It occurred to me there might be another offense that Rush has on his rap sheet that is causing his problem in addition to the sexist, and degrading attacks on Ms Fluke. Rush, additionally, attacked educated women. Now, of course college educated women across the political spectrum would be offended by that, but consider this. The Student Loan debt in the United States is massive. Now, the assumption is that the students carry that debt, but what about the parents? What if you were the parent of a daughter attending college and $50k, maybe $100K in debt in loans for her education? Rush is not only attacking the daughter, but the parents as well for the tremendous financial sacrifice they made for their child's future. Excuse me, but I'm not going to allow a rich "entertainer" to spit in my face about the educational choices I made for my child and then let him slide. No way. Might only be a small reason for the ire raining down on Rush now, but you can easily see how the scope of the demographic he offended can be far wider that the obvious groups.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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