What I would like to see instituted is a Black Box Blind Trust method for campaign contributions.
In this idea anyone, individual or corporation, could donate any amount of money to any candidate no questions asked, there is only one rule: The account would be overseen by an independent group of non-partisan Custodians who will receive incoming anonymous contributions for all candidates in a specific race.
The process of contribution will be though an interface that randomizes a twenty digit alphanumeric identifier forming a unique key for the contribution, The alphanumeric identifier then would be split in half with contributor getting one 10 digit segment and candidate receiving the other. In this way the contribution is tracked, but there is no direct link to the contribution that can be discerned from the generated alpha-numeric identifier. The candidate, and the candidate's campaign can see the pooled balance available for campaign use, but never know from whom a contribution was received or for how much. If the candidate is found to have any specific knowledge of a campaign contributor or the amount contributed that would qualify as a quid-pro-quo arrangement and the candidate would be disqualified from running on the grounds of corruption. If we are able to de-link the contribution from the contributor then, technically, the candidate's campaign funds could either come from a dozen major contributors, or thousands of small ones and they would never know for sure, and, therefore, not owe anyone once elected.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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