We must fight fire with fire. It is time to establish a Federal Voter ID and National Voting Access Standards for Federal Elections. The States should be allowed to game their elections anyway they wish if the citizenry tolerates it, but elections for Federal office should be standard Nationwide. Voter Registration Rolls can be maintained in the DoJ or Treasury by the Secret Service. All lawful voters will be given Federal Voter IDs that can be swiped on Federally provided uniform voting machines that provide the voter a receipt. Any question a Poll Watcher might have about a voter's id for a Federal Election will need to be addressed to the Federal Government. Fraud in a Federal Election either as a voter or a Poll Watcher or Precinct Worker will be a Felony. Each polling station will have a uniform number of Machines provided based on the number of registered voters so no line to vote will take longer than 20 minutes.
Again ... this is only for FEDERAL ELECTIONS ... State and Local Elections will not be interfered with. If State Officials want to prohibit use of Federal Voter ID Cards for their elections, they can ... but Federal Elections are not a States Rights issue.
IF this idea is proposed, and Republicans from States with draconian Voter ID Law balk at it, it will be an admission that they are engaged in election fraud rather than an effort to secure the vote.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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