Monday, November 15, 2010

Keith Olbermann Fires Back At Ted Koppel Over Objectivity, 'Real News'

Facts in news are like dust on a vinyl record ... it is the speck that lodges in the grove that provides the biggest pop from the amplifier
About Keith Olbermann
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, November 11, 2010

David Axelrod Had To Get Fiscal Commission Report Off Internet

Ok, here are my suggestions for fixing the economy.

1) A Wealth Cap - No personal fortune can be greater than 100 million dollars. Any excess is taxed at 100%. In addition, any yearly individual income greater than 10 million dollars will be taxed at 100% as well. The American people permit wealth to be created in the United States and their society should be rewarded for that generosity through the above mentioned tax structure. (Kudos to Huey Long).

2) Corporate Tithe - In order to do business in the United States every Corporation will need to pay a 40% Tithe in Tax. Corporations that employ Americans domestically will only pay a 25% Tithe. Doing Business in the United States is a privilege not a right.

3) Tariff - In order to protect American jobs and have them reconstitute domestically a tariff should be implemented on any goods or services coming into the United States, whether from Foreign Companies or Domestic Companies using foreign labor in its business model.

4) Wealth Forfeiture - Any individual or Corporation found to have circumvented the above Tax Structure though off shoring of assets will have their domestic assets seized.

US Economy Fixed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, November 08, 2010

Oklahoma Sharia Law Blocked By Federal Judge

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order Monday to block a new amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution that would prohibit state courts from considering international or Islamic law when deciding cases."

Do you want to tell the geniuses of Oklahoma that Jesus and his disciples weren't Americans or shall I? Even the Ten Commandments aren't American. I guess this law is one way to keep the laws of the Christian God out of American courts.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost