There are some folk in this country who believe that the United State's position in the world is an untouchable entitlement. We educate our children so they can compete in a global market place we so greedily advocated for. These Republicans had better find Jesus real soon on fully funding the education of American children whether that constitutes Socialism or not for the rest of the world recognizes the importance of educating its citizens and the woefully undereducated children of America will be buried by them.
There is nothing mystical, magical, or superior about simply being born American. If you want an end to prosperity and the American Dream, then barring the citizens of America from affordable education is the way to go.
If I were Akin, I would drop the fiery rhetoric, see the world as it actually is, and reconsider his opposition to an educated American populace.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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