruin of a five alarm blaze and saying the Fireman is as bad as the Arsonist that set the fire.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012

At Bain Capital-Owned Sensata Technologies, Arrests Ahead Of Layoffs And Plant Closing

What this truly is is Sadism. It wasn't enough for Romney's Bain Capital to takeover Sensata and move the jobs to China ... Bain Capital wanted to torture the American workers, by not only making them train their Chinese replacements, but by taking down the American flag over their Illinois factory, and replacing it with the Communist Chinese flag, just to rub the community's nose in Romney Bain's vulture capitalistic act.

Let's be completely clear here ... the goal was to humiliate the American workers of Sensata. Just like Romney tormented that kid when he was in school.

Mitt Romney is a sick ... sick ... sick ... human being. Despicable.
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Mitt Romney Ad Spending: Candidate And Allies Greatly Outpace Obama As Election Closes

Mitt Romney's company, Bain Capital, replaced the American Flag with the Communist Chinese flag flying over a US Factory in Illinois while the American workers in it were forced to train the Chinese workers their jobs were being outsourced to.

THIS IS THE ONLY STORY THAT MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Mitt Romney Faults Obama Over Inaction On China Trade (VIDEO)

Every time Romney and Ryan open their mouth they are lying. There is more truth in an Elephant's flatulent than presented by the Koch Brother's dynamic duo.

All the Romney/Ryan ticket has going for it is ignorant and racist Americans, lacking cognative reasoning skills. That's it.
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Friday, October 12, 2012

Afghanistan: The Long and Winding Roads

The United States lost the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as the Bush Administration elected to invade and occupy those countries.
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The Final Word On Mitt Romney's Tax Plan

Just a note to the 435 Congresspersons, 100 Senators and President regarding The American People's earned benefit, Social Security Insurance. Social Security is a pact that the FDR Administration made with the American people. Based upon that pact hundreds of millions of Americans have contributed into this earned benefit throughout their working lives. Americans have honored their part of the bargain and expect to be repaid in full for their contribution.

Ryan indicates that he and Romney have a plan to privatize Social Security, and turn the trust fund over to Wall Street to steal ... that is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

You 435 Congresspersons, 100 Senators, and President are just stewards of an exceptional program that predates your tenure in office. You are obligated to make good on the Social Security Earned Benefit Pact that FDR instituted.

There is no valid excuse to tamper with the program.

It would be better to zero out the Defense Budget than sabotage Social Security.

You have no political cover.
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Paul Ryan Pressed For Details On Tax Plan During Debate (VIDEO)

The Romney/Ryan team can't tell the specifics of their tax plan or they will lose the election. And their voting base doesn't care if they get specifics or not because they walk through life wearing a "kick me again" sign anyway.
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Central Banks Can't Inflate Market Prices Forever

This is why Central Banks will attempt to inflate Market Prices as long as they can:

"A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation. The Ponzi scheme usually entices new investors by offering higher returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are either abnormally high or unusually consistent. Perpetuation of the high returns requires an ever-increasing flow of money from new investors to keep the scheme going"
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Chris Matthews Confronts Heckler Who Called Obama 'Communist'

This woman underscores the problem with America. She is "entitled" white and in her 50's or 60's and it is obvious she has not learned a damn thing through the course of her lifetime. She confidently parrots nonsense with an air of intellectual superiority when she is, in fact, a nitwit.

I don't think this woman, accusing President Obama of being a Communist, even can define Communist, but for her that's okay, for as she sits in the cave with her other ignorant white tribe members, gibbering and reinforcing nonsense for each other, her "Whiteness" overcomes all the other glaring intellectual deficiencies that define her.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ryan-Biden Debate Captures Political Spotlight

So Ryan thinks being called a "Congressman" is beneath him? What a way to insult the constituents that gave him the privilege to serve in the House of Representatives in the first place. Being a Congressman, Mr Ryan, is the only political achievement you have ... I wouldn't dismiss it.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Joe Biden Debate Challenge: Go Big Or Be Sent Home

You can tell the Right are terrified of this Debate ... they are already accusing Biden of everything under the sun. In short, they have no confidence in Ryan. None.
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Mitt Romney Won't Mention Glen Doherty, Slain Former Navy SEAL, After Mother's Complaint

So, this is the point where the Right Wing hurls all manner of insult at Doherty and his mother, since she refused to play along.
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Mitt Romney Won't Mention Glen Doherty, Slain Former Navy SEAL, After Mother's Complaint

Remember when the Republicans exploited Jessica Lynch, and mischaracterized her story to create a politically beneficial narrative for them?

I do.

"Initial media reports on Lynch's capture and rescue in Iraq were incorrect. On April 24, 2007, she testified in front of Congress that she had never fired her weapon; her M16 rifle jammed, and that she had been knocked unconscious when her vehicle crashed.[1] Lynch has been outspoken in her criticism of the original stories reported regarding her combat experience. When asked about her heroine status, she stated "That wasn't me. I'm not about to take credit for something I didn't do... I'm just a survivor."[2]"

Republicans have no shame.
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Obama On Debate: 'I Was Just Too Polite'

What Obama should have done, if he wanted to be polite for the debate and allow Romney to lie for ninety minutes, was wait to the end of the debate and say, basically, what he said here. In his summation the President could have said:

"My fellow Americans, I want to apologize for taking your time tonight. You were not invited to view a Presidential Debate, what you witnessed was my opponent, Governor Romney, lying for ninety minutes. Ninety minutes of changing stated positions he has held through course of this campaign. Ninety minutes of empty platitudes and numbers that don't add up. Ninety minutes of calling the world flat and the sky green. I started to take notes on inconsistencies in the Governor's remarks, and after capturing four pages of them I realized I couldn't address all of them in the time allotted for this debate. I will, however, detail the inconsistencies on the White House webpage where anyone who is interested can review them. Governor Romney and I are asking the American people to elect us to the most important office in the land. The leader of the free world. And to think that Governor Romney believes he wins this race through pathological lying is an affront to the office of the Presidency, and an insult to the American people. I am sorry we wasted your time, America, this election is too important to allow a liar and fabricator, like the Governor here, to waste America's time."
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'Bright Object' On Mars Identified As Plastic From NASA's Curiosity Rover

I was going to say If it's a "Bright Object" we can be certain it isn't of Republican origin, but if it's litter, I stand corrected.
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Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Mitt Romney Abortion Stance Changes, As Candidate Says He Won't Push To Restrict Access

Folks, these aren't missteps ... this is a craven political strategy. These statements all over the board are concerted acts. The Romney team knows that this election will be very close, and the conflicting statements will harvest more votes for him from voters not thrilled with Obama. It works like this:

"I'm not sure about Obama again, but Romney said he was pro-choice ... I'll go with him."


"I'm not sure about Romney, but at least he says he is anti-Abortion!"


By being all over the board Romney cans sweep the confused into his camp, because he knows many Americans haven't been paying close attention and that plays to his advantage.

It's a sleazy tactic but then we are talking about Mitt Romney.
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Mitt Romney CNN Interview: The 47% Comment Is 'Not What I Meant'

The Koch Brothers paid $100 million dollars for Romney to put their pet monkey, Paul Ryan, on the ticket, so if I were Mitt, I'd hire a food taster if I won the election. Just some friendly advice.
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Mitt Romney CNN Interview: The 47% Comment Is 'Not What I Meant'

What was the Sade song? "Smooth Operator"?

Romney will say absolutely anything he feels he needs to without it linked to what he actually feels about the issue. Dangerous, dangerous personality trait.
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Andrew Sullivan Freaks Out Over Obama: 'Romney Is Now Kicking The President's Ass'

This was the first of three debates, not the last of three debates. What the American people need to decide in terms of Romney's debate "victory" is whether or not a pathological liar deserves to be President. If that's not an issue for America then Romney is in good shape.
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Jon Husted, Ohio GOP Secretary Of State, Appealing Early Voting Decision To Supreme Court

If Mitt Romney were to win the election under the cloud of voter suppression and nullification it would be irresponsible for Americans to view Romney's Presidency as legitimate.
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Mr. President: Next Debate, Make Moral Choice Clear

Governor Granholm, if I were President Obama, and would try to intone Theodore Roosevelt's words in the link below and I would take Peggy Noonan's advice to Mitt Romney ... and GO BIG.
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Monday, October 08, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Was Called A Liar By Obama Campaign

I don't think Romney being a pathological liar is news to anyone familiar with him. He has an extensive track record going back way before this political campaign. Lying to get his way is how Mitt gets things done. It's who he is.
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