We are on the brink of a new "Okie" Migration if this nonsense continues. This wave, however, will not be of agricultural workers, but of talented workers of many fields incapable of finding work in their current States due to the economic downturn. This is where these listed States will suffer an economic death spiral, for the unemployed citizens they look down upon as "bums" are a foundation resource for the resurgence of these State's economies. So, far from benefiting from casting a jaundiced, Ayn Randian eye upon their unemployed citizens, these States are insuring that their dislocated talent migrates out, leaving their State in a lower tier, uncompetitive economic dynamic.
I know that the punch line of this brutal joke is that breaking down the quality of life by driving down wages and causing desperation in these noted States will not resolve to an economic windfall ... as Governor Perry of Texas begging companies in California and New York to migrate to his State illustrates. Being the bottom of the barrel, sometimes just means being bottom of the barrel ... not being an "opportunity".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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