I think this Shock Doctrine "Fiscal Cliff" (a term probably formulated by a Wall Street PR Firm) is meant to get Americans to panic and buy off on an assault on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
The world isn't going to come to an end if we don't get a deal on Earned Benefits ("Entitlements") addressed this week, this month, this year ... or even with the incoming Congress. We can wait until the 2014 elections and see of the Republicans have alienated enough Americans by then to expand Democrat seats in the Senate, and to allow Democrats to take majority in the House (The Koch backed "New Democrats" will always be a problem when it comes to Earned Benefits, but if we keep reminding them they are on on the radar for primary challenges if they make a false move I think they can be managed effectively). What tools do the Republicans really have outside of blackmail and obstruction, that will work wonderfully to further marginalize them in the American People's eyes?
There is absolutely no rush to deal on Earned Benefits. Let's make a counter offer to Republicans. Let's raise the top marginal tax rate to 50%, the capital gains tax to 40%, and end carried interest, and when the economy takes off after those actions the deficit will take care of itself. My guess if such an offer was made the Republicans would lose their ardor over "Entitlement" assault.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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