Right on, Senator Finegold!!
The Death Penalty is a primitive ritual that legitimizes vengeance in the guise of Justice. With a Justice System as flawed and corrupt as we have in the United States, where Judges, DAs and Cops have all been found wanting of ethics and morality at one time or another, in a Nation where some States are willing to execute minorities or the retarded for the sheer pagentry of it ... there needs to be another way to punish the guilty besides a system where the accidental execution of an innocent is an acceptable byproduct.
Barry Sheck's "The Innocence Project" has already rescued 234 wrongfully convicted citizens from Prison, including a good percentage from Death Row. (www.innocenceproject.org/) so wrongfully convicted citizens on Death Row isn't a myth, and the bottom line is that the United States cannot murder the innocent due to Judicial incompetence or malfeasance.
Good for you, Senator Finegold.
About Bill Richardson
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