People have to think about what "Safety Net" really means. The "Safety Net" applies to the stability of society in general not to bailing out individuals who are down on their luck. In order for societies to function, especially ones with highly developed economies as the United States has, it is imperative that people continue to acknowledge and follow the rules and stay within the social boundaries. If you cutoff people form even a minimal source of income in order to pay for the bare necessities of life you imbue the dispossessed with a sense of desperation that it is difficult to control. People may think that the 2nd Amendment will protest them from transgressors, but if violence becomes commonplace then people with income are going to become less likely to risk trips into public, and even people going to work are going to have second thoughts ... how does that aide an unstable economic situation?
The "Safety Net's" purpose is to keep society civil, not to provide charity. No policing apparatus on earth is going to be successful keeping a lid on armed, desperate citizens with families deprived of food and shelter. Americans need to get down off their high horse and recognize human condition for what it is. If the US Government lets the stability of the country get away from them it is not going to lead to a return to prosperity anytime soon.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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