Where the Administration and the United States has a huge problem with the trials of Gitmo Detainees is in the probability that most of them were innocent, picked up in sweeps in Afghanistan and deposited under the title of "Worst of the Worst" in Gitmo to be tortured. Think a second, who would have first hand knowledge that the detainees are nobodies, without terrorist affiliation? That would be the US Lawyers assigned by the Government to defend them ... the one's that Liz Cheney is fond of referring to as the "al Qeada 7".
Where the Obama Administration has a problem is they approached the trials from the legal position, rather than as a National Security issue, probably because they weren't aware of the scope of the problem at the beginning. National Security not in terms of a threat of terrorism to the US, but to the United State's position as a world leader. The Bush Administration seizing innocent foreign nationals, and transporting them to an isolated location where they are tortured and murdered turns the United States into the textbook definition of a Rogue State.
War Crimes have obviously been committed by the Bush Administration, and bringing that information to light in a public trial would require the United States to prosecute the Administration figures involved, or risk the complete loss of credibility of the United States as anything but a imperialistic predator.
That reality puts Holder in a difficult position.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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