Nothing but a coordinated default will change this situation. Congress is in the pocket of the Banks and Loan Servicers, so to anticipate any relief via legislation at this point is laughable. If individuals walk on their debt independently they will be shredded by our corrupt Justice System. If, however, you can get a few million tormented student loan holders to pick a date when they will all stop paying on their debt, there will be change to the situation. Either the Banks and Servicers will relent and allow the Congressmen and Senators they own to provide a relief package, or the impact of the student loan revenue being cutoff will cause the Student Loan system to crash. None of the entities backing the business have pockets deep enough to weather the storm and the velocity of money in our system today would smother them.
Bottom line, whether Mr Reynoso co-signed or not, his horrid treatment is a perversion in civil society and must be eradicated one way or another.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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