Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rep. Pete Stark - American Hero

A very important speech for not only its heroic content, but for the miraculous Revelation it presents that there ARE actually Democrats in Congress who possess a backbone.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Genocidal Defeat: How Fear of Acknowledging the Obvious Reveals the Folly of the World's Lone Super Power.

~ My Comment on Bob Franken's piece "Turkey Turkeys" on Huffington Post ~

Bob, I think the rude awakening for Americans of all political persuasions is that, thanks to the Bush Administration and an enfeebled Democratic Party ... the United States has moved from Lone Super Power to nearly irrelevant in the eyes of the World.

The Putin visit to Iran is telling. There is no way Putin would have allowed himself to be seen as standing with the Iranians against American intentions, if he hadn't read the tea leaves of World opinion and seen America has lost her standing and the World is looking for new leaders.

The current pathetic state of the American Democracy and the seeming inability of the American people to direct their country's leaders sends a strong message to the peoples of the world yearning to be free ... American Democracy is a Failure.

What messages have we sent to the World?

America's Military supremacy is a myth. The image of the United States' overwhelming Military capacity was re-established by BUSH41 during the Gulf War ... now we are seen as overhyped, overextended, and incapable of handling a mission without hiring Contractors, and raiding our National Guard to the point of destroying their capacity to meet their domestic mission ... Pathetic

Abuse, Fraud and Ponzi Schemes masquerading as Capitalism have metastasized through the economy like a cancer turning America's Prosperity Model into a sham.

We have a Health Care System that is a failure for Americans and a National Security risk.

We have an Educational System that doesn't produce citizens that can compete in the World Economy.

New Orleans destroyed by Katrina and allowed to rot.

As a Nation the US has abandoned the notion of Human Rights, Constitutional Rights, and Common Sense.

It would probably have been best if a vote on this Bill could have been postponed, but here it is and we lose anyway we go with it at this point.

Bottomline, Mr. Franken, if the United States weren't in such a dramatically pathetic state we wouldn't be arguing whether or not this is the correct time to define the Armenian Genocide as a Genocide.

Friday, October 12, 2007

A Republican Party Analogy

Question: How is the collapse of a 9 story building in Manila analogous to the current state of the Republican Party?

Answer: Watch the video and listen closely to the narrative.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Whether Democrat or Republican ... It's the Ideology Behind the Bunting That Counts.

... Below is my comment for Jeff Cohen's "Who Needs Republicans?" on Huffington Post.

Mr Cohen, the issue isn't political parties, it's political ideology that can exist happily in either party.

If the rank and file base of the Republican Party were to review the benefits of their party being in power the last decade or so, could they honestly say their lives have improved? Did the social agenda they signed on for come to pass? The Democrats didn't have the ability to influence anything in Washington for at least 4 election cycles, so did the virtues the Republican base held dear as the foundation of their Party win out?

No ...

But why? ... Because it wasn't a Republican Social Ideology that reigned in Washington. It was a Corporate Ideology. Simply put, the Republican foot soldiers were betrayed.

The desires of the rank and file Republicans were chucked in the dust bin shortly after each election (not to say that displeases me). What replaced their social agenda? No holds barred Corporatism that harmed most of the rank and file Republicans way of life, by eliminating their jobs, and crushing their economic dreams ... while making a small sliver of Americans (Republican, Democrat, and Non Partisian) and Corporations filthy rich at their expense.

This Republican base was deceived by a Corporate Ideology that had no intention of meeting any of their goals ... In short, this Republican base was USED.

Now since this same Corporate Ideology exists in the Democratic Party in the DLC Wing, we should anticipate the same treatment on the left as the Republicans on the right received. We will hear all the right things, the candidates will kiss our bottoms until they shine like a bright red apple ...

... but once these Corporate Dems get in office, we loyal supporters will become little more than chum for the sharks.

So, voters of both parties have to get beyond this Democrat/Republican parlor game and see the Ideology behind the bunting ...

The Ideology is what we are truly voting for.

Joe Scarborough Schooled on Blackwater USA by Senator Webb (D-VA)

Thanks to Talking Points Memo we have a perfect example of an old dog learning a new trick.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Oh Michelle ... Such a Tragic Fate for an Aspiring Concert Pianist

Michelle Malkin attacks Senator Reid While Humiliating herself in the process ... I know it's old, but it's still fun.