Wednesday, February 29, 2012
JPMorgan Chase Argues Bank Accounts Are Like Netflix Or Gym
Okay JP Morgan Chase, this is how it works. Customers put money in your Bank and you then leverage the benefits of those balances though the magic of fractional reserve banking, where through investment you use your customer's money to make more money for the Bank and its Stock Holders. Now, tell me, since customers are already doing you a favor by keeping their money in your banks ... why do they additionally need to pay a membership fee for making you rich?
Is it wiser for your customers to move their money to Banks and Credit Unions that recognize the favor that their customers are doing for them by being depositors and recognize that gouging their clients with a "Membership Fee" isn't the wisest business move? Some might say so.
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Chellie Pingree: 'I'm Not Likely To Say No' To Senate Bid
We need more Progressive Women in the Senate, there aren't enough members will balls there now, and that needs to change.
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San Francisco Teacher Layoffs Approved By School Board (VIDEO)
The is a never ending travesty in San Francisco schools. Back in 1978 I was attending High School and my favorite teacher received a layoff notice, as he had year after year in the district. The day he received this notice he told the class his heart really wasn't into teaching for the rest of the semester, and that everyone in class would get a passing grade but that he just didn't have it in him to put a lot of effort into teaching anymore. I piped up and said, "We're here to learn." The rest of the class looked me like I was nuts. The teacher glared at me and said "You want to learn, huh?" I nodded. He said, "Okay", and proceeded to assign the entire class a project in the subject that included a written report and a classroom presentation. Needless to say by classmates loved me for that.
Thanks to that teacher I can now identify the seaweed that washes up on shore, and I understand the significance of the amphioxous, and have a more holistic appreciation of John Steinbeck.
It is wrong to treat teachers like this. The layoff/rehire routine demoralizes them and makes them cynical, robbing them of the joy of teaching to the detriment of the students.
I hate stories like this.
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Senators Offer License To Strike Iran Nuclear Program
The Texas Oil Cartel and the Military Industrial Complex own enough members of Congress, of both parties, to push any sort of ideological and profit making nonsense through the legislative process they like. The Texas Oil Cartel wants to be the DeBeers of petroleum. They want a Global Monopoly on oil. They need the Iranian oil they lost control of when the Shah fell, that's why we will attack and invade Iran. And, ultimately, will will find a reason to get in a shooting war with Russia over the oil that nation controls. And from the MIC perspective, if war stops, profit stops. It doesn't matter if it is a good war or a bad war, they get their profit either way. In Saddam's case, they sold him a military apparatus over the years so they would have a reason to attack him for being a threat. Come on, folks understand the game that is being played.
And when these wars break out, the Texas Oil Cartel and the MIC will be coming after you and your kids to fight in their Corporate Wars, because, you see, they view you as their property too ... and it's up to you to remind them that is not the case.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012
John McCain: GOP Primary Race Is Like 'Watching A Greek Tragedy'
The GOP Primary is like a Greek Tragedy? Nah. More like an EC Comic.
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Facts Are Stubborn Things
"We transitioned from an industrial to service-based economy,"
That's the key, our service based economy can't support the needs of 311 million people. Either we bring back industry or we drastically alter our economy to accommodate the needs of all of the American people, not just a privileged few. You can't support a consumer economy with stagnant and depressed wages and tens of millions of Americans un or under employed. There is no way to square that circle. Hyper-crony Capitalism is a finite game, and acts like a debilitating cancer on the underpinnings of society. If we don't make things for export, and if we don't have millions of Americans employed creating those export items, and earning wages that can go back into the economy we are on an irreversible spiral downward, no matter how we tax or cut spending. Reagan began the move from an inclusive economy to an exclusive economy and that is what has brought on the crisis. We need to contemplate where we are and determine the structural change to the economy required. Adapting to the new normal isn't enough, and the people won't tolerate that their children are condemned to a life of privation because "that's the way the ball bounces". Any Elite who is thinking in those terms is kidding themselves.
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That's the key, our service based economy can't support the needs of 311 million people. Either we bring back industry or we drastically alter our economy to accommodate the needs of all of the American people, not just a privileged few. You can't support a consumer economy with stagnant and depressed wages and tens of millions of Americans un or under employed. There is no way to square that circle. Hyper-crony Capitalism is a finite game, and acts like a debilitating cancer on the underpinnings of society. If we don't make things for export, and if we don't have millions of Americans employed creating those export items, and earning wages that can go back into the economy we are on an irreversible spiral downward, no matter how we tax or cut spending. Reagan began the move from an inclusive economy to an exclusive economy and that is what has brought on the crisis. We need to contemplate where we are and determine the structural change to the economy required. Adapting to the new normal isn't enough, and the people won't tolerate that their children are condemned to a life of privation because "that's the way the ball bounces". Any Elite who is thinking in those terms is kidding themselves.
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Mitt Romney Wins: Michigan Primary Results 2012
I guess the party is over for Santorum. He can go back to oozing out of someone's orifice.
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Scott Walker Recall: Wisconsin Governor Narrowly Trails Likely Opponents In New Poll
Walker is done. He is an embarrassment as governor and the people of Wisconsin have received no tangible benefit from him being in office. Walker is great for out of state ideological zealots who want to fiddle with Wisconsin's public policy, but the actual citizens of Wisconsin have been left out in the cold by Walker and the Fitzgeralds.
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Corporate Immunity Looks Likely: Supreme Court Seems Ready To Side With Shell In Human Rights Suit
Well, since SCOTUS views the actions of American corporations as above the law when they create mayhem in foreign countries all that is left to obtain justice for the injured parties is direct punitive reprisals against representatives of said companies in the nations were the abuse occurred. If legal pathways are eliminated what other options are there?
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Monday, February 27, 2012
Stratfor Emails Published By WikiLeaks Reveal Private Intelligence
That is standard intelligence fare:
"A former junior case officer of the CIA, Janine Brookner, who was stationed in Manila described the capital city of the Philippines as "a wild place" for CIA operatives who spent a lot of time in bars, sex shows and brothels. This was because, according to her, the standard CIA procedure for recruiting targets was to "get him drunk, get him laid, and then get him on the Agency's dole." Brookner was an attractive but determined blonde who claimed to have developed assets in both the government and the Communist Party during her assignment to the Philippines. Brookner was also a very productive recruiter who, as a handler of important assets and as a CIA case officer, claims to be able to make her targets confess everything. "You take care of them," Brookner recalls, "and they tell you their fears and nightmares...I'm good at people depending on me." In fact, her targets, especially high-ranking Philippine government officials, often propositioned her. (Starobin, 1997)"
About Wikileaks
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Newt Gingrich Warns Of The Role Of The 'Secular Left' At Georgia Church
"This is up to God and the American people," Gingrich said. "I don't want to be presumptuous."
So Newt is God's choice? Oh, that wouldn't be presumptuous at all. Hilarious.
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The Volcker Rule: Return to Sender
I think Wall Street knows it is running an elaborate check kiting scheme ... where the checks are actually hundreds of trillions of dollars of worthless derivatives. With a check kiting scheme, the best way to end it is a hold on the check, allowing all of the fraudulent instruments to catch up with there actual value ... zip. With derivatives the equivalent of a stop payment is any form of regulation that slows or interrupts the flow of the fraud. This is why whenever we hear some foreign minister in Europe or Asia threaten regulations on derivative trading Geithner hops on a plane to set the FM straight. But, even with the watering down of the Volcker rule, the biggest threat to this fraud is time. Ultimately something unexpected will occur in the global economy and the derivative train will come off the rails. It would be nice if we had Glass-Steagall in place to protect the bank accounts of small depositors, but the only leverage Wall Street has over the federal government is the threat to wipe out everyone. And since the rarefied domain of derivatives trading is reserved for the 1%, and they would have the most to lose in case the fraud comes apart ... they want to ensure that if they get wiped out, EVERYBODY gets wiped out.
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Sunday, February 26, 2012
Santorum: Separation Of Church And State 'Makes Me Want To Throw Up'
Actually this statement by Santorum doesn't bother me at all, and I see it as clarifying in a very important way. What Santorum did for the American voter was a tremendous favor, for he just let his guard down and shared with the American people something extremely important:
Rick Santorum has no idea, at the most basic level, what the core principles of the United States of America are.
I'm not sure if the issue is that Santorum rejects American values or not, but he certainly doesn't understand the foundation principles of the United States of America. Based on that startling revelation, Rick Santorum has disqualified himself from the Presidency.
You can't be President of the United States if you don't understand the nation's core values, and Santorum just revealed he doesn't.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Arizona Debate: Conservative Chickens Come Home To Roost
The November election will be a referendum on the American people's ability to responsibly supply a leader for the "Free World". If we elect a Right Wing Reactionary, shadow funded by the John Birch Society, the rest of the world should look elsewhere for a legitimate global leader.
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Friday, February 24, 2012
Romney Speech Falls Flat In Detroit
What a horrendous visual for Romney. He should have paid people to fill the seats.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012
Senators Forcing Obama to War With Iran
This was never about Iran's nuclear program being a existential threat to Israel, Europe or the United States ... this is about wanting to seize Iran's oil that was lost to western control when the Shah fell in 1979. Once Iran has a nuclear deterrent, invading it like Iraq, or Afghanistan is off the table. This it the world the Cold War nuclear brinksmanship created. The message is clear, you want the United States to stay out of your business? Get a bomb.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Virginia Ultrasound Bill Loses GOP Governor's Support
I think that inserting anything into a woman's vagina against her will is an act of Rape. The State doesn't not prove its moral superiority by raping its citizens.
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The Memo that Larry Summers Didn't Want Obama to See
I think it is safe to say that Larry Summers was an advocate for the economic status quo despite the crash it caused. Had the President seen in the memo the $1.8 trillion dollar number floated by a respected member of the team, he might have sensed the gravity of the economic situation more keenly. By capping the stimulus proposal at $850 billion, Summers, and I imagine Geithner, both fronts for Wall Street. could re-frame the severity of the crisis downward. The President is an intelligent man, who given the facts of a $1.8 trillion bailout as a necessity might have asked the question that neither Summers, Geithner or Wall Street wanted asked: "Will a stimulus be enough? What kind of regulations do we need to impose on the Financial Sector to prevent this crisis from reoccurring?" The question of Glass-Steagall may have entered into the discussion.
No decision maker can make appropriate decisions if key data is withheld. It seems Obama got the short-shrift from his economic team.
Our economy could be in a far better situation now if Romer's position wasn't suppressed by Summers, and Geithner. Romer's mistake was deferring to Summers because of his resume, if she believed in the necessity of the $1.8 trillion, then she should have fought for it or resigned to bring attention to her concern. Giving the benefit of the doubt to Summers was a "nonplanetary" thing to do, as we now know.
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Rick Santorum Defends Satan Comments
Well, at least Santorum didn't claim the United States was being attacked by the Stay-puff Marshmallow Man, but it is indeed close.
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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Edward DeMarco Floats New Proposals To Fix Mortgage Giants
Again, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are Private/Public partnerships and have been for decades. The Private Financial Sector has used these agencies as a backstop for mortgage fraud as part of their business model. It is so disingenuous to say more Private Sector control of the mortgage industry would improve the current situation. What eliminating government from the mortgage industry would do, in a completely deregulated environment, would be to increase the potential for even more dangerous financial frauds, that threaten our economy, to occur, not lessen them.
In San Francisco in 1980 it was still possible to find a house for around 150K, which was still a house a buyer could actually wind up paying off and owning at some point. In 2007, the same house was selling in the neighborhood of 650K. With wage increases being stagnant for thirty years, what home "buyers" were looking at was a long term lease on their property, not a path to actual ownership.
As we know, the Banks were ginning up the mortgage process, through Fannie and Freddie, to create mortgages to convert to securities for the derivatives game that crashed in 2008. Freddie and Fannie became facilitators of the Financial Sectors Ponzi, not a tool to enhance opportunities of citizens to become homeowners.
This is just another example of the Private Sector scapegoating the Government for its own failure.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Think the Problems in Europe Are Over? Think Again
Since the Global Economy is completely interlaced and interdepen dent, I view what is currently occurring as the European Phase of the crisis. Still on deck is the Asian Phase, led by a downturn in China. The Asian Phase will lead to the American Phase Part Duex. The foundation of this problem is the misinterpr etation of a global economic model of distribute d, and compartmen talized risk. The erroneous assumption that risk had been mitigated, coupled with the foolhardy deregulati on of the Financial Sector in the US, that came to a head at the end of the Clinton Administra tion with the repeal of Glass-Stea gall and the "Black Boxing" of Hedge Funds, along with the acquiescen ce of Finance Ministers across the globe in accepting the redefined, post-risk economic model, has led us to a point where all economic interventi ons performed at upper official levels are merely gimmicks to postpone the ultimate global capitulati on that must occur when there is so much fabricated wealth saturating the global economy.
When a couple of months back it came to light that TBTF Banks were in a process of migrating their massive derivative s holdings from their investment banks to FDIC backed accounts in their Commercial Banks to ameliorate concerns of counter parties, in an act of financial alchemy, transmutin g the lead of notional derivative value to the gold of hard, insurance backed assets, knew we were through the looking glass.
In terms of Europe, and its troubles, we are only seeing delaying actions applied, not resolution .
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When a couple of months back it came to light that TBTF Banks were in a process of migrating their massive derivative
In terms of Europe, and its troubles, we are only seeing delaying actions applied, not resolution
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Tsutomu Omori, Olympus Executive, Found Dead In Apparent Suicide
When Japanese Executives do irreparabl
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Mitt Romney Says Spending Cuts Hurt Economic Growth
When truth is erroneousl
"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"
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Religion And Politics Don't Mix, Major Religious Groups Tell Presidential Candidates
Let's remember one thing ... the Founding Fathers included the separation of Church and State in the First Amendment of the US Constituti
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Greek Bailout Could Easily Go Off The Rails, Confidential Study Shows
What needs to be understood is that this agreement doesn't solve Greece's debt crisis, This $130 billion is only an installmen
Also, this whole deal is solely about keeping internatio
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Recession Impacts: 'My Mom Was Unemployed For 2 Years Because Of The Bad Economy'
This is a heartbreak
What the children in this story have learned is that the society abandoned their mother. It didn't help her find a job in over two years in the worst economy since the the Great Depression
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Rick Santorum Questioned Obama's Faith In 2008, Said There's No Such Thing As A Liberal Christian
"I don't think there is such a thing," he said of Obama as a liberal Christian. "To take what is plainly written and say that 'I don't agree with that, therefore I don't have to pay attention to it,' means you're not what you say you are. You're a liberal something, but you're not a Christian.
Jesus Christ was a liberal progressiv
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Kelly Cassidy's Viagra Amendment: Illinois Lawmaker Fights Anti-Abortion Measure
In a nation of tenuous boners this legislatio
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Sunday, February 19, 2012
George Orwell and the Values Speech That Rick Santorum Would Like to Give
This passage:
"So I have to conceal my true concerns that are starkly reflected in recent data: More American couples than ever are living together out of wedlock, and the birth rate without benefit of marriage is soaring. No society can long continue to prosper without a strong basis in the traditiona
Seems at odds with this statement:
"Santorum, March 29: We’re seeing our birthrate is now below replacemen
I think the Orwellian fact here is that Santorum actually is miffed that Americans aren't breeding to the degree required to maintain healthy replacemen
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The Radical Center We Don't Need
When Americans Elect burst onto the scene it was a little too slick and financiall
But the DLC did get their candidate in the White House, after a "populist" gig blowing the saxophone on Arsenio Hall.
Sure the DLC revitalize
Now this push for a "Radical Center." Funny. It makes perfect sense that Thomas Friedman is a booster, he's made a fortune promoting the absurd. Let's be clear, "Radical Center" is an oxymoron. The center of America politics has always been inert, and it moves in relation to stimulus from the Right and the Left. The Right has had the benefit of a system that allows its voice to be the loudest for the last thirty years, so that is the direction in which the "Radical Center" has moved.
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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Santorum's "Gotcha" Moment
Santorum is in way over his head, snapping like that at Charlie Rose was amateurish
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Scott Walker, Targeted For A Recall, Which Heartland Institute Aims To Fight, Documents Show
Hmm, hasn't Wisconsin been hemorrhagi
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Iran Nuclear Coverage Echoes Iraq War Media Frenzy
Since Japan surrendere
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Stigma Of Long-Term Unemployment Boosts Jobless Rate: CBO
We don't have an economy designed to accommodat
I mean, does victory in this life really equate to the amount of misery you can inflict on others? What a petty aim.
As soon as we focus on rebuilding an inclusive society these issues of unemployme
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
Globalization 2.0: Democracy's Coming Demise
Correct me if I'm wrong, but China currently has a population so happy that there are workers that are willing to contemplat e mass suicide to escape China's paradise. Then there are political dissidents , like Nobel Prize winning Liu Xiaobo, who languish in prison for the crime of calling for human rights. Will he survive his incarcerat ion? Will he have his organs farmed if he doesn't? I guess that all depends on China's "superior" approach to managing humanity.
The Chinese Government has been quite successful insulating the country from the economic crisis, but even now those approaches are starting to deteriorat e. China cannot afford an economic crash. It can not afford peasants returning to the countrysid e penniless after tasting prosperity . I believe it is way too early for China to take a victory lap.
I'll stick with flawed American democracy, pop some popcorn, and watch reality dawn on the Chinese people, who have shown the ability to dramatical ly change the political dynamic in their country in a burst of fireworks.
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The Chinese Government has been quite successful insulating the country from the economic crisis, but even now those approaches are starting to deteriorat
I'll stick with flawed American democracy, pop some popcorn, and watch reality dawn on the Chinese people, who have shown the ability to dramatical
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New Jersey Gay Marriage Bill Passes State Assembly Vote, Now Heads To Chris Christie
Honestly, I don't think Gay Marriage is a big deal to Christie at all. He will veto the bill, and come up with some ideologica
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Police 'Tank' Purchase Riles New Hampshire Town
One dark night in Keene, NH
"Chief! Chief! I just got a call that there is someone double parking a Toyota in front of the Post Office ... A TOYOTA, for gosh sake!"
"Mayor, it's 2 o'clock in the morning ... maybe the perp is just mailing a letter."
"It's Al Qaeda, I tell you! Bin Laden himself in a TOYOTA!!!!
"I don't know ..."
"I do! I'm the Mayor!!! There is an Islamist Terrorist double parked in front of the Post Office and we needs to take him down!"
"Are his flashers on?"
"Flashers? FLASHERS!?
"You know it's a terrorist ...."
"Don't make me tell you your job, Chief ... it's time."
"Yes, fire up the Bearcat!!!
"The Bearcat, I'm not even sure it's gassed up after that last pizza run."
"Dammit, we're wasting time!"
"You got the keys?"
"Why would I have the keys to the Bearcat? You're the Chief."
And with that, another glorious front in the Global War on Terror was establishe
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Police 'Tank' Purchase Riles New Hampshire Town
Methinks some officials in Keene, NH suffer from *SPS.
(*Small Penis Syndrome)
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Martin Bashir: Rick Santorum 'Sounds More Like Stalin Than Pope Innocent III' (VIDEO)
Let's understand something here ... Santorum, Romney, Gingrich, Cain, Palin, Bachman, Paul .... all represent the same elitist wealthy faction of 1%ers. Whichever of these individual
The Koch Brother's father, Fred, even worked for Stalin at one point ... and went on to be a founder of the John Birch Society. These Rightist Super Patriots have nothing but disdain for American Democracy and affection for Totalitari
So the Age of Orwell is most definitely upon us, but Santorum is only one minion of the United States collective "Big Brother" of power aggregatin
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Iran Nuclear Threat Brings No U.S. Enthusiasm For A Military Strike
I think we need a Constituti
1) The President of the United States has 60 days to obtain a formal declaratio
2) Declaratio
3) Declaratio
4) Failure to implement the above within the time frame described results in a referendum of confidence being put to the citizens of the United States on their President, Senators, and Representa
Does anyone think we would ever have a frivolous war again with the Constituti
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JPMorgan Chase CEO: I Was Safer In Lebanon Than With The Occupy Protesters
The United States of America has become a kleptocrac
"Don't you know who I am?"
The response from the 99% - not only in the United States, but in Greece, Spain, England, Israel, China, and other nations where a tiny minority of elite individual
"We don't care who you are. We aren't impressed. We want Justice."
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Saturday, February 11, 2012
CPAC 2012: Live Updates From The Conservative Political Action Conference
So, will CPAC end with the attendees goose-step
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Friday, February 10, 2012 Obama Isn't A 'Magic Man,' Holds Concert For angel Foundation For Needy Students
I respect for getting directly involved. Another member of the Black Eyed Peas,, has been doing tremendous charity work in the Philippine
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Greek Debt Crisis Hitting U.S. Stocks
So the "deal" was approved by the Cabinet of Technocrat Prime Minister Lucas Papademos after six members resigned. The bailout is expected to be approved by Parliament on Sunday.
"The biggest police trade union said it would issue arrest warrants for Greece's internatio
Should be interestin
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Senate Republicans Would Require The Unemployed To Volunteer
No changing the rules of the game in the middle.
I would frankly prefer to see business go out of business for lack of access to affordable labor than see people work for free for anyone. Again, Unemployme
There is always going to be some rich old miscreant who thinks other people owe them something ... like free labor ... and that just isn't so. The Freedom of the Individual always trumps the selfish expectatio
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Greek Debt Crisis Hitting U.S. Stocks
This is where the rubber meets the road. The Internatio
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Thursday, February 09, 2012
Rep. Bachus Faces Insider-Trading Investigation
To quote Dr Smith from "Lost in Space" who Representa
"Oh, the pain ... the pain."
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Victoria Jackson At CPAC To 'Save America From Communism'
If they ever made a "Reefer Madness" like film about the torments of menopause Victoria Jackson would be a shoe-in for the lead and finally have a shot at the "Meryl Streep Moment" she has always dreamed of.
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Greece: How to Slow the Nosedive
When you are in a Depression the best way to get people working is through a Government backed WPA program, for the Private Sector is always seen as the knight in shining armor but rarely comes through as expected. In the case of Greece, however, I don't think that a WPA program will be effective as long as Greece is in the strangleho ld of the EU. Greece should default, leave the EU, and return to the drachma. Then a WPA program funded by drachmas would have a far greater chance of success than trying to scrape up Euros to fund it in a period of externally imposed austerity.
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CPAC 2012: No Ronald Reagan In The Room
Ronald Reagan is definitely the archetypal charismati
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