It is impossible to suspend disbelief and think that Scalia (Reagan), Thomas (Bush) , Roberts (Bush), Alito (Bush), and Kennedy (Reagan) were chosen to be on the court for anything but their ideological purity. You don't believe, Mr Denniston, that the very examples you cite of exceptions through US History weren't in the back of the minds of those who put forwarded the above names. Do you think the Republican Right Wing wants to risk their long term agenda upended by the trap you described below?
"President Dwight Eisenhower learned to his dismay that Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., had a mind of his own. And so did Chief Justice Earl Warren, another Eisenhower appointee. ..."
In 2000 a Conservative leaning court appointed George W Bush President of the United States. Rehnquist (Reagan), O'Conner (Reagan), Scalia (Reagan), Kennedy (Reagan), Thomas (Bush), all owed their seats on the High Court to George H.W. Bush directly, or to Ronald Reagan, for whom George H.W. Bush was Vice President. These Justices, beholden to Reagan/Bush as they were, had a clear conflict of interest in appointing George W Bush, son of George H.W.Bush, President and should have recused themselves (definitely in Thomas' case) or not heard Bush v Gore at all ... but they accepted and ruled for Bush anyway.
The current Conservative Court are biased Right Wing True Believers and will rule on ACA as benefits the proponents of their ideology
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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