Friday, May 31, 2013

Eurozone Unemployment Reaches Record High Of 12.2 Percent

Is the ECB's goal to create a state of anarchy in the EU? I have no idea what motivates the experts here.
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Austerity Fanatics Won't Let Mere Economics Stop Them From Thinking They're Winning

Austerity is a Cult Movement and its worshipers are fanatics. Cognitive reasoning has no relevance to their argument.
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Mark Pryor Ad: 'Nothing In The Obama Plan Would Have Prevented' Newtown Shooting

Remember ... Mark Pryor is a DLC Democrat. The DLC being a Koch backed entity like the Tea Party & ALEC.
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Marijuana Chain Planned By Jamen Shively; Investment Will Total $100 Million Over 3 Years

I like the idea of calling the franchise "The Weed Emporium", or "Weed-O-Rama" ... or ... "Pot Place".
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U.S. Consumer Spending Down For First Time In Almost A Year

"As Americans grapple with higher taxes?" Nice spin. How about "As Americans grapple with year five of the Global Depression Financial Sector deregulation caused"?
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Steve Stockman: 'The Right To Keep And Bear Arms Is Granted By God'

What idiotic "God" would waste its time securing the "Right to Keep and Bear Arms?"
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

It Might Finally Be Time For The 'Nuclear Option' In The Senate

By hemming and hawing on Filibuster reform, Senator Reid has cost the American People years in Senate productivity.
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Old Government in a New World and Why It's Failing

The Republicans Castellanos represents represent the subset of Americans FDR referred to in a conversation with friend's, recalled by Rexford G, Tugwell, in 1932:

"There was latent, he thought, not far below the uneasy surface of our disrupted society, an impulse among a good many "strong" men, men used to having their way, mostly industrialists who directed affairs without being questioned, a feeling that democracy had run its course and that totalitarians had grasped the necessities of the time. People wanted strong leadership; they were sick of uncertainty, anxious for security, and willing to trade liberty for it."

Beware the apparent reasonableness of Mr Castellanos comments.

(the quote comes from page 38 of the hardbound version of Richard Connaughton's "MacArthur and Defeat in the Philippines")
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Income Inequality Gets Worse When You Slash Taxes On The Rich: Study

If your Government isn't an economic referee then it is operating on borrowed time.
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It is difficult to reason with the insane ... and religion promotes insanity.
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Jim Inhofe: Liberals 'Trying To Exploit A Tragedy' By Linking Tornado To Climate Change

Has Inhofe visited with his constituents in Moore yet to see how they are doing? I missed it if he did.
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Monday, May 27, 2013

Iraq Bombing Attacks: Explosions Rip Through Baghdad, Killing Dozens

Here is a clue why we wound up in Iraq in the first place:

Our proxy, Kuwait, which has ironically become an appendage of Iraq in light of US intervention there ... caused the initial Iraq invasion by drilling laterally, under the Iraqi border to steal its oil.

You see, Iraq has a lot of underdeveloped oil and with the oil wells in Saudi Arabia slowing down in production, and Iran hostile to western oil interests ... Iraq's oil fields were the only game in town. So we took a vicious dictator that we and the British initially installed in Iraq (Saddam) who gassed his own people and Iranians (after we provided him with the poison gas to use) and turned him into an excuse to seize and occupy Iraq for the Iraqi's own good.

... and the headline reads "450+ murdered this month"

Because, of course, we invaded to save the Iraqis from a brutal dictator.
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Krugman: An Obamacare Shock Is Coming

The Right is spinning so many wives tales in terms of Obamacare it's just sad. Now, I much prefer Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care, but this ACA is a vast improvement over unbridled For Profit Health Care that is literally killing Americans to make a profit.

And let's be clear about one thing in terms of For Profit Health Care and Pharmaceuticals ... as long as that is the approach for addressing Health Care in America there will never be a cure for Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, MS, ALS ... name it. For every treatment for every disease is a revenue stream for For Profit Health Care and Pharmaceutical Industry. And remember, the primary goal of every business is to maximize the profits of its investors. Eliminating Cancer would be a mortal wound to the For Profit Health Care Industry.

So, if you are interested in a cure for any disease you can name you should be a strong proponent for Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care, otherwise ... the cure will never come.
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Beware Capitalist Tools

The interests of the American People are more important than the Interests of Global Investors, and all economic policy should be built off that core principle. I'm a wet blanket when it comes to wealth, for I believe many inferior people bask in the glory of wealth, but even if they lived fifteen lifetimes they would never have any true value to anybody. When you build your economic policy off the fallacy that Life is a game to be won, the result is the misery we see on display around the world now. Economics should be a tool that empowers mankind to move forward gracefully, not, as it is now, the chains that bind billions to a degraded, and tormented Life experience.
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GE To Invest Billions Of Dollars In Fracking

Fancy that, I just saw another Oklahoma Earthquake register today.
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Obama Memorial Day Speech Honors Fallen Troops

I always think of the Battling Bastards of Bataan on Memorial Day. They were heroes that never received the degree of respect they earned. People speak of the Fall of Bataan, but they forget the Fight of Bataan. They forget how American and Filipino troops held their ground in some of the most miserable conditions that warriors of any time had face. Cutoff from reinforcements, food, ammunition, and medicine the Fighters of Bataan truly gave their all, in the face of withering fire and a brutally tenacious enemy.

The REAL Story of Bataan is not how these men fell but how they stood up for themselves, their brothers in arms, and the nation that had forsaken them.

“There are times when men must die.” Those were the words of Secretary of War, Henry L Stimson in January 1942 in reference to our troops on Bataan.

But they didn't die then ,,, they fought ... they fought though sick, starving, beyond hope of relief. They fought on after Douglas MacArthur escaped to Australia in March 1942. They fought until General King surrendered to the Japanese forces ... some who escaped the Death March would continue fighting as Guerrilla's until the end of the War.

It was the Battling Bastards of Bataan that ultimately defeated the Japanese, by holding on for four months, when the Japanese expected they would only last for two weeks, ruining the Japanese schedule of conquest..

Please remember the Battling Bastards of Bataan today.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama Visits Moore, Oklahoma To Tour Tornado Damage

So, the President of the United States goes into a state he lost in the election ... a place where many inhabitants despise him ... and offers them comfort and pledges to deliver them aid in their time of struggle.

Meanwhile ...

The two Senators from Oklahoma ... Coburn and Inhofe ... can't bother to interrupt their 5 star, Lobbyist bought DC lifestyles long enough to "lower themselves" to deal with the constituents in crisis that actually elected them to office.

If I were an Oklahoman ... I wouldn't be satisfied with the service I'm getting from these leaches masquerading as public servants.

Oklahoma might not love this President, but he doesn't abandon Americans in crisis no matter their political stripe ... while well-fed Corburn and Inhofe have no problem ignoring Oklahoman's plight as a self-righteous act.
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Friday, May 24, 2013

Rob Ford, Toronto Mayor, Denies Allegations Of Crack Smoking Despite Video

The crackheads I've seen weighed about 90 lbs ... this guy must be smoking Hot Cocoa Mix.
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Sarah Palin Sends Confusing Tweet About IRS, Phones

Um, Palin confused? How does one tell?
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Gabriel Gomez: Ed Markey Is 'Pond Scum' For 'Dirty And Low' Ad

I'd rather be "pond scum" than Toxic Smegma like the Republicans.
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Homeland Security Is Worried Limiting 3D-Printed Guns 'May Be Impossible': Report

Homeland Security is correct to be worried .... so should all of the Gun Manufacturers, for if you buy one of their products, disassemble it and print the the individual parts you should be able to recreate it ... after some trial and error with polymers ... and distribute them the way copied Music CDs were in the 1980s and 90s.

Remember that one of the most ubiquitous American Companies in History ... with Global market penetration ... was obliterated due to technological advances: Kodak.
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Sequestration Poll Shows That Nearly 4 In 10 Americans Impacted By Cuts

Don't look at Republicans in Congress as Legislators, look at them as the porous, razor-spiked condom Right Wing Billionaires wear as they screw and infect us.
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Nikkei Stock Collapse Sent A Warning, And U.S. Investors Should Beware

With 2 quadrillion dollars in derivatives fraud infecting the global economy I'd say investors should beware.
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Tom Coburn: Tornado Relief Bill Unnecessary, 'Washington Creating A Crisis' To 'Advantage Themselves'

Coburn is putting self-interest and his personal political ideology ahead of his constituent's needs.
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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

John McCain, Susan Collins Oppose 'Bizarre' Rand Paul, Ted Cruz Demand

In case people have missed it, the Tea Party exhibits the same authoritarian qualities as Stalinists.
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Jamie Dimon Is Now A JPMorgan Cult Leader, And That Is Very Dangerous

Just because the pirates have control of the River Boat it doesn't mean they'll survive the trip over the falls.
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Elizabeth Warren Asks New Treasury Secretary If He'll Be As Bad On Big Banks As The Old One (VIDEO)

If we had a couple dozen Senators like Warren, this nation might actually have a future worth experiencing.
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Senator Jim Inhofe: Oklahoma Tornado Aid Will Be 'Totally Different' From Sandy Aid

What's baffling about Inhofe being a hypocrite?
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IRS Commissioner Contradicts Earlier Testimony, Says Tea Party-Targeting Was Partisan

So when the targeting of low level Conservative groups was occurring under the Republican head of the IRS, who was appointed by George W Bush, it was partisan? Interesting political strategy.
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Monday, May 20, 2013

Oklahoma Senators Jim Inhofe, Tom Coburn, Face Difficult Options On Disaster Relief

My guess is Tommy can't even take a dump without doing the "Mother May I?" routine to the Koch Brothers.
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Oklahoma Senators Jim Inhofe, Tom Coburn, Have Shaky Records On Disaster Relief

Despite my disdain for these two Senators I want the Federal Government helping the afflicted of this disaster immediately.
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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Obama Approval Rating Not Hurt By Scandals: CNN/ORC International Poll

The Reactionary Republican Party has become the Boy Who Cried Wolf on this President, so, except for their hardcore Manson Family followers, no one buys their tales anymore.
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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chuck Grassley On Foreign Policy: We Should Remember When Hitler Started World War II

Sorry Senator Grassley, not 1939. Two Words: Nuclear Triad.
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Treasury Officials Told Of IRS Probe In June 2012

The article is from AP, so I hold off my judgement on its validity ... knowing that AP is looking for scalps from this Administration due to the hot water they are in over outing a rare double-agent the British were able to insert into Al Qaeda by publishing classified information.

Frankly, those AP reporters should be in a cell next to Bradley Manning for the damage they did.

Currently, AP has a credibility problem from my perspective and the news agency's product should be carefully scrutinized.
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Friday, May 17, 2013

Harry Reid Focuses On July For The 'Nuclear Option'

I fear Theodore Roosevelt would accuse Senator Reid of having a spine made of a chocolate eclair.
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Harry Reid Focuses On July For The 'Nuclear Option'

The Filibuster is an anti-democratic procedural device and should be abolished. The American people have lost five years of functionality of their Congress due to Filibuster abuse, and it has harmed the American people. The Filibuster is nothing but a weapon the Republicans have deployed against American Democracy in their silent coup against this President and the Democrats in order to serve the perverse needs of their Right Wing billionaire owners ... who are all, by the way, Traitors.

For five years the Republicans have kept this nation in the horse latitudes to satisfy their devious ends ... it is time to castrate them of the ability to hamper our Democracy, and shred the Filibuster like carnitas.
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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

Republicans have been grave robbing this Benghazi tragedy for political advantage since the very beginning.
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Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

While sane people view Orwell's "1984" as a cautionary tale, the Republicans use it as a technical manual.
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House Votes For Obamacare Repeal Again

Repeal Obamacare and the road to Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care reopens.
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Obama Speaks Of 'Going Bulworth' In Second Term

If I were the President, I'd definitely "Go Bulworth" at this point, because if the GOP retains the House and retakes the Senate in 2014 ... 100% Obama will be impeached and removed from office for being Black. 100%. So, if I were Obama, I would assume my Presidency ends in 2014, and make the most of the time I still have BY BEING BRUTALLY HONEST.
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Michele Bachmann: Every Weekend People Tell Me They Want Obama Impeached (VIDEO)

Actually Michele, everyone wants you to let Marcus out of his closet, so he can sport around town with a bright pink mustache lashed to the front of his car, blasting Sylvester on his radio.

That's what America wants ... set Marcus free ...
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Kiera Wilmot Will Not Be Charged For Explosion At Florida School

Kiera should never have been charged to begin with.
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Hefty Insurance Industry Donation Helped Small Business Group Fight Obamacare

This is why we need to eliminate For Profit Health Care entirely and replace with a Comprehensive Universal Single Payer system. The Private Sector spends so much energy being immoral, unethical, and corrupt it is impossible for them to adequately meet the health care needs of the American people.
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IRS Scandal: John Boehner, Mitch McConnell Suggest Tea Party Targeting Was Criminal

The strategy the Republicans are employing here is designed to trap Obama in "Jimmy Carters White House Bunker."

If I were the President, I would drop the Gentlemen's Agreements that exist between DC politicians and start indicting Republican Lawmakers for the criminality and malfeasance we all know they are engaging in. Additionally I would unleash Capone's Bane on the Republicans until their knees buckle.I would continue indicting a new Republican lawmaker everyday until the GOP backs off and falls in line ... but that's just me.
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The IRS Was Dead Right To Scrutinize Tea Party

Considering that Citizens United paves the way for the Yakuza, Russian Mafia, Mexican Drug Lords, Communist Chinese, and Al Qeada to all contribute to the Koch Brother's Tea Party, I want the IRS giving these groups a proctological examination.
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Michael Hastings: DOJ's Secret Probe Was In Direct Retaliation To AP's Investigative Reporting (VIDEO)

Let's be clear, if America's "Private Press" served any valuable function to the people of the United States. our nation wouldn't have disintegrated to the point it has over the last 40 years. American Journalists, by and large, and the media organizations they work for, have betrayed the trust the Founding Fathers put into them when they singled out their craft for Protection in the US Constitution. Besides their value as filler around jock itch medication ads, most product from American Journalists isn't worth the read past their second paragraph.

"The Press is under siege!"

So what? It generally doesn't provide any nutrition to our democracy anyway.
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Monday, May 13, 2013

Bloomberg Posted Private Terminal Messages By Accident: Report

So the media spies on government and the government spies on media. Symmetry.
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Benghazi Depositions To Examine Hillary Clinton's Role In Response To Attacks

This grave robbing of the Benghazi incident by the Republicans all comes down to 2016 Presidential Politics, for when they look in their clown car they can't find a candidate to compete with Clinton in a General Election, so they need to find a way to nullify her.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

John McCain Refuses To Back Impeaching Obama Over Benghazi (VIDEO)

For the Right Wing White Supremacists, that the Republican Party has degraded itself to represent, President Obama's Impeachment has been on the table since he first took the oath of office in January 2009. And if the Republicans retain the House in 2014 and take the Senate, they will impeach President Obama and remove him from office.

The Republicans will fabricate all sorts of High Crime and Misdemeanors to impeach, but the real crime will be being a Black man who had the temerity of winning the Presidential Election.

I think it is understood the point United States of America has deteriorated too. The positive thing is that, thanks to the Internet, the entire world knows what has befallen the US with the rise of its Right Wing fascists, and have dispensed with the notion of the United States as a beacon of freedom and enlightenment in the world.
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

How Moms Can Change the World

A very worthy cause. Good for you, Ms Curry, for championing it.
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Rand Paul: Obama Helping 'Anti-American Globalists Plot Against Our Constitution'

And if Rand Paul wasn't with the 'Anti-American Globalists" he would have never been allowed to be Senator.
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Mark Zuckerberg's Group Loses High-Profile Backers Elon Musk, David Sacks

This guy is a Capitalist , not a Humanist, and with his wealth will be a thorn in our sides for decades.
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