Fox "News" is a Right Wing propaganda mill, that's it. Its entire reason for being is to socially engineer the gullible into supporting a Right Wing Ideology what his, in fact, harmful to them. Right Wing Am radio operates in the same fashion. There are many areas of the country that get little else than right wing radio talkers, and what they do, by repetition of carefully constructed themes, is brain wash listeners into their way of thinking. Now, if you have one outlandish right wing pundit on air, that may sway a few people, but if you have multiple on air pundits hammering away on the same narratives, over time, it becomes the "New Truth" ... like the Obama is Muslim meme. It is a completely Orwellian game plan, and it has been working well for the Right Wing for 40 years.
People would think twice about picking up an unattended ham sandwich they found on a park bench and eating it, people do not think twice about ingesting right wing doctrine from the TVs or Radios. The thought process being "If it's on air it must be true."
Actually, no.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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