Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rush Limbaugh At CPAC: Doubles Down On Wanting Obama To Fail (VIDEO)
"... They hoped George Bush failed. So what is so strange about being honest and saying I want Barack Obama to fail if his mission is to restructure and reform this country so that capitalism and individual liberty are not its foundation?"
Capitalism and Liberty isn't what Rush is afraid of losing ... it's the Collapse of the Corporate Oligarchy that funds him and the loss of his place at the table of the New World Order's Global Banquet of Born Again Feudalism.
About President Obama
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Obama To Lobbyists: I'm Ready To Fight (VIDEO)
Anyone who thought the fight for what's right ended on November 4th, 2008 was mistaken ... that was just one battle won.
We must not let the fire we brought to the campaign die. President Obama gets it so must we.
Lobbyists, Corporations, MSM, those embracing the Status Quo, they are our adversaries and will be for the foreseeable future. We must scan the horizon for the next ploy. We must bare our incisors, ready for confrontation ... we must maintain the desire to win. We must continue the fight for nothing of lasting value for the American people has come without a fight.
To Fight is to Win!
Let's Win.
About Obama Budget
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
Obama Budget Projects $1.75 Trillion Deficit
I feel that one thing Obama really needs to do, in addition to rolling out the Stimulus and his Budget Proposals, is keep hammering on the legacy nature of the problems the Nation faces. Already the GOP is trying to spin the crisis as something Obama caused. I have even heard the argument that Obama's responsibility predates his taking office because he was the "Real President" after November 4th and Bush was just a lame duck.
I like what the Obama Administration is doing so far but I would frame this huge crisis as a multiple car auto accident with severe injuries. The Obama Administration is like the Fire, Police and EMT personnel that arrives on the scene and tries to do the best they can for the injured ... but they didn't cause the accident, whose aftermath they are addressing, to start with.
The Republicans own this mess ... the Wars, the Economy, everything. The Obama Administration must not give them any opportunity to wriggle out of that responsibility.
About Obama Budget
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Obama Tax Raise: Looks To Raise Taxes On The Affluent To Pay For Health Care
Raising Taxes on the Rich is a good idea in general. The American People, through their government, have provided a system where individuals and corporations can convert their talents and efforts into wealth like no other place on Earth. That opportunity should be considered "pay to play" with taxes being the buy in to the game. If the wealthy don't like it they can move abroad and try to compete in other systems where hiding their wealth from the taxman would be the least of their worries.
Insofar as paying for Universal Single Payer Health Care by taxing the rich, I don't agree. A Universal Single Payer Health Care program would be best served by a slight, across the board, consumption tax. In a design like that everyone pays a little into the service every time they buy something, and you can do away with further problems of wealthier Americans claiming they carry the weight of Health Care for everyone. Tax the Rich for sure, but tax everyone for Universal Health Care so no one group can use their economic leverage to tamper with the system in the future.
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Why Healthcare Can't Wait
Gentlemen thank you for sharing your opinions. There is no good argument against Universal Single Payer Health Care for all Americans. Every argument uttered is the same old stale talking points that don't stand up to intelligent analysis.
Our major economic competitors have health care for their citizens, which takes the burden off of their businesses and makes them more successful. A Universal Health Care program would eliminate the tragic stories of Americans having to declare bankruptcy while dealing with a catastrophic illness. We would be able to eliminate future Medicare and Medicaid shortfalls. We would be able to grant access to our Veterans in a new Universal System so they could go to whatever doctor they choose instead of dealing with the limitations of the VA system. It's a win all the way around.
If it were my plan I would pay for it all with a slight consumption tax ... it would be painless, spread the cost to everyone and likely provide a surplus to help finance new procedures and even aid in financing R&D for companies like Mr Kindler's.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth about the dreaded "Canadian System" is such a red herring. We already have successful HMO models that can be utilized for a government plan, so it wouldn't be reinventing the wheel. The Kaiser Permanente model strikes me a good place to start ... I have been more then pleased with there services for decades.
Let's get Health Care for all Americans done!
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Our major economic competitors have health care for their citizens, which takes the burden off of their businesses and makes them more successful. A Universal Health Care program would eliminate the tragic stories of Americans having to declare bankruptcy while dealing with a catastrophic illness. We would be able to eliminate future Medicare and Medicaid shortfalls. We would be able to grant access to our Veterans in a new Universal System so they could go to whatever doctor they choose instead of dealing with the limitations of the VA system. It's a win all the way around.
If it were my plan I would pay for it all with a slight consumption tax ... it would be painless, spread the cost to everyone and likely provide a surplus to help finance new procedures and even aid in financing R&D for companies like Mr Kindler's.
The wailing and gnashing of teeth about the dreaded "Canadian System" is such a red herring. We already have successful HMO models that can be utilized for a government plan, so it wouldn't be reinventing the wheel. The Kaiser Permanente model strikes me a good place to start ... I have been more then pleased with there services for decades.
Let's get Health Care for all Americans done!
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Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bank Of America CEO Lewis: We Can "Make It Through This Downturn On Our Own"
Let's make one thing perfectly clear ... The Bank Lewis runs is NATIONS BANK, not Bank of America.
AP Gianini's Bank of America was an actual bank ... Hugh McColl's Nations Bank was a fake bank that owed its success to Merger and Acquisition not banking. Hostile Takeovers and leveraged buyouts are Nations Banks success story, its only innovations those it acquired.
The story goes that McColl commissioned multiple focus groups to determine the name of the post BofA takeover ... the story was he wanted them to declare Nations Bank the winner but they kept on choosing Bank of America, so McColl begrudgingly accepted Bank of America and relocated the headquarters from San Francisco to Charlotte, North Carolina (World Class City There).
A friend of mine who was at a post merger meeting with a Nations Bank Executive heard him drawl out to the Bank Americans in attendance "We might be called Bank or America, but don't kid yourselves, We're Nations Bank."
So the bank on the brink of collapse is Hugh McColl's monstrosity not AP Gianini's jewel.
McColl, Lewis, and the Coulter, the last CEO of BofA who was bamboozled by McColl had better hope there isn't an afterlife, because if there is, AP is waiting there to escort them to the Gates of Hell.
About Bank Of America
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AP Gianini's Bank of America was an actual bank ... Hugh McColl's Nations Bank was a fake bank that owed its success to Merger and Acquisition not banking. Hostile Takeovers and leveraged buyouts are Nations Banks success story, its only innovations those it acquired.
The story goes that McColl commissioned multiple focus groups to determine the name of the post BofA takeover ... the story was he wanted them to declare Nations Bank the winner but they kept on choosing Bank of America, so McColl begrudgingly accepted Bank of America and relocated the headquarters from San Francisco to Charlotte, North Carolina (World Class City There).
A friend of mine who was at a post merger meeting with a Nations Bank Executive heard him drawl out to the Bank Americans in attendance "We might be called Bank or America, but don't kid yourselves, We're Nations Bank."
So the bank on the brink of collapse is Hugh McColl's monstrosity not AP Gianini's jewel.
McColl, Lewis, and the Coulter, the last CEO of BofA who was bamboozled by McColl had better hope there isn't an afterlife, because if there is, AP is waiting there to escort them to the Gates of Hell.
About Bank Of America
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Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Limbaugh: Trying To Understand A Dem Like Trying To Understand A Murderer Or Rapist
Rush is starting to meltdown like the character in Poe's "Tell Tale Heart" ... he hears the beating of the heart beneath the floorboards of his studio ... oh, he'll try to ignore it ... he'll try ...
but the ,,, th-thump ... th-thump ,,, th-thump ... will continue. He'll rail on the President, on Pelosi, Reid, MoveOn .... the liberals .... but the th-thump ,,, th-thump ... th-thump will continue ...
"Why won't it stop?" Rush's eyes will dart about the room. "Why won't it STOP!?!"
it's only a matter of time ... th-thump ... th-thump ... th-thump ... before you know it he'll be on his knees, sweating, tearing at the floorboards ... foaming ... ranting ... "The Fairness Doctrine!!!!!" .... "LIBERALS!!!!"
"DAMN YOU!" .... DAMN YOU!!!"
His fingernails gone ... his linoleum floor shredded ... "STOP!!!" ... "STOP!!!!"
But the disembodied heart of Edward R Murrow will continue to beat beneath his Studio Floor ... mocking him.
th-thump ... th-thump ... th-thump ...
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Obama Opposes 'Fairness Doctrine' Revival
The argument against the Fairness Doctrine is asinine. "Well, we have the internet now so why do we need balanced content on the public airwaves?" Answer, there are still millions of more Americans getting their information via the radio on an hourly basis than from the internet. If we were so amazingly wired coast to coast then the transition from analog to digital television signals wouldn't have been postponed.
Another point, Rush didn't get a 400 million dollar contract because he is a quaint novelty ... he received it because he is a potent propaganda weapon for the Right. There are vast areas of the United States that are only covered by Right Wing radio. A constant drone of Rightest, Corporate propaganda hour after hour after hour.
You know what it is called when a subject is bombarded with a message until they accept it? Social engineering ... brain washing, if you will. There is no difference between the monotone Rightest message pumped into the back waters of America and what the Allies did against the Nazis with Radio Free Europe and the US did against bastions of communism during the Cold War through Voice of America ... Propaganda ... Domestic Psy-Warfare.
You want to flush the Fairness Doctrine? You want to leave the uneven distribution of ideas in America as it stands? Fine ... but don't kid yourself, in a very meaningful way, Rush Wins.
About Barack Obama
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New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate
Well, the New York Post needs to maintain their subscriber base of right wing mental deficients so they throw a fistful of racist peanuts into their reader's cage in the form of this cartoon.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Mining The Gold Of Their Own Disaster.
James, President Obama is really caught between a rock and a hard place on this one. First, the last time the American people were in this type of situation was the 1930's, so there is an awful lot of denial still within the population as to the extent of the crisis, which gives traction to GOP criticism of the President's strategy to those who still think there is an easy fix I also understand that President Obama probably feels that he has to keep the optimism up and not let on all he knows about the severity of our predicament in order to prevent panic ... this I think is a mistake.
President Obama needs to build a direct bridge with the American people in a non-partisan fashion ... no one asks the political alignment of the EMT. Police Officer, or Fireman that responds to their 911 call. President Obama needs to be the nation's first responder in order to get the government moving in a direction to resolve this problem ... that requires honest disclosure of where we find ourselves and who is at fault, be it Republican or Democrat.
The only way to prevent the GOP from commandeering the national dialogue is complete, brutal explanation and disclosure from the Bully Pulpit. Full, non-partisan disclosure from President Obama would disarm any Republican gamesmanship they had planned in my opinion, and put them on notice to get to work.
About President Obama
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President Obama needs to build a direct bridge with the American people in a non-partisan fashion ... no one asks the political alignment of the EMT. Police Officer, or Fireman that responds to their 911 call. President Obama needs to be the nation's first responder in order to get the government moving in a direction to resolve this problem ... that requires honest disclosure of where we find ourselves and who is at fault, be it Republican or Democrat.
The only way to prevent the GOP from commandeering the national dialogue is complete, brutal explanation and disclosure from the Bully Pulpit. Full, non-partisan disclosure from President Obama would disarm any Republican gamesmanship they had planned in my opinion, and put them on notice to get to work.
About President Obama
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Monday, February 16, 2009
Winning the Economic Argument: Show Opponents This Graph, and Ask Them to Explain
Paul, the Republicans require Americans to be ignorant and frightful in order to maintain a base and further their aims. The graph is marvelously, and dramatically demonstrative of FDR's success at pulling the United States out of the Great Depression, however, those traditional supporters of the GOP you would share this graph with would need the capacity to accurately interpret its findings. There was a time when American School Children could name the capitals of Europe, now identifying the United States on the map of the world is iffy for even some American adults.
For anyone of reasonable education your graph explains the facts of FDR's success ... but we don't live in a nation of reasonably educated people.
About Taxes
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For anyone of reasonable education your graph explains the facts of FDR's success ... but we don't live in a nation of reasonably educated people.
About Taxes
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Japanese Finance Minister Appears Drunk At G7 Meeting (VIDEO)
If I were the Japanese Finance Minister ... I'd be drunk too.
About Japan
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GOP 'Salt Marsh Mouse' Stimulus Strategy Assailed By Conservatives
The Republicans are currently bereft of talent at the money positions of their party. It seems appropriate they would utilize the Salt Marsh Mouse to gird their political loins for battle with President Obama and the Dems.
And nothing rallies the GOP troops like the muffled, seemingly semi-inebriated sobs which constitute John Boehner's battle cry.
About Stimulus Package
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"The House GOP Is Back": Republicans Promote Stimulus Opposition With Aerosmith
Probably the 200th time it has been mentioned, but wouldn't the Fixx's "Saved by Zero" be more appropriate than Aerosmith?
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Saturday, February 14, 2009
Nouriel Roubini: Only Way To Save US Banking System Is To Nationalize It
How can the US Government hope to cover the Banking System's trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars in toxic assets at a few measly hundred billion at a time? Let's get serious here.
If President Obama's economic team wants to pull a Slim Pickens and "yippy-ay-aay" its way to a complete world financial meltdown riding Milton Friedman's warhead of failed economic policy then they need to be replaced.
Nationalize the Banks and lets stop pretending we can resurrect the dead.
About Federal Reserve
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Congress Sets New Limits On Wall Street Bonuses
It's satisfying to obtain a pound of flesh from the CEO's, but let us not forget that this is one of the reasons for their huge paychecks to start with ... the willingness to take the fall.
If we want to get at the heart of the problems of Corporate America and draw a keener focus on the area screaming for reform we need to roll up our sleeves and get into the muck of interlocking corporate boards and the outside organizations the ubiquitous board members belong to,
An online database of corporate board members and their affiliations would go a long way towards resolving the picture of who controls the corporations and what the driving force of their direction might be.
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If we want to get at the heart of the problems of Corporate America and draw a keener focus on the area screaming for reform we need to roll up our sleeves and get into the muck of interlocking corporate boards and the outside organizations the ubiquitous board members belong to,
An online database of corporate board members and their affiliations would go a long way towards resolving the picture of who controls the corporations and what the driving force of their direction might be.
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Putting Kids In Jail For Profit
Dave, the problem is the laws are too lenient in the United States for heinous acts such as this. These judges and the authorities of these for profit detainment centers and, for that matter anyone having direct knowledge of this practice, should face capital punishment. These Judges and their cohorts in crime are institutional kidnappers who have taught 5000 children the opposite of Justice.
Let the punishment fit the crime, these Judges have betrayed their oaths and used the authority of the bench to engage in criminal conspiracy which perverted Justice for benefit of personal profit.
And lets not kid ourselves, just like Corporate America wants to take over the public schools and create centers of controlled knowledge that will produce a pliant labor force with a monochrome worldview... the ultimate goal of these privately run Prisons, with inmates of dubious guilt, is the creation of an incarcerated corporate slave labor force whose work product falls under the auspices of "paying one's debt to society."
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Let the punishment fit the crime, these Judges have betrayed their oaths and used the authority of the bench to engage in criminal conspiracy which perverted Justice for benefit of personal profit.
And lets not kid ourselves, just like Corporate America wants to take over the public schools and create centers of controlled knowledge that will produce a pliant labor force with a monochrome worldview... the ultimate goal of these privately run Prisons, with inmates of dubious guilt, is the creation of an incarcerated corporate slave labor force whose work product falls under the auspices of "paying one's debt to society."
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Friday, February 06, 2009
WATCH LIVE: Senators Discuss Tentative Stimulus Deal
I have to say, when I see the polls of Americans that are against this Stimulus Bill, and I look at the reasons forwarded I am amazed. It is obvious that people are not recognizing the gravity of the situation. Trillions upon Trillions of dollars in value have evaporated from the Markets and the evaporation of capital can only get worse if efforts to stabilize the economy aren't applied. When a conservative like Ben Stein appears on multiple business shows and is screaming that money has to be pumped into the economy immediately he isn't playing around. This type of approach towards managing the economy is not Ben Stein's way. He is frightened, Economists from all sides of the political spectrum are terrified. We are looking at a Worldwide Economic Meltdown that the American approach over the last 29 years has caused. The ramifications are huge in both the short and long term.
As Obama said "This is not a game." The current mindset displayed by many Americans reminds me of those who went to picnic at the first skirmish of the Civil War.
"War! How grand, we must see!"
They saw, and after the first skirmish there weren't many picnics held going forward. Folks, this is bad with the potential of being far worse than most of us can imagine ... we should not pretend that this is a normal part of the Business cycle anymore than Katrina was your run of the mill Hurricane.
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009
<i>NYT</i>: Daschle Should Step Aside
If Daschle were to step aside there is this other guy ... I think he used to be the Governor of Vermont ... A DOCTOR even ... who might be a good fit for the job.
His name is Dean ... Howard Dean ... has anyone besides me heard of him?
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Sunday, February 01, 2009
Bailed Out Banks Sought Foreign Workers For High-Paying Jobs: AP
I recall during the High Tech Boom Times of the 90's that American tech employees had Corporate America wrapped around their finger. There wasn't enough tech talent available. The tech talent that was available was flighty and would jump from job to job in order to ladder up their incomes creating instability for Corporate IT departments. Frankly US Business got sick and tired of acquiescing to the demands, cost and arrogance of American Tech employees. Add to that that in the drought of tech talent there were so many impostors floating around with padded résumés that many employers couldn't tell what they hired until they screwed something up or never produced.
Enter India, China, and Russia ... Nations hungry for opportunity and turning out high quality engineers like puppies from a puppy mill.
Corporate America had it's answer.
I would argue that today's foreign tech workers exhibit the same qualities as the chinese workers that were brought over by American Business to work on the railroads.
1. The had the requisite skills.
2. They were plentiful.
3. They were cheap.
4. They were disposable.
Add to that the benefit of diluting the power of American Labor (always the goal of Corporate America) and we arrive at the place we are now.
About Recession
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