The EU's fatal mistake was to think that US Based economists and businessmen had a clue how to run an economy. Play a passable golf game ... maintain trophy wives, mistresses, and a stable of trained up hookers ... develop a trendy form of alcoholism or drug addiction ... perhaps ... develop a responsible approach to global economics? No way.
The thing is that the economy of the EU is heading for the abyss, It isn't the current President's fault on his own. He is just the caboose of a very deceitful economy train, engineered by the post WWII generations hubris, and heading off the trestle into the ravine. If Obama is lucky the train wreck in Europe will wait until after the November election, if not it is going to be rough for him no doubt. In the back of my mind I wonder if the opponents of President Obama in the American Right Wing would try to speed up the collapse of the European economy for political reasons, forgetting that, like it or not, they are riding the same train as the rest of us.
I'm confident that if the EU collapses before the November election that the American Right Wing will have its fingerprints all over that event, and Europeans should remember that fact in the future should any Right Wing American Economists come to the Old World with offers of economic advice.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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