Paul, the article below discusses this topic as well:
Why Male Military Veterans Are Committing Sexual Assault at Alarming Rates
By Lucinda Marshall, AlterNet. Posted May 25, 2007. the Philippine Bases, pre 1992, you had an R&R industry available to US Military personnel that was a virtual emporium of deviance and misogyny. When you have a culture of anything goes, where men can engage and explore any perversion they like without oversight ... you have a problem.
A guy goes into some of these Hooker Towns that cater to Military Men (they exist outside every US foreign base to be sure) and they are going to come away with some pretty bad habits. Today, places like Korea, Thailand and Okinawa, have woman and children provided to the brothels through human trafficking, and they are slaves. It is a leap of faith to believe that men who develop tastes and and a mindset of degrading woman in a Military Sex Resort, are going to abandon them when stationed with females in isolated Iraq, or even when they return stateside.
Blowback occurs when the Military allows abuse of women in one context and prohibits it in another ... not all male soldiers, to be sure, are the problem. The US Military, however, has to re-evaluate acceptable behavior towards all women, not just American, and not just in uniform, in order to avoid misogynistic imprinting on some of our troops, that can lead to abuses.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost