Ah hah ... So Jeb really doesn't have the stones for a 2012 run? The murder of Trayvon Martin must have sunk the GOP's sneak attack at the GOP Convention in Tampa with a Bush/Rice ticket, since it was Jeb Bush who signed the "Stand Your Ground" law as Florida Governor in 2005. This sad case of Trayvon Martin, and his murderer, George Zimmerman, empowered by the gun law Jeb Bush signed, will be front and center in the news for the rest of the year.
Oh, poor, poor Republicans ... you're stuck with Mitt Romney now and headed for a full on Fundamentalist Christian Revolt come election time in November. I hear the pundits everyday say
"... but Republicans always rally around their candidate after the primary fight."
Funny, with all the benefit the Republican Party has received from flagging the flames of bigotry for the last 40 years, that they can't recognize their Achille's Heel now.
Bye Jeb ... we hardly knew you ....
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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