With the midterm election next year, if I were a Republican I would want President Obama to nominate Larry Summers, because with all of the deregulation work he was involved with during the Clinton Administration, the Republicans could easily use Summers confirmation hearing as an opportunity to pin the economic collapse and following misery the American people experienced in its wake on the Democrats ... and that would be a very difficult stain to wash out by November 2014. Juxtapose Larry Summers smiling face, and record with collapsed buildings in Detroit for instance. The GOP wouldn't get the same mileage off of Yellen.
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Wednesday, July 31, 2013
House Democratic Women To Obama: Nominate Janet Yellen For Fed Chair
I'm hoping there are Democratic Men supporting Janet Yellan as well, or we have the wrong Democratic Men in office.
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Scott Walker: Wisconsin GOP Considering Expanding Anti-Union Restrictions To Police, Firefighters
Wisconsin is 44th in job creation in the United States, the political leadership in Wisconsin is more focused on reprisals against workers to to suit the needs of their Wealthy and Corporate sponsors than meeting the needs of the workers of Wisconsin and their families. It is time for the people of Wisconsin to look out for themselves, since their elected representatives have obviously lost interest in doing so. What workers in Wisconsin need to do is form a non-partisan Unified Labor Guild, comprised of Union and Non-Union Workers, the Unemployed, and Retirees. These individuals understand what families in Wisconsin need more that the status quo elements in Madison. The people of Wisconsin need to meet amongst themselves and determine what they and their families need from practical observation, and leave the hot-breath of the politicians outside the meeting room as they do so. Once the people in a Unified Labor Guild identify their needs they can then seek out individuals to represent them and deliver on their expectations, and bestow upon them the privilege of elected office. It is the people of Wisconsin's State, not the politicians, and that confusion must be addressed and clarified.
A Non-Partisan Unified Labor Guild would be able to take the pulse of Wisconsin and develop a meaningful road map for improving the quality of life there for workers and their families.
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Larry Summers Gets 'Full-Throated Defense' From Obama In Capitol Hill Meeting, Lawmaker Says
After Larry Summers work on the Clinton team getting Gramm,Leach,Bliley Act, which eliminated Glass-Steagall, and the Commodities Futures Modernization Act that created the Enron Loophole, and put derivatives beyond the reach of regulators, passed ... it would be an act of sabotage to put Larry Summers in as Federal Reserve Chairman. The only rational I can see for this is that likely, like Tim Geithner, Larry Summers is one of the few individuals that has intimate knowledge of the Global Derivatives Ponzi that keeps the US, and by extension, Global Economy afloat. Wall Street probably believes a person like Janet Yellen, who is a legitimate Economist, as Fed Chair might wind up doing the correct thing for the American Economy and wind up crashing Wall Streets fraud factory, pushing the Global Economy over the cliff as a result.
Let's be clear, Wall Street's day of reckoning is coming no matter who is appointed Fed Chair, and many big players in the Financial sector are fully aware of that. A Larry Summers appointment would just be stalling for a little more time.
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Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Bradley Manning Found Guilty Of 19 Counts, Not Guilty Of Aiding The Enemy
It is interesting to consider the US Government's thought process. First, I think with Manning and Snowden there is a realization that the ability to maintain secrets today is not as feasible as it was prior to the Internet Age. The path from classified data to mass revelation is only a few keystrokes that can only be identified after the fact, not as they are occurring. Since the Internet exists on a common platform in order to facilitate communication there are millions of IT technicians who understand the mechanics of every computer system on earth at their most fundamental levels. That is Risk incarnate.
So the US Government could have gone the way of labeling what Manning did ... a bank shot of data that was viewed by the enemy ... as Aiding the Enemy, which, as mentioned, would have outlawed investigative reporting on the US Gov, which relies on access to sources with often times classified data. But this Journalistic dynamic provides the US Government with insight of what's coming, because Journalists will seek independent confirmation from the US Government before going forward, and data released goes though an editorial process.
Eliminate that Journalistic outlet and you are left with Kamikaze Leakers who dump data wholesale on the Internet ...like Manning and Snowden.
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Monday, July 29, 2013
Financial Stocks Are On Their Way To Being The Biggest Sector In The S&P 500 Again
Bank stocks should be over a $1000 a share. Look at the cushy deal they get. They can break the law and never be charged. They can be insolvent and use the Federal Reserve to prop them up. They can engage in any unregulated Ponzi they want with no risk. They can offer substandard products to their customers and still turn a profit. They can foreclose on homes that don't even own and get away with it. They are allowed to hold trillions in toxic derivatives on a separate set of books, off their balance sheet. They can ripoff their own stockholders and just shrug. They can launder derivatives from their investment banks to FDIC insured accounts in their commercial banks.
I mean, they can do all the wrong they like, suffer no losses, have the taxpayers provide a safety net, and even pretend they are reputable businesses.
So, with that gold standard, the Banks should be worth $1000 a share. Minimum.
What a success story!
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FERC Accuses JPMorgan Chase Of Manipulating Electricity Market
The US Financial Sector is just organized crime anyway, so this is just more of the same.
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House GOP Defunds ACORN Yet Again, Even Though ACORN Does Not Exist
Can we now safely say that the House Republicans are functionally retarded?
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White House Shoots Back At Obamacare Critics
AHIP certainly has its minions rabid over Obamacare ... Healthcare is about profit to them, not healthcare.
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Anthony Weiner Drops To Fourth Place In New York Mayoral Race: Poll
How could Anthony Weiner have not known his indiscretions would resolve to this? Delusional.
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Mitt Romney On 47 Percent Remark: 'Actually, I Didn't Say That' About Personal Responsibility
Romney should just admit he was in a room of rich people who wanted to hear him bash the lower classes.
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Sunday, July 28, 2013
80 Percent Of U.S. Adults Face Near-Poverty, Unemployment: Survey
There is no better argument for jettisoning our Predatory Capitalism System for Social Democracy than this.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
The Worst States To Be Unemployed: 24/7 Wall St.
We are on the brink of a new "Okie" Migration if this nonsense continues. This wave, however, will not be of agricultural workers, but of talented workers of many fields incapable of finding work in their current States due to the economic downturn. This is where these listed States will suffer an economic death spiral, for the unemployed citizens they look down upon as "bums" are a foundation resource for the resurgence of these State's economies. So, far from benefiting from casting a jaundiced, Ayn Randian eye upon their unemployed citizens, these States are insuring that their dislocated talent migrates out, leaving their State in a lower tier, uncompetitive economic dynamic.
I know that the punch line of this brutal joke is that breaking down the quality of life by driving down wages and causing desperation in these noted States will not resolve to an economic windfall ... as Governor Perry of Texas begging companies in California and New York to migrate to his State illustrates. Being the bottom of the barrel, sometimes just means being bottom of the barrel ... not being an "opportunity".
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Mexico Outraged At Video Of City Inspector Humiliating Young Tzotzil Street Vendor (VIDEO)
In this temporary anomaly, called Life, we are all currently sharing, is simple kindness for a downtrodden child so hard?
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Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Why I Don't Sleep With White Guys
What if a person finds someone they love that isn't of their race? I'm from San Francisco and interracial couples are commonplace here. My instinct is there are many factors that bring people together, but college is a place where people experiment in many different ways, sexuality being one. I don't think a holistic understanding of interracial relationships can be gleaned from the college dynamic.
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Republicans Ready Obamacare Challenge With Eye On 2014 Elections
Great Plan, Sabotage "Obamacare", that was the brainchild of Right Wing Think Tanks to begin with, so the way is clear for a Progressive Comprehensive Universal Single Payer Health Care System to rise from its ashes ... great plan!
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Eric Holder Wants Texas Voting Law Changes To Be Cleared By U.S.
The only answer for this Voter ID problem is to issue a National Federal Voter ID Card to all legal, voting age Americans, that is recognized as unambiguously legal for Federal Elections nationwide. The ID would only be used in State and Local Elections if State Governments approved them, but in the case of Federal Elections, Poll workers would have to explain to the Federal Government any denial of the right to vote to a citizen who presents the National Voter ID when attempting to cast a vote in a Federal Election.
In addition to the National Voter ID Card for Federal Elections, there should also be rules for uniform voting machines for Federal Elections, and a mandated number of Voting Machines available in each precinct based on voting population to reduce wait times.
Additionally, the Federal Voter ID Card would be linked to voter registration rolls maintained by the US Justice Department, or Secret Service to insure there is no tampering or unlawful purging.
This is the only way to put voter suppression at the state level in Federal Elections by misuse of voter id requirements under control.
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Louie Gohmert Compares Civil Rights Of Minority Groups To Snail Darters
Judge Gohmert is obviously there to provide comic relief ... unfortunately he's not smart enough to be funny.
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House Votes To Continue Endless War Authorized In 2001 AUMF
Hey America, lean in close I got something to tell you. War Makes People Rich and Rich People Richer. War's the Golden Goose, and no one's gonna throw it in a cooking pot. Just cough up your kids as sacrifice, when requested, but otherwise ... BACK OFF!!!!!
Oh, here's a Red Chinese made American flag to make you feel better ... wave it.
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Raul Labrador: Steve King's Comments 'Reprehensible,' But 'Shame On The Media' For Coverage
Um, I guess Rep Labrador didn't notice Steve King was giving an interview TO THE MEDIA when he face-planted the entire Republican Party.
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Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Steve King: Most Dreamers Are 'Hauling 75 Pounds Of Marijuana Across The Desert' (UPDATED)
There must be an idiocy contest going on in the House Republican Caucus. Steve King certainly has the edge.
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Alex Rodriguez Could Be Facing Lifetime Ban From MLB: REPORT
When do we start blaming the owners? Come on. How are they not aware that this is going on on their teams?
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Today In 'John Boehner's Life Is A Living Hell'
I don't understand why we still use the term "Conservative" as a label for the Tea Party/John Birch Society Wing of the Republican Party, for they aren't "Conservatives", they actually are Right Wing Reactionaries that have nothing to do with Conservatism at all. The Right Wing Reactionaries are "Originalists" in terms of the US Constitution ... that means retreating to a time when only the Landed Gentry who were White Males had any power in the country, They want to go back to a time before Women had the right to vote (Right Wing women have been pretty dense on that issue). Back to a time when Senators weren't elected by the people directly, but seated individually by corrupt state legislature to satisfy the needs of the State's feudal lords. They don't want every American to have the right to vote, only the Elite. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a secret goal of reinstating slavery through perversion of the Prison System. It is already obvious the reactionaries only want healthcare and education available to the upper classes, and their future for American Workers is for them to be fighting amongst themselves for scraps from the master's table.
The Tea Party/John Birch Society wing of the Republican Party are Radicals, not Conservatives, and they are fighting for a vision of the United States that Americans have been fighting and dying for generations to prevent.
Don't call them Conservatives.
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Mike Lee: Republicans Will Shut Down Government To Block Obamacare
Mike Lee is a brilliant guy ... Americans across the political spectrum are already feeling the benefits of Obamacare, though they might not recognize the benefits are associated with Obamacare. If Mike Lee, and his fellow travelers, want to shutdown Obamacare millions of Americans will immediately notice their benefits disappear.
Messing with Obamacare this far into its roll out is only going to alert millions of Americans, who haven't yet made the connection of their benefits to the program, how much they actually do like it.
Go for it Senator Lee ... be a hero.
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Monday, July 22, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Anarchists Of The House
Let us be perfectly clear. The goal of the Republicans in the House and Senate has been to negate the desires of the American People since they elected President Obama twice. The very, very, very small minority of extremely wealthy WASPs who own the Republican Party, and the Corporate Conservative wing of the Democratic Party have decided that the rest of we 300 million Americans will have ~ZERO~ input on the direction this nation takes. 300 million Americans are expected to bow and scrape to the whims of the extremely wealthy WASP minority who own the media, and control the major corporations through ownership of massive amounts of stock, that allows them to insert their minions into the Corporate Boards of Directors across every meaningful American Industry.
To this extremely wealthy minority of pedigreed American WASP wealth ... we are the "useless eaters" polluting THEIR Earth. We are bugs, with lives so insignificant to them they can rob us of everything we hold dear ... out of spite ... on a whim.
This extremely wealthy minority of pedigreed WASPs are the ones who ensure their excrement serves in the House and Senate to undermine the interests of 300 million fully vested Americans.
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A Shuffle Of Aluminum, But To Banks, Pure Gold
When the Derivative Bubble collapses all of these "TBTF" Banks are gone, for even the Federal Reserve will be unable to cover the losses, and no way the Treasury will be able to do anything but watch.
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Antonin Scalia: Holocaust Was Partially Brought About By Judicial Activism (REPORT)
Right Wing Authoritarianism ... like Scalia seems to aspire too ... brought about the Holocaust.
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Saturday, July 20, 2013
Mitch Daniels: I Just Wanted To Keep Kids From Reading Howard Zinn
Everyone should pick up a copy of "Peoples History of the United States" ... if they are interested in US History. Daniels wants Zinns work banned because he sees it as a threat, but then the truth usually is.
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Friday, July 19, 2013
Paul Krugman: How You Feel About China Should Change Immediately
The big thing to watch for is an economic crash in China resulting in displaced workers heading back to the provinces as peasants once more. Destabilization in the provinces usually leads to political crises in China. So things could get really ugly if Krugman has it right.
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Thursday, July 18, 2013
Elizabeth Warren's Takedown Of CNBC Removed From YouTube
Wall Streeters are Cultists ... and Cultists can't afford to be questioned, or corrected, or their belief system shatters.
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Do We Spend More To Feed Americans Or Lock Them Up?
Because those locked up Americans will ultimately be converted to slave labor for corporations:
Thirteenth Amendment:
Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,"
According to the 13th Amendment prisoners can be converted to slave labor.
Let's take it another step, Most prisoners, besides time to be served, have rather large fines they are responsible for paying as well. When a convict is released he still owes money. A friend suggested the state will begin selling these fines to the private sector. The convict then owes the money to a Corporation and, even after serving their time, becomes an indentured servant.
If you try thinking like an amoral appendage of the American Elite you can easily see what is planned and why our prisons swell with inmates.
We are re-entering the world of Jean Valjean.
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Karl Rove: Eric Holder Pouring 'Gasoline On These Smoldering Fires' After Zimmerman Decision
Karl Rove has always been repulsed by racial politics ...
" ... Rove invented a uniquely injurious fiction for his operatives to circulate via a phony poll. Voters were asked, "Would you be more or less likely to vote for John McCain...if you knew he had fathered an illegitimate black child?" This was no random slur. McCain was at the time campaigning with his dark-skinned daughter, Bridget, adopted from Bangladesh.
It worked. Owing largely to the Rove-orchestrated whispering campaign, Bush prevailed in South Carolina and secured the Republican nomination. The rest is history--specifically the tragic and blighted history of our young century. It worked in another way as well. Too shaken to defend himself, McCain emerged from the bruising episode less maverick reformer and more Manchurian candidate."
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McDonald's Budget Plan Leaves Out A Critical Line: Corporate Welfare
We need a Labor Party, with members holding seats in Congress. No more of this Democratic Party middle-man nonsense that resolves to nothing for America's workers. Let the Democratic-Republican Party represent the Rich and their Corporations, and a Progressive Labor Party can represent The People ... then corporations would be afraid to release a hubris laden document like this in that dynamic.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Rolling Stone's 'The Bomber' Issue Banned By CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid And Kmart (UPDATE)
"Mother, we must divert our eyes! WE MUST DIVERT OUR EYES!!!!"
Those who deny the law of Cause and Effect, will always be victims of it.
Divert your eyes ...
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House Votes To Delay Obamacare Individual Mandate
The House Republicans are trapped in a infinite loop of stupidity.
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Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Liz Cheney To Challenge Mike Enzi In 2014
There are only 576,412 people living in Wyoming as of 2012. In my city, San Francisco, California, there are 825,863 citizens. Wyoming is ranked 49th in terms of State population. If Progressives were to migrate to Wyoming, they could easily swamp the Republicans and take those two Senatorial seats. I hear the state is quite beautiful in terms of nature, if not politics. Just a thought.
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Monday, July 15, 2013
Ted Nugent Calls Trayvon Martin 'Dope Smoking, Racist Gangsta Wannabe'
The racist relic speaks ... will he crap on himself for an encore?
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Juror B37 On Zimmerman Trial 'Sure' Voice On 911 Tape Was George, Not Trayvon Martin
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!! DoJ, your Civil Rights Case was just won.
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Lament From a White Father
Agreed. I asked myself the following questions about the incident.
Had Trayvon been white rather than black would Zimmerman felt the need to follow him when told not to by the dispatcher? No.
Would the confrontation had escalated to murder had Zimmerman confronted a white teenager? No.
Would the Sanford Police had just sent Zimmerman home the night of the shooting if the victim was white? No.
Would the Sanford Police have allowed the body of a white Trayvon to lie in the morgue for days without trying to find his parents? No.
Would the incident lead to a trial without the need for public pressure? Yes.
Would a white Trayvon have had to defend himself from the grave to prove his murder wasn't justified? No.
Would Zimmerman have been viewed as the victim of this incident? No.
Would a white jury have let Zimmerman walk on all charges if Trayvon were white? No.
Would Zimmerman be in jail now for gunning down a white Trayvon Martin?
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Had Trayvon been white rather than black would Zimmerman felt the need to follow him when told not to by the dispatcher? No.
Would the confrontation had escalated to murder had Zimmerman confronted a white teenager? No.
Would the Sanford Police had just sent Zimmerman home the night of the shooting if the victim was white? No.
Would the Sanford Police have allowed the body of a white Trayvon to lie in the morgue for days without trying to find his parents? No.
Would the incident lead to a trial without the need for public pressure? Yes.
Would a white Trayvon have had to defend himself from the grave to prove his murder wasn't justified? No.
Would Zimmerman have been viewed as the victim of this incident? No.
Would a white jury have let Zimmerman walk on all charges if Trayvon were white? No.
Would Zimmerman be in jail now for gunning down a white Trayvon Martin?
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Sunday, July 14, 2013
Obama On George Zimmerman Verdict: 'Honor Trayvon Martin' By Stemming Gun Violence
"But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken."
We are a nation of laws where Rich White Pedigreed Bankers can crash the economy, raid our pensions, take away are homes through fraud, and walk away with a smile on their face and a vault full of taxpayer dollars without facing charges ... and an African American teenager on the way home from a convenience store, armed with iced tea and Skittles, can be gunned down by the son of a Judge Magistrate with a "Clint Eastwood Complex" and has to defend himself from the grave to prove his murder wasn't justified.
I'd say we live in a nation of Kafka's Laws.
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George Zimmerman Not Guilty: Jury Lets Trayvon Martin Killer Go
Hope Zimmerman has a good Chiropractor, because he will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013
Mark Sanford, Appalachian Trail Lover, Pushes To Defund Appalachian Regional Commission
Oh, I thought Sanford was pushing the "Don't Disturb Me While I'm Banging My Mistress Act."
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An Impertinent Question
Professor, you are on to something that FDR pointed out to his friend, Rexford G, Tugwell, at a lunch in August 1932. Tugwell remembered:
"There was latent, he thought, not far below the uneasy surface of our disrupted society, an impulse among a good many "strong" men, men used to having their way, mostly industrialists who directed affairs without being questioned, a feeling that democracy had run its course and that totalitarians had grasped the necessities of the time. People wanted strong leadership, they were sick of uncertainty, anxious for security, and willing to trade liberty for it,"
From Richard Connaughton's "MacArthur and Defeat in the Philippines." Hardbound p. 38
FDR identified today's problem 81 years ago.
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"There was latent, he thought, not far below the uneasy surface of our disrupted society, an impulse among a good many "strong" men, men used to having their way, mostly industrialists who directed affairs without being questioned, a feeling that democracy had run its course and that totalitarians had grasped the necessities of the time. People wanted strong leadership, they were sick of uncertainty, anxious for security, and willing to trade liberty for it,"
From Richard Connaughton's "MacArthur and Defeat in the Philippines." Hardbound p. 38
FDR identified today's problem 81 years ago.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
House Republicans Have A New Problem With Immigration Reform: Obama
The Republicans have painted themselves into a corner as the Neo-Confederate Party ... they can't cave to minority concerns it would shatter their base. All the GOP has going for them is aging white men and their servile wives.
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'Signature Strikes' and the President's Empty Rhetoric on Drones
Chalk up the drone mayhem being wrought to hubris, and Hannah Arendt's "Banality of Evil." We do this because we can.
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Just in Case George Zimmerman Walks Free...
I'm sure the Right wants people of color to respond to Zimmerman walking with an explosion of rage in the streets. It suits the Right Wingers for it fuels their derogatory narrative towards non-whites.
It is probably impossible, but the most powerful, and most ominous response to Zimmerman walking would be ... nothing. No protests. No marches. No lit candle vigils. No spontaneous acts of disobedience. Not .. A ... Thing. Silence. Bank the rage ... don't express it. Intone the injustice ... let it resonate. Nothing. Silence. Corporate News teams deployed with Nothing to report is victory. Nada. Just reverent silence in the memory of a murdered African American child ... and the desiccating corpse of American Justice.
The most vicious, breath-taking response to the injustice of Zimmerman walking ... as counter intuitive as it seems ...
Nothing ...
Silence ...
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It is probably impossible, but the most powerful, and most ominous response to Zimmerman walking would be ... nothing. No protests. No marches. No lit candle vigils. No spontaneous acts of disobedience. Not .. A ... Thing. Silence. Bank the rage ... don't express it. Intone the injustice ... let it resonate. Nothing. Silence. Corporate News teams deployed with Nothing to report is victory. Nada. Just reverent silence in the memory of a murdered African American child ... and the desiccating corpse of American Justice.
The most vicious, breath-taking response to the injustice of Zimmerman walking ... as counter intuitive as it seems ...
Nothing ...
Silence ...
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7 Ways The Obama Administration Has Accelerated Police Militarization
These are Storm-trooper tactics to be sure, but that's what the Elite wants. We are subjects now, not citizens.
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