The problem for the Republicans, Christine, is more significant than demographic shift, for the Republican Party has been reduced to a fact-rejecting cult. We saw it in the lead up to the election where the Right Wing echo chamber rejected any fact that didn't translate into a Romney landslide. Even Karl Rove displayed a schism with reality election night when he started melting down over Ohio. It would be funny if it weren't for it being so disturbing.
I really don't see a re-calibration for demographics coming from the contemporary Republican Party, for their strict ideology doesn't allow for meaningful self reflection. What the Republicans will continue to do is to try to find ways to realize their ideal of a white conservative straight fundamentalist christian male dominated nation, skewed towards serving the interests of the 1%, for they can't imagine the United States of America as anything else. The frightening thing about these Right Wing Republican True Believers is they are determined to return the United States to a time in its historical past that never really existed.
It's going to take wholesale rejection of that philosophy on the part of Republican loyalists in order for some reason to be re-established in that party, for currently the Republican rank and file are inmates of Plato's cave transfixed by the shadows dancing on the cave's wall.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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