Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hugo Chavez Says He'd Vote For Obama

I heard that in Venezuela you can fill up the gas tank of an Expedition for under four dollars. I bet Chavez could beat both Obama and Romney if he could work that magic here ... of course there is also the Single Payer Health Care the Venezuelans enjoy too.
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Ohio Presidential Polls: Obama Leads Romney By 9 Points, Columbus Dispatch Poll Finds

The dynamic of an election during a Presidential Election year is different than an off year election. In the 2010 Tea Party "landslide" only 4 out of 10 voters even bothered to show up at the polls. Turnout will be way higher in November, and higher turnout favors the Democrats. That is why the Republicans have been focused on voter purges and ID laws to cull participation by Democrats in November. I think the Republicans, however, have blown it big time. They picked a ticket that alienates key factions of their coalition. The Mormon factor is a big issue with the Fundamentalist Christians in the Red States, so the GOP is looking at lots of voters in its base that may find other things to do on election day. The Republicans should have gone with a VP who would have energized that part of the base ... Huckabee or Santorum would have been the best choices ... with Ryan they got a candidate who appeals to maybe 2% of the GOP base, and alienates the rest. Anyway you slice it you have a GOP ticket with two northerners, neither of whom are Fundamentalist Christians.

The GOP has a tough nut to crack in November, to say the least.

The Democrats ... and anti-Republicans ... should heed the wisdom of Ray Kroc. If the competition is going to drown stick a hose in their mouth. Dems need to passionately engage to the bitter end.
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Gen. John Allen: 'I'm Mad As Hell' About Insider Attacks In Afghanistan

Insider attacks aren't new in this type of situation. General Douglas MacArthur was retained by Manuel Quezon, President of the Philippine Commonwealth Government, to build a domestic fighting force for the country as it transitioned to independence from the US, which was interrupted by the outbreak of WWII., but the American Colonial Officials in Manila were frightened that if the Filipinos were trained up the Americans would be run out and not be able to build a post independence dynamic that was beneficial to US Business operating in the islands. Because of this there was no competent Philippine Army available to confront the invading Japanese. Even the Philippine Scouts, a branch of the US Army, were viewed with distrust and closely monitored in terms of weapons access.

The reason for this concern, 40 years into US Occupation of the Philippines, was that the US Military continued to take casualties throughout the 40 year period. The attacks were classified as "acts of banditry', but that definition of US military casualties in the Philippines was framed during the Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

This dynamic is horribly tragic, but should have been anticipated.
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Chris Christie: Mitt Romney Will Turn Race 'Upside Down' With Debate Performance (VIDEO)

I've noticed how Christie has been conspicuously out of sight for the last couple of weeks of Romney Shambles. Quite a loyalist.
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Afghanistan War: 2,000th U.S. Troop Killed In Insider Attack

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that the Bush Administration started, have been a boon for Defense Contractors and the Texas oil Cartel but are not the long term interests of the United States. I feel terrible for our troops, and frankly the civilians of those countries as well. To meet the interests of a small click of greedy internationalists far more people have lost their lives than should ever have been allowed. Americans were railroaded into these wars, that ran counter to the interests of the United States, by the Bush Administration.

The bottom line is that Iraq and Afghanistan were elective wars, whose purpose was to aggregate wealth and power to American Elites of dubious allegiance.
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Friday, September 28, 2012

Ann Romney: Biggest Fear Is For Mitt's 'Mental Well-Being'

"I think my biggest concern obviously would just be for his mental well-being," she said. "I have all the confidence in the world in his ability, in his decisiveness, in his leadership skills, in his understanding of the economy. ... So for me I think it would just be the emotional part of it."

WTF? She said that .... OUT LOUD?

cue Joe Scarborough:

"Sweet Jesus."
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Shep Smith Apologizes For Fox News Airing Apparent Suicide Live: 'We Really Messed Up' (VIDEO)

What is Shep Smith apologizing for? Wasn't this a "scoop"? Wasn't this the kind of human zoo , pseudo journalistic, infotainment that defines American entertainment now?

What's the purpose of rubbernecking a car chase in the first place? Isn't it to see the crash? To see the cops take the perp down? Maybe the car speeds though a red light and takes out kids crossing the street on the way to a school field trip. Maybe the car flips and bursts into flames with the network talking head adding:

"Oh Lord, oh Lord."

Jeez, Shep, you're on Fox "News" for crying out loud ... don't apologize, go for the slow motion close up.
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Hina Rabbani Khar, Pakistan Foreign Minister: Drones Are Top Cause Of Anti-Americanism

Drones will prove to be idiotic weapons for the US, in the long run, both at home and abroad. Though I can imagine that in some quarters of the Intelligence Community and Military the lips smack in self satisfaction at such a sterilized way to deal with enemy targets. But the weapons, as noted in the piece, aren't sterile at all when you consider the lions-share of causalities are innocent civilians.

Okay, so the next response is likely ... "Who cares?" ... from the personnel remotely running the drones like some kind of DOOM gamer amped up on Ho Ho's and Jolt ... "It's not like the targets are in any position to retaliate against me."

Right. Against Drone Operators dealing death from half a world away, absolutely right. No retaliation, but ultimately every American that travels or works in the targeted country will become fair targets. Students, Clergy, Diplomats, tourists ... Business people. All fair targets in the absence of soldiers to retaliate against.

All's fair in love and war, right?

"If you can't be with the one you war, war the one you're with"

Drones have a tremendous, long term downside.
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Madrid Protests: Bar Owner Protects Demonstrators From Police (VIDEO)

Casillas, however, is a supporter of Spain's current, conservative government.

"Let me be clear. I am in favor of the Partido Popular. I am a supporter and voter of [Spanish Prime Minister] Rajoy ... but on Wednesday it went too far,” he told El Pais.

"There were excessive police forces. I am for compliance with the law, but above the law, there is humanity. I did what I had to do, that’s all."

Wow, just wow.
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John Sununu Criticizes Obama Administration Over Libya Attacks

Come on John, the pressure is being applied to the weasel that made that anti-Muslim film as we speak. Once he cracks we will know exactly who the GOP operatives that retained him to make mischief were. Enjoy your games of projection now, Mr Sununu, for when the GOP bow breaks the cradle will fall. Delicious.
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NFL Referees' Ovation: Fans Cheer Refs Ahead Of Browns-Ravens On 'Thursday Night Football'

Now that makes me feel good.

Want something done right? Call in the Unionized Professionals: Carpenters, Teachers, Fireman, Dock Workers, NFL Referees, Nurses, Pipe Fitters, Pilots, etc ... you get the picture, I'm sure.

Welcome back, NFL Referees!!!!
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A GOP Senate Is Slip-Sliding Away: Countdown Day 40

All those Geriatric Right Wing Billionaires that Karl Rove has been fleecing this election cycle. My, my, my. Geritol straight, to say the least.
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Florida Voter Purge Draws New Legal Challenge After State Officials Release Different List

When do the Feds just arrest the Governor and Secretary of State of Florida? I would say tampering with the vote is as treasonous as secession.
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Nakoula Basseley Nakoula Arrested

Nakoula was banned from using the Internet for five years under terms of his probation established prior to his involvement with the Anti-Islam video. So, no, this isn't about free speech it's about a con violating the terms of his probation. End of story.
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A GOP Senate Is Slip-Sliding Away: Countdown Day 40

"The seat was once thought to be a gimme for Kyl's GOP heir apparent, Rep. Jeff Flake, a Mormon and anti-government conservative from rural Arizona."

How is being an anti-government candidate running for a US Senate seat not the same thing as being a hypocrite?

Maybe the guy is just a flake.
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Obama Touts 'New Economic Patriotism' In 2-Minute Ad (VIDEO)

It's almost October.

In elections past the GOP has been willing to extend the Vietnam war by seven years, tamper with the release of hostages from the US Embassy in Iran, and use a corrupt Supreme Court to appoint their candidate President in order to take the White House. Now the GOP is working to undermine Americans ability to vote through dubious voter purges and with Voter ID Laws meant to exclude access to the polls for millions of legal Americans who have the right to vote.

It doesn't matter how far ahead President Obama is. The GOP and the unleashed Right Wing Reactionary Billionaires behind it will do anything to win this ... anything. So we must fight to get President Obama re-elected as though he was the underdog, whatever the polls currently say.

In terms of Romney and his apparently sinking chances of being President, let me quote the lyric from Mark Knopfler's song about Ray Kroc, "Boom Like That.":

"Competition? Send 'em South ... if they're gonna drown, put a hose in their mouth."
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anti-Austerity Protests Break Out In Athens And Madrid

The EURO is done. The sooner nations like Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and France exit the unwieldy monstrosity and start meeting the needs of their citizens by controlling their own fiscal and monetary policy the better ... and as for the international banks and investors who will face wipe-out ... no investment is guaranteed to bear fruit. Take the loss.
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Traders Find Libor Manipulation Hilarious, Instant Messages Show

Okay, let's remember a couple of things.

First, there was over a quadrillion dollars in derivatives in 2008, up from two hundred trillion in 2002 when Warren Buffet characterized them as "financial weapons of mass destruction", so the $350 trillion dollars referred to in the piece is low-balling the amount of derivatives affected, and considering that derivatives are completely unregulated who knows how much have been generated, maybe another quadrillion dollars in an effort to falsify economic activity in a global depression ... who knows?

Second, building off my first point, there isn't a quadrillion or two quadrillion in hard assets on the entirety of earth. Not even a fraction of that amount. Derivatives amount the the most massive pyramid scheme in the history of mankind. Again we are talking about quadrillions of "dollars" in fake financial instruments. We are talking about massive institutional fraud countenanced by governments and central banks worldwide because they simply have no other option ... but like any fraud, this massive derivatives Ponzi has a limited life expectancy.

Now consider why the giggles from traders on LIBOR manipulation ... what are they really telling you?
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NFL, Referees Union Close To Deal To End Lockout: REPORT

As we have seen over the last couple of weeks, without the Professional Referees officiating the games NFL Football is not taking place on the field.
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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spain Protesters Storm Parliament As They Rage Against Austerity, Many Beaten By Police (VIDEO)

Maybe Wall Street wants to push Europe into another war so they can make big bucks off it like they did during WWII. 40 million dead, who cares? Wall Street made money and it wasn't anyone they cared about who bought it on any side of the fight. Remember, Wall Street is behind all of this austerity nonsense, the leaders in these European nations are just their puppets.

"Do you hear the people sing?"
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Boycott The NFL, Now

I was going to give the San Francisco 49ers a look see this year ... even though their Youngstown, Ohio ownership is abandoning San Francisco for Santa Clara in a couple of years ... but the Minnesota game was so frustrating to watch, with bad calls, non-calls, and the forth quarter timeout fiasco, that I think I will just focus on the SF Giants from here on out and find things to do, other than football, once the season ends.

The NFL Owners are playing with fire here, because there are other things football fans can do with their time that is far less expensive if the NFL isn't even going to bother putting a quality product on the field.

Oh, and once the San Francisco 49ers move to Santa Clara to become the Silicon Chips or whatever. I'm done with them. Santa Clara, in its wildest dreams, isn't San Francisco.
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Anderson Cooper On Libya Controversy: 'It's Our Job To Inform You Of Information That's Important' (VIDEO)

-Cooper then defended CNN's use of the journal in reporting.

"It's our job to inform you of information that's important," he said. "This was not broadcasting gossip from the pages of someone's diary. This was not reporting salacious details of someone's private life. This was reporting information that could impact the national security of the United States and the safety of U.S. installations in other countries."-

I would expect a full-throated defense of Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and WikiLeaks from CNN next.
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Libya Consulate Not Secured Days After Attack, Journalists Say

Explain to me how what CNN did was any different than what Bradley Manning did?
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Seahawks Defeat Packers, 14-12: Disputed Replacement Referees' Call Results In Golden Tate TD (VIDEO)

Sincerely, this is the point, if the NFL Players Association had a backbone, for the players to walkout until the "PROFESSIONAL" Referees are given their deal and return to work.

This isn't a product worth investing the time and enthusiasm to watch from a fans perspective. This whole situation is unfair to the players, refs, replacement refs, and .... most of all... fans.

And, unambiguously, the owners bear the responsibility for the entire mess.
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Why to Reinstate the Draft

I believe that a holistic approach to the way the United States goes to war should be instituted via a Constitutional Amendment. We, as Americans, are naive if we believe what has passed for wars has had anything to do with national security or defense. The United States fights wars because they are lucrative. As Smedley Butler once said "War is a Racket".

What we need is a Constitutional Amendment ... A War Amendment ... that insures everyone's skin is in the game. A draft, sure! But how about a mandatory, significant War tax on all Businesses and Individuals without tax exemption? How about a time limit set on the President's ability to enter a war without Congressional approval, say 30 days. How about mandating new elections for the President and all House and Senate members, despite time left in their terms, if they don't either declare formal war or withdraw troops in 60 days? How about a immediate, full funding of all VA programs for military personal, and spouses, including a GI Bill for returning vets? Not additional legislation to cover these needs, but immediate implementation upon formalized declaration of War. A package deal.

As I see it it is too easy to enter wars, and there is too much temptation to initiate one in certain sectors as it is .... sectors where is all gravy and no tears.

War should be made nearly impossible to enter in the first place.
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bill Belichick Grabs Ref: Patriots Coach Accosts Replacement Referee After Loss To Ravens (VIDEO)

The NFL owners are a bunch of big babies, and since they refuse to give a reasonable deal to the refs I can see this replacement ref construct undermining games for the foreseeable future. The NFL owners are making a mockery of their sport and degrading their product,

In the Niners/Vikings game, for instance, there were a number of questionable calls and the replacement refs weren't even able to keep accurate track of the number of timeouts called.

Owners, get a clue, you're losing this fight, tantrum though you might.
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Egyptian Leader Mohamed Morsi Spells Out Terms For U.S.-Arab Ties

For all the folks who want to cut off Egypt's aid money, flip the Egyptians off, and walk away ...

Let me introduce to you to a little thing called the Suez Canal:
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David Brooks: Mitt Romney Is 'The Least Popular Candidate In History' (VIDEO)

Mitt Romney is meaningless. What is really happening is that the American Oligarchy wants to put this stuffed shirt into the White House in order to prove to itself that it can put whatever puppets in charge it wants regardless of quality or popularity. The American Oligarchy already feels they own us ... all of us .... now they just want to nail the coffin lid shut on the American experiment in Democracy once and for all.

Throughout history this is the game the Elite plays. Then they cross the line, and the world changes again. Nothing new here.
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Sarah Palin: Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan Need To 'Go Rogue,' America Needs 'Come To Jesus' Moment

@SarahPalinUSA , once you morph from Dorothy to Miss Gulch it's time to melt away.
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Reince Priebus: GOP Plan Has 'Specifics Coming Out Of Our Eyeballs' (VIDEO)

@reince it would be nice if when you say something on behalf of the RNC it was tethered to reality in some way.
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Saturday, September 22, 2012

CNN Reveals Finding Ambassador Christopher Stevens' Journal And Discloses Reporting With It

Gee, and CNN's first instinct wasn't to turnover the journal to the State Department or Stevens' next of kin? Shocking.
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Friday, September 21, 2012

Steve King: 'Nanny State' Speed Limits Waste 'Lifetimes'

I got a great idea for Libertarian-minded states ... raise the speed limit to 100, and drop the drinking age and age to get a driver's license to 10. That will solve all their problems in a jiffy.
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The Self Delusion of Broadcast News and the Danger of "Quiet" Bias

You make good points but let's remember this slice of Yellow Journalism history:

-The most famous example of a claim is the apocryphal story that artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." Historians now believe that no such telegrams ever were sent.-

"Historians now believe no such telegrams were ever sent." Well, that's to be expected, correct? For the boast of a powerful media baron at his ability to leverage the US Government and the American people into war is kind of a smoking gun isn't it in terms of the purpose of Mass Media?

The goal of Mass Media ... print, cable, network ... is all the same, to social engineer the population into supporting positions of the ruling class. A network that is owned by a War Contractor is going to be pro-War. A network that is owned by a corporation that is in the Nuclear Industry isn't going to highlight problems at Nuclear Power Plants.

No mass media corporation is in the "Truth" delivery business, it's focused on population herding. That herding can be overt, like in the case of Fox "News", or it can be passive like network news ... but it's always about herding people for the benefit of the elite owners behind the media.
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Church Of Scientology Pens Letter To 'Vanity Fair' Over Tom Cruise Expose

I'm glad I was never sucked into this religious nonsense. I had a cousin who was lost to the Moonies. He even had his own parents arrested when they tried to pull him out of that cult. To one degree or another all of this stuff is exactly the same. An elite group of people preying on the fears people have in terms of their own mortality in order to aggregate wealth and power for themselves.

From my perspective, life is very, very short, and I would rather not have to spend my life justifying a fantasy I burdened myself with.
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Wayne Swan, Australian Deputy Prime Minister, Warns Of Republican 'Cranks And Crazies'

-"Let's be blunt and acknowledge the biggest threat to the world's biggest economy are the cranks and crazies that have taken over a part of the Republican Party," Swan said.-

It's not just the Deputy Prime Minister of Australia that feels this way, but he is one of few who have made this call publicly. The world hasn't missed how the influence of the American Right Wing has all but crippled the US Government, and they are worried that Right Wing American mania is going to cause the global economy to meltdown again.
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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Scott Brown-Elizabeth Warren Debate: Candidates Clash In First Massachusetts Senate Debate

It's funny watching Scott Brown, Wall Street's favorite lap dancer, going on and on about this Native American classification nonsense that has already been proven to be nothing.

I mean, what person in Mass would want to vote for a guy with Koch money stuffed in his g-string and a hedge fund managers calling card nestled in his back pocket?
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John Boehner Says Mitt Romney Campaign Not Dead Yet, Jokes 'I Just Hope I Survive'

"Everybody is going to try to make this election about everything other than what it is," Boehner said. "The American people are asking, 'Where are the jobs?'"

Exactly! The American people ARE asking ...

112th Republican Tea Party Congress, you were elected with a "laser focus on jobs" in 2010 ... that's two years ago ... so, let's ask the question again ...

Mr Boehner, where are the jobs?
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Mitt Romney: 'I Can Change Washington'

Justice Souter recently made comments along lines of the American people's ignorance of their own government and how it works is the greatest threat to American Democracy. If Americans actually had a competent command of civics it is highly unlikely the majority of politicians would ever have a chance to be elected based on the nonsense they spew.

As President of the United States Mitt Romney would do exactly what the balance of powers permits him to do. President of the United States is not a CEO in the Corporate sense of the word ... meaning it isn't a dictatorship ... and the most honest thing an aspirant to the presidency can say is:

"I will do exactly what the Constitution, Congress and Courts permits me to do."
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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mitt Romney: 'My Campaign Is About The 100 Percent'

I mean, it's almost painful watching Romney on his seemingly endless "What I REALLY Meant" tour of offended constituencies.
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Mormons and Mitt: The Myth About Separation of Church and State

I have been curious about the relevance of the White Horse Prophesy of Joseph Smith, Jr. There is some question as to its validity, but as a non-Mormon I find the notion that the Mormon's will be tapped to "rescue" the US Constitution at a time of it "hanging by a thread" to be both presumptuous and, frankly, threatening. This is another area the media should explore with candidate Romney, but doesn't. In light of Mr Shore's contention that the Mormons don't believe in a separation of Church and State then I think the issue of the White Horse Prophesy must be seriously explored.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government' (UPDATED)

Right Wing Ideology does not permit apology because it is completely faith based. The Right Wing BELIEVES it is correct, but can't prove it via fact. So it is forced to double down on any error it makes. Just like Akin in Missouri ... when you are absolutely wrong, and can't back up your position in a rational and logical way you retreat into breast-beating defiance ... for it is all you have left.

The minute a Right Winger apologies the mantle of infallibility their ideology requires falls away and they are left in the Emperor's New Clothes.

The Right Wing is hollow, and morally and ethically bankrupt, and if they start apologizing for their errors their movement collapses for there is nothing of substance binding it together.
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Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government' (UPDATED)

The Fox "News" viewers aren't even smart enough to know that he's talking about them. Romney's comment was directed to a roomful of millionaires and though he invoked "Obama Supporters" he was talking about anyone drawing Social Security, or using Medicare or Medicaid benefits, or relying on Student Loans, or utilizing VA Benefits ... all of those are considered "Entitlements" to the rich, and the Americans who draw them are moochers no matter what political party they belong to.

This statement by Romney was 100% about economic class, and the folks on Fox "News" who are buying Romney's spin are the exact people Romney was talking about to that room full of Millionaire Donors.

Fall in line you Right Wing lemmings, and let Romney and Fox "News" continue to play you for fools.
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NFL Replacement Refs Struggle During Falcons-Broncos Game On 'Monday Night Football' (VIDEO)

The owners of the NFL teams are, by and large, Elitist Morons. They don't want offer a fair deal to the Refs because they simply don't want to, not that they can't afford to, and because of that they have successfully compromised two weeks of regular season games.

As I have always said, wealth is never an indicator of superiority in terms of people, as the NFL owners, whose petty arrogance is damaging their own product, are now showing.
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government'

With this offensive comment should Romney win the election he would have no mandate to lead, and he would be viewed by half the Nation with open contempt. There would be no "coming together of the nation" after the election. It would be worse than 2000, when Bush stole the Presidency from Gore with the help of the Supreme Court.
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Our Slow Motion Civil War

A family member describes our situation as a "Cold Civil War", and I would have to agree. I personally can't see eye-to-eye with the American Right, and I view them as, more-or-less, fanatical regressive, uneducated, and dishonest. I view their "Faith" as a ploy. What they want is wealth and power, and by forcing a regressive worldview on the dumbed down American people (the reason for the unprecedented attack on Education and the Educated), while simultaneously urging them to long to return to a time in American History that never existed they believe they can achieve the Hostile Takeover of the United States of America. It isn't difficult to see, if we draw back the curtain. that their true intent is transforming the United States into a neo-Feudal Corporate State governed by the Elite through the Corporations they own and control. To them there are the pedigreed Elite who should rightfully rule the United States, and the worthless eaters who exist to be exploited and enslaved through debt to the State..

I don't see the reflection of Thomas Jefferson's ideal of a nation "Of the People, By the People, For the People" in this scenario.

The existing political parties, to one extent or another, are just tools of the Elite, so I don't see the salvation of the glory of America coming from them.

We need something new.
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Mitt Romney Video: Barack Obama Voters 'Dependent On Government'

Let's make one thing perfectly clear. Every Millionaire and Billionaire in the United States of America owes their wealth to the United States Government in one way or another. No demographic is more dependent on the United States Government than the Rich, like Mitt Romney and those he was addressing in this room.

The Rich owe everything they have to the opportunities the US Government afforded them. It's time to eliminate this "Superiority of the Wealthy" nonsense once and for all.

The vast majority of the "Welfare" bestowed on Americans goes to the upper class.
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Anna Gurji & 'Innocence Of Muslims': Horrified Actress Writes Letter Explaining Her Role

I feel bad for Gurji and the other actors and crew associated with this film. They are victims in their own way too. I think the best answer to this would be to threaten to deliver Nakoula to the Muslim Extremists for vivisection as a peace offering. Maybe just the threat of that would cause Nakoula to crack and squeal on the individuals who retained him to do this project. There is obviously more to it than one crackpot with a death wish.
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Newsweek's 'MUSLIM RAGE' Cover Draws Angry Protest (PHOTO)

Gee, rage against the United States and other western nations in the Middle East is so senseless. It's not like the West illegally invaded Middle Eastern countries over the last ten years, destroyed said nations infrastructure and social cohesion, indiscriminately murdered perhaps a million innocent civilians in these ME countries, all in an effort to steal the natural resources out from under these people, and commandeer their governments while blaming the Muslim religion for the brazen imperialist act.

I mean, these people should get over themselves and accept their fate like the Native Americans did.
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Chicago Teachers Strike: Union To Continue Industrial Action Into Second Week

The Strike is a Push-back on Education reform? I love Orwell. "Education Reform" is a euphemism for Education Privatization. Education Privatization isn't about improving Education it is about eliminating taxpayer supported Public School and replacing it with for profit schools that American parents will be mandated to send their children to from k-12. Now, parents will not have the money to afford the cost of education, even if the US Government provides an anemic voucher as assistance. No, parents will need to takeout Education Mortgages to cover the cost of their children's schooling. Better schools will cost more, and so well heeled parents will have access to mortgages to send their children there. Poor families, will have to send their children to whatever school they can afford.

Here is the way those with money will be able to get the best education and the poor won't ... a brilliant way to create a permanent underclass.

And what fun Wall Street will have taking the Education Mortgages, the dwindling Middle Class will be encumbered with, securitizing them as they did sub-prime mortgages, and using them for investment instruments on Wall Street.

The passion behind the desire to "Reform Education" is a clear indicator this whole scam is about making money and not educating America's children.
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Inside The Campaign: How Mitt Romney Stumbled - Mike Allen And Jim VandeHei -

Please, it's not that Ryan wants to be unleashed ... it's that Ryan's owners, the Koch Brothers want him to be unleashed ... and the Koch Brothers Social Organization, the John Birch Society wants him unleashed. Ryan doesn't know what he wants until he is told what he wants.

Paul Ryan has never been his own man.

And I'll say this, if Romney wins the White House he'd better hire a food taster if he has Paul Ryan skulking around.
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