Mitch McConnell needs to do this. He needs to make engaging on his wife taboo in the election because there is a huge liability for him if people start digging. Attacking anyone's race or ethnicity is dirty pool ... although the Republicans have turned it into sport in terms of President Obama ... but the fact Elaine Chao was in the George W Bush's Cabinet at the time he was not only undermining American workers by fast tracking their jobs to Communist China, but was relying heavily on Communist China to underwrite Bush's wars by buying US Debt, makes the relationship the Chao family had with the leadership of Communist China through James Chao, Elaine's father absolutely relevant.
So, let's be clear, attacking Elaine over her Chinese heritage is bad ... but focusing on how George W Bush leveraged Elaine Chao ... with a direct line to Bejing's leaders, including Jiang Zemin ... while he was blowing up the US Debt and selling it to Communist China, and working with the US Chamber of Commerce to relocate American jobs there ... is definitely fair game.
NOW, will any of the simpering members of the Washington Press Corp following up on the Elaine Chao/Bejing connection, or, as expected, will they fan the flames of diversion that Mitch McConnell is hoping for? We can guess.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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