Interesting strategy the Republicans have employed, Knowing a large percentage of Americans skipped out on Civics Class in High School to party under the bleachers, the Republicans understand that the "Patriotic Americans" that form their base .... though being "Constitutional Scholars" through listening to Right Wing AM Radio ... have absolutely no idea how the Government, they love to hate, works. These Bread Mold Americans, have no idea what "Checks and Balances" means. They believe that a President elected to office twice is a "Dictator". They have no idea that the President needs the Congress to pass legislation he can sign to get things done. If these Bread Mold Americans would have attended their Civics Class in High School, they would know this. The GOP leverages the innate "wisdom" of Bread Mold Americans, by sabotaging the functionality of the US Government and blaming the President for it. The Bread Mold Americans nod their heads in unison and say "That darn Dictator can't get nuffin done ... Commie!"
So here we are with a Government sabotaged by Republicans from improving the economy or chronic unemployment problem, while the peanut gallery of Bread Mold Americans cheer them on. Pathetic.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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