Actually the Birthers have a good point. It is obvious that there is a problem in all 50 states with record keeping in terms of Birth Certificates. I believe that we should establish a Federal Birth Certificate, and only allow the State Administered Birth Certificates have relevance in the State where the Birth Certificate was issued. That way, every individual within the United States will have to prove to the Federal Government that they are actually Natural Born Citizens. Since State Birth Certificates will have no weight, it will be incumbent on every individual petitioning for validation of their United States Citizenship to provide sworn witnesses to their live birth ... the delivering doctor, midwife, or nurse. Parent's would not be allowed to be witnesses due to bias. Until proof of Citizenship to the Federal Government is provided, all Americans would fall into the class of Un-certified American Citizen ... a rung below Resident Aliens who actually filed their papers to achieve their status. Under the status of Un-Certified American Citizen all rights and privileges of Citizenship will be suspended, and the right to work in the United States withheld until proof of Citizenship had been filed. Every human within the United States, from any age group from birth to death, will be required to petition for their citizenship ,,, no exceptions.
It's only right.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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