This is a dirty tricks game. The Republican
s are engaging in good old fashioned Nixonian RatFu*king
. Brietbart was behind this operation to smear Weiner because he is an effective Progressiv
e with fight in him and since the Republican
s are nothing but a bunch of Invasion of the Body Snatcher pod-lings, they lack the intellectu
al capacity to keep up with him in the political argument. So the corporate media in collusion with Andrew "Peter Pettigrew" Brietbart'
s smear squad peddles a crotch Photo Shop controvers
y at a time Weiner's voice is needed ... loud and unencumber
ed ... in this budget fight.
Is there not one LBJ style politician in the Democratic party that can counter this BS? One merciless S O B that can bring a member of Republican leadership out to dinner at a fancy DC restaurant and drop a package of compromisi
ng evidence that would signal the end of his career, family, and maybe Federal Incarcerat
ion? We're talking about arrogant Republican
s here. A target rich environmen
t of felonious and immoral behavior. When are Democrats going to start exploiting this weakness and putting the screws to them?
Weiner did nothing wrong here, but we know that isn't the case for the Republican
s, someone in the Democratic Party, PLEASE, drop the hammer!!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost